Vandals destroy Bronx pregnancy care center; “They even stole our Pampers.”
They even stole the Pampers. Click all photos to enlarge.
Chris Slattery, founder and president of EMC Frontline Pregnancy Care Centers, a group of 12 pccs located throughout the New York City area, told he thought it was likely “drug addicts seeking some quick cash” who burglarized and vandalized EMC’s South Bronx location last night.
Not so fast. With Slattery and EMC at the center of the opposition against NYC’s recently passed hostile law forcing pccs to post signage that they do not commit abortions, my first thought was the vandals were hostile pro-aborts. Would run-of-the-mill ne’er do wells go so far as to tear up the floors?
I think not. Seems to me someone(s) wanted to render EMC South Bronx inoperable. Slattery wrote in an email the thugs “shattered windows, stole all of our audio visual equipment, destroyed displays and supplies, tore up the ceiling, doors, and floor. They even broke into our supply closet and stole our Pampers.”
Slattery reported staff is already starting to pick up the pieces. Obviously EMC could use donations, and quick.
In other news, Slattery reported he has hired Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice and will make “a major announcement tomorrow about our fight to save the life centers in New York.” is reporting, as expected, Slattery will sue NYC to overturn the aforementioned law as a violation of free speech. Indeed, a US District Court agreed in January that a similar Baltimore law was unconstitutional.

Not random, period.
This is hardly random. This is a warning as to what is to come. Many pro aborts are violent people that will stop at nothing. Look at those pictures. Nobody burglarizing would tear up a floor or ceiling. And think about what they took. They knew what they were looking for and we are not talking about the stupid pampers. They got ALL of their ultrasound equipment. The very thing that is a huge weapon against abortion.
Now, really….why would robbers tear up the floor like that? This is nothing less than targetted destruction/ intimidation…
I wonder how the liberal MSM would spin this?
I truly hope the police are treating this as a real crime and handling the scene appropriately.
You have a good point, Mark. Why would addicts steal an ultrasound machine? Where could they sell it? Druggies come in and take whatever they can sell as quick as possible. I know because I had my house robbed by drug addicts. They took the tv, my computer, and some jewelry. They didn’t come in and cause wanton destruction like this. My floors were left intact!
We don’t have any proof that abortion sympathizers did this, of course, but if they did, this makes me really ANGRY. The South Bronx is a really poor area and the women that are coming there are most likely women of color. Not that women of color are any more special than anyone else, but the pro-aborts are always claiming that we don’t care about minorities or poor people.
I urge everyone reading this to send them a few bucks (luckily for me, payday is tomorrow)!
. . . and of course, I will send them a few million when I win the Powerball on Saturday ;-)
Are those fetal models thrown among the ripped up floor boards? Makes me think of Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart. Have to agree with the other posters: no drug addict would go to that extreme.
Thank you for the donation link. I would love to hear about some prolifers in the area with the skills to get this CPC up and running ASAP donating some labor, too.
I read “audio visual equipment.”
I hope EMC notifies area churches and charities that they are dire need of donated items and repair services. How much would an alarm system connected to the police station cost them?
Praying for all PRC’s workers. God bless.
(Donating too.)
Hi phillymiss,
Does it get any lower than ripping off women and children in need?
I’m so sorry to hear of your home being robbed. Most important is that you and none of your family members were injured or killed.
I had to chuckle however when you asked about unloading an ultrasound machine.
Not exactly something a doctor or hospital buys from the local fence and not something that can be discreetly hidden or exchanged for drugs on the street. Also rather obvious, as well as highly suspicious, to the cop patrolling the street that you’re hauling around an ultrasound machine!
Hi Mark,
Until the perps are caught we can make no assumptions as to who committed this act of violence and should avoid the temptation to do so.
Just as I have told PA posters they should not make assumptions that PL people were responsible for acts of vandalism until the perps were caught.
Anyone for whatever sick reason can commit an act of vandalism. Maybe this center was just an easy mark.
vandalism….really? cause pro-aborts are SO non-violent…….
Mary, thanks for the concern, but nobody was there except the stupid cats, and they probably just ran and hid.
Whoops, it does look like it said audiovisual equipment, not ultrasound. My bad!
