(Prolifer)ations 2-15-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
Be sure to check out ProLifeNZ, our newest addition to the blogroll!
- Michael J. New addresses several things overlooked in a NY Times article by Linda Greenhouse, who uses Shirley Chisholm and the civil-rights movement to justify abortion.
- ProLifeNZ reports the heartbreaking story of Len Blackaby, who lost his wife and 28-week unborn daughter to a drunk driver. The driver could not be prosecuted for the daughter’s death, according to NZ law. Blackaby has vowed to fight to change the law.
- MN Citizens Concerned for Life points out the pro-life advantage of having truth and love – truth founded on scientific fact and love in the philosophy that all human beings deserve respect. This is in stark contrast to the current Planned Parenthood scandals, which reveal “the profound moral error at the core of an organization that must deny truth and love so as to destroy life.”
- The Lost Generation spotlights Save the Storks – a pregnancy resource bus campaign which has had wonderful results offering free counseling and ultrasounds to abortion vulnerable women outside abortion clinics:
Save The Storks Promo from SavetheStorks on Vimeo
- Live Action pulls out another sound bite from the so-called” professionals” in one of the undercover PP videos from VA. The staffer advises the man posing as a pimp with STD symptoms to go to a blood donation center to be tested for free. Apparently, blood donation facilities have had to put policies in place to prevent this sort of abuse – and besides that, doesn’t PP get $363M per year of our taxes to do STD testing?
- Ethika Politika takes on the argument of twinning and the issue of the humanity of the embryos.
- Mark Crutcher discusses the “organized crime” of Planned Parenthood, and how it is nothing new. Life Dynamics did an “undercover investigation in 2002 by calling over 850 PP and National Abortion Federation facilities across America with a young woman portraying a 13-year-old pregnant by her 22-year-old boyfriend and needed to get a secret abortion.” Though some counselors advised the caller of the illegality of the relationship and the reporting requirement, 90% + failed to follow through with this and advised the caller on how to circumvent the laws.
- Moral Outcry addresses the issue of choosing life for our children even when it might be painful and shares a video of Selah singer Todd Smith and his wife Angie, whose 4th daughter, Audrey Caroline, was found to have abnormalities incompatible with life at 18 weeks:
I’m a fan of many Selah songs, so of course I had to watch the video. What a story… it was beautiful.
I visited her blog afterward and I am so very distressed to read the entry from January 2008 in which she describes the doctor visit when they learned of Audrey’s health problems. This paragraph in particular:
“The geneticist came in and guided us to her office. She was so kind, so gentle. She herself had lost 4 babies. One she carried to term with full knowledge of her impending death, and at least one other she chose to release from the womb. She recommended the latter in my case and I think she gave a lot of good reasons why that would make sense. I just nodded and focused on breathing.”
“…one other she chose to release from the womb”??? Is that supposed to be a gentle, caring way to describe abortion? Is that the “Christian” way to describe it now?
And “I think she gave a lot of good reasons why that would make sense”??? Good reasons? It makes sense?
This is heartbreaking to me. If this is indeed the attitude among Protestant Christians, then something is very, very wrong.
Did she indicate that the dr. was a Christian?
Jennifer, I agree. That kind of wording does not sit well with me at all. :(