Here’s an interesting article on SLATE about what “really” happens in a pregnancy help center.
It’s not as biased as I thought it would be, but as for the comments — the usual stuff from the usual suspects.
The commenters are afraid the religious PRC Centers might give women cooties or something. Sooooo irrational. I wonder if they’d reject a bottle of scotch from a priest?
Have faith Chris – God has a way of using such activities to His advantage.
Only better things are coming…
If this do this when the tree is green, then what will they do when the tree is dry?
Janet — of course not, as long as he was an Episcopalian priest.
Phillymiss, in another article I read about this online they did say ultrasound equipment so you may be right. I don’t know if its audio visual or ultrasound too.
Praying you win the powerball so you can throw some millions their way ;-)
Ah…. you might be right!
Good luck on powerball!
Seriously, remind me never to read Slate again. I read enough crap on these boards as it is.
Nope, no “I-already-made-up-my-mind-before-I-looked-into-CPCs” bias there. Two sentences about the things CPCs offer to women who need them – you know, those women who decide to actually have and keep their babies – the stuff pro-aborts claim we DON’T do enough of?? Yeah. That stuff. Two sentences.
And then this. This obvious, OBVIOUS targeting of a CPC. Hey, criminals who did this, guess who you hurt by doing this? WOMEN. That’s right. WOMEN. MOTHERS who need help. Women who deserve to hear the truth about fetal development. Women who get free parenting classes, diapers, clothes – and I’m talking PAST the baby stage kind of clothes, here. My CPC offered clothes up to size 5T.
But I guess none of that matters because the pro-“choice” movement is hell bent on one thing and one thing only – destruction. Destruction of life, destruction of property – it’s all the same to you. If you can destroy life, there is truly nothing you won’t destroy.
So next time a Planned Parenthood experiences an act of vandalism, we should immediately blame those who are “pro-life?”
Yes, the floor damage says a lot! Extemists operate by one rule: the ends justifies the means.
So next time a Planned Parenthood experiences an act of vandalism, we should immediately blame those who are “pro-life?”
Pretty sure that already happens, CC.
Funny, I’m trying to find mainstream media reports (NY Daily News, New York Post) that document this atrocity. All I can find are links to Jill’s piece.
But if they stole the Pampers, you folks should be happy cuz they’re going to a baby that wasn’t aborted.
CC, there are several people here who said to wait and see who was responsible for this.
Meanwhile, I’ve sent in my $25.00 bucks! Wish I could send $2,500!
Shouldn’t this be reported in a mainstream media outlet? I’m surprised that NY Post )Murdoch = pro-life) isn’t reporting it.
There is a plethora of TV media outlets around NY City and I can’t find any reports. Why isn’t Fox covering this?
If it was a random act of vandalism, yuck and how despicable. All destructive acts of vadalism are yuck and despicable. (I make exception for those two funny guys that go around the US correcting grammar on signs in public parks and things. They are funny!)
If it was an act against the CPC by an abortion fan, I add to yuck this: they got their ruling against CPCs, they’ve got a 40% general abortion rate in the NYC area, plus a specifically 60% abortion rate among African American pregnant women. Sore winners? If so, then yes. If so, then someone is interested in seeing a 100% abortion rate. Maybe such a vandal would also target FAO Schwartz on a continuing campaign to cleanse the city of children. Wasn’t that a story line in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang??
We agree. Vandalism, regardless of where it is, is very yuk. It’s so senseless.
Yes, the media should be covering it. Who knows why they aren’t? Are you implying that this is all made up and Chris Slattery did this himself (kinda like those “fake” abortion pics . . .)
Doohey!? I just agreed with CC on another thread, and CC just agreed with me on this thread?! Wow, there’s some planetary shift going on or something, lol!
These idiots think they’ll be seen as pro-choice if they take away all other choices except abortion. They want abortion to be the only option for women. Failing that, they want to convince women that abortion is the only option for them. Sixty percent of African American pregnancies in NYC are aborted, as well as 40% of all pregnancies there. But that isn’t enough for the pro-aborts. Too many wome in NYC are choosing life for their babies. So they have to cut back on the options by removing the Crisis Pregnancy Centers that provide those options.
One thing the hard core pro-aborts are NOT is pro-choice. Although they cry about choice for public consumption, they want no other choices except abortion to be allowed.
Don’t expect this to be reported in the mainstream media. They are in the tank for the abortion industry. They want the public to think that all pro-abortion people are gentle, loving, non-violent, caring, and humane people. They also want the public to think that all pro-life people are hateful, evil, cruel, violent, and oppressive. These are the strerotypes the MSM wants to promote. Any news that shows these stereotypes to be false is simply not reported. That means this event won’t be.
I wouldn’t rule out insurance fraud or a publicity/money-begging stunt. This certainly looks suspicious.
Funny, I’m trying to find mainstream media reports (NY Daily News, New York Post) that document this atrocity. All I can find are links to Jill’s piece.
Gee, I wonder why that is.
But if they stole the Pampers, you folks should be happy cuz they’re going to a baby that wasn’t aborted.
Of course, because in topsy-turvy world, theft is awesome! But how do you know they didn’t just throw the Pampers in the trash, or take them to Wal-Mart to get money back, or sell them elsewhere? You don’t. And I’m guessing if someone stole your belongings, it’s unlikely you’d be “happy cuz they’re going to someone who needs them more than you do.”
I am going to have to agree with those who have said that we don’t know who did this yet. We don’t. It wouldn’t surprise me if the people behind it were pro-abortion, but until we know that, leaping to conclusions is…well…a leap.
If it’s a money-begging stunt, then an awful lot of the money they’d get in would have to go to replace broken windows and rebuild floors. Not exactly a winning fundraising tactic, ya think?
And let me go on the record here and say that if someone associated with EMC did this for publicity, then they should be prosecuted.
Each side has it’s nuts. Our side has the people that go so far as to blow up clinics and shoot abortionists. I hope the days of extreme measures are behind the pro-life side. It’s a sad thing that’s happened. Hopefully one day the country will realize that our side had more peace and joy didn’t resort to violence.
“If it’s a money-begging stunt, then an awful lot of the money they’d get in would have to go to replace broken windows and rebuild floors. Not exactly a winning fundraising tactic, ya think?”
That all depends on how many right-wing blogs they can get to pick up the story (or the real prize, Fox News). Though it would certainly be a gamble. Between that and insurance fraud, I’d have to go with insurance fraud.
Joan: our CPC truther.
The mother ship called to say you weren’t at the designated pick-up point. They can’t hover over earth indefinitely because the cloaking device is running out of fizzy-pop from Mars.
Thanks for checking in.
CC says:
So next time a Planned Parenthood experiences an act of vandalism, we should immediately blame those who are “pro-life?”
CC: Planned Parenthood ends the lives of over 330,000 unborn babies a year. Vandalism is the least of our concerns.
Oh, Joan. We can always count on you.
Anyway: we cannot jump the gun here. Whether this building was targeted because it is a CPC or whether it is a random act of vandalism, we must be slow to point fingers. I agree with the general consensus here that all vandalism (and extremism) is to be despised. But I hope that they can get their feet on the ground quickly and go back to serving women around the area.
Impossible; it’s just not possible that a CPC had diapers stolen from it. Why not? Because they wouldn’t have diapers. Everyone knows that pro-lifers don’t care about babies after they’re born, so it makes no sense for them to have diapers there.
/Robert Berger
Precisely what I was going to say, John ! Bravo !
“But if they stole the Pampers, you folks should be happy cuz they’re going to a baby that wasn’t aborted.”
CC, odds are that whoever stole the Pampers had little-to-no experience with diaper leakage or they would have left the Pampers and taken the Huggies instead.
It’s in the South Bronx….that pretty much says it all…
I worked at this Bronx Center during an internship with EMC over the winter of 2009-2010. Everyone there was exceedingly warm and gracious. I am horrified that this act of vandalism has happened. The conversations and care that women receive there are extremely important, several thousand women go there each year needing information and help. My constant prayers are with Liz and Chris.
When did all this ‘pro-lifers don’t care about the children that have been born’ start? It’s been showed that conservatives donate way more money to relief funds and charities then liberals do. The conservatives setup programs to help people further themselves and the liberals want to keep people poor and stupid. But hey, it’s easier to convince the poor and stupid people to trade their vote for a welfare check than it is the educated.
JFTR, I am a different Clarice from the one who posted at 8:46 AM. :)
I am also appalled at this vandalism. It’s certainly suspicious, considering how hostile NYC is to pro-lifers. However, we must consider that the floor damage might mean one or more of the robbers was on PCP. Users can have violent outbursts, and the drug dulls pain so they are more likely to do things that could hurt them.
Regardless of who did this or why, everyone involved needs prayer.
Don’t expect this to be reported in the mainstream media. They are in the tank for the abortion industry. They want the public to think that all pro-abortion people are gentle, loving, non-violent, caring, and humane people. They also want the public to think that all pro-life people are hateful, evil, cruel, violent, and oppressive. These are the strerotypes the MSM wants to promote. Any news that shows these stereotypes to be false is simply not reported. That means this event won’t be.
I couldn’t have said it better myself. But until we know who did this, let’s not make assumptions.
Off-topic here, but please keep my sister in your prayers. She has an important job interview today (she’s been unemployed since November).
Also, the Mega Million lottery is $304 million! If I win I will treat everyone here to a nice Carribbean cruise. You’re invited too, CC and Megan, but remember you will be surrounded by the dreaded Christians :-0
May I ask- do CPC’s hand out cloth diapers, too? or only disposables? I’ve always wondered. I know the mom on welfare here, her caseworker told her, whilst pregnant and lacking a car, to go to all these different care agencies to beg for diapers. While the middle-class moms I knew would ask for old tee-shirts, and make cloth diapers, or have their friends make diapers, or receive bags of used cloth diapers. Is it a washing machine issue? I’m not trying to be un-compassionate, I just don’t know how this whole thing works.
For that matter, doesn’t the gov’t give diapers to the CPC? If not, why not? They send diapers to families with registered ill children, at least, they do to my former neighbor, and her child.
I can’t speak for all pregnancy centres, but mine offer both disposable and cloth diapers. All are donated by members of the community. We’ve never had to buy any, and we’ve never had any offered to us by a government program.
We give the cloth ones out on request, and the disposables have to be earned by the client by attending parent mentoring sessions.
Thank you. That always sounded so curious to me, and the only explanation I could come up with is that washing machines cost money, and aren’t necessarily at home, which would be piling sticks on the camel back.
You have to be kidding me John? You’re one to be talking seeing as pro choicers don’t care about the baby at any point in time. Are some of you people so dumb that you really think pro lifers dont care after the baby is born?! That’s why pregnancy centers including this one also offer clothes and diapers. Because no one cares right? Geez some of the ignorance on here really needs to go find somewhere else to troll.
On another note, most of the time vandalism happens where it can be seen don’t you think? If they vandalize something they want their work to be plainly seen, hence graffiti. If you look at the center from the street you can’t even tell. Nothing they stole is of any real value outside of that place, it was probably all dumped somewhere. They even threw a model of a fetus on the ground among the rubble. It screams pro abort group. Even in vandalism there would be absolutely no point in taking the effort to rip up the floors.
Hi Amber,
John is prolife.
It’s called sarcasm. :)
Considering the situation, it wasn’t very funny. Nor was it made clear in any part of that comment that it was sarcasm. Sorry for the misunderstanding then. It’s just that pro choicers really think like that and it pisses me off how dumb they are.
Wonder if anyone would remotely consider it a bias crime? You know, as we begin to usher in an age of increased anti-Christian behvior…
Sorry Amber. Sarcasm is difficult to communicate via text.
But, sadly, it is common for the pro-aborts to argue that pro-lifers don’t care about babies after they’re born, in spite of the mountain of evidence to the contrary.
Joan, if a prominent pro-lifer was found beaten into a coma on the side of a road, you’d probably claim they did it to themselves for the insurance money.
Joan is People’s Exhibit A that abortion hurts women. The break with reality and the paranoid delusions are a logical and inevitable outcome in many cases such as Joan’s.
My donation is completed! I also wish I could send more. I talked to Mr. Slattery earlier. The floor was worked on this past Saturday. They’re getting back up and running. He says this has happened several other times. Thank you for posting this story! My husband and I try to donate monthly to pro-life causes while refraining from eating out several times a month in order to be able to donate. Our boys say it’s for a great cause.