Donald Trump explains how he became pro-life
One thing about me, I’m a very honorable guy. I’m pro-life, but I changed my view a number of years ago. One of the reasons I changed — one of the primary reasons — a friend of mine’s wife was pregnant, in this case married. She was pregnant and he didn’t really want the baby. And he was telling me the story.
He was crying as he was telling me the story. He ends up having the baby and the baby is the apple of his eye. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him.
And you know here’s a baby that wasn’t going to be let into life. And I heard this, and some other stories, and I am pro-life.
~Potential Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, as quoted by CBN News, April 8

Glad to hear him say he’s pro-life, but the depth and strength of his convictions are unproven yet. What does “pro-life” mean to him? Does he think abortion should be legal only in some cases? What about ESCR? What about euthanasia? Would he work to overturn Roe? Would he appoint pro-life Justices? Lots of questions still. We have other potential candidates whose commitment to Life is tested and true.
Better yet, does he support the God-given, inalienable right to life our founders
spoke of in the Declaration of Independence ~ no exceptions ??
In other words, does he support the Personhood of the pre-born?
Glad that he states he is pro-life. But it is reported that he also supports a woman’s right to choose. What sort of judges would he select?
I would also add, is he educable about pro-life issues? Would he be open realizing that he is deficient in his understanding of pro-life by listening to people who were born as a result of rape? Would he be willing to learn about the different methods of abortion and listen to the testimonies of Gianna Jessen and Melissa Ohden?
I once claimed I was pro-life and then added….except in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother. I soon learned otherwise after that but I was OPEN to learning. It was shocking to me to learn all the different methods of abortion and their effects on the mother and baby.
What about coercion? Would the Donald be willing to learn about the Center for Forced Abortion? I am truly interested to know whether he is humble enough to recognize his areas of ignorance on subjects and to rectify it. I don’t know what he is really like.
Amen, Kay!!
btw It’s the Center Against Forced Abortion.
This statement does not sound convincing to me. If it’s true, sounds like it’s true based on emotion instead of fact, and emotion is fleeting.
Donald Trump is first and last and forever a ‘promoter’.
That is how he made his first billion.
He could convince muslims to invest in pork bellies.
He will tell people whatever he believes they want to hear in order to get them to invest in what he is selling.
When I hear Trump talk the word that comes to mind is ‘superficial’.
When I hear b o talk the word that come s to mind is ’empty’.
At least Trump has actually produced something.
b o is a blackhole [think astronomy, not anthropology] of dispair. He sucks the life, light and prosperity out of everything he touches.
Sorry but I just dont buy it. He saw what happened to Giuliani and doesn’t want to repeat his mistake.
If I were new to being pro-life, whether I was Donald Trump or a homeless person, I’d feel awfully alone if I was out of the pro-choice camp and pro-lifers didn’t believe me. Can we wait for him to do something incongruent with being pro-life before we get cynical, please?
That was just a preview of the interview that’s set to air on the 700 Club this week. Hopefully David Brody will needle him then.
“He ends up having the baby.”
Clarification: his wife ends up having the baby. Couvade syndrome or not.
Hi carder,
That’s good news! I think Raymond Arroyo of EWTN would do a good job interviewing Trump on pro-life issues. Any number of commenters here, including Jill, would too!
~ ~ ~
Thanks for posting the link to the Center Against Forced Abortion (CAFA). It’s great that women who feel coerced to abort have this easy to use resource at their fingertips! Do you think most, if not all, PRC’s and CPC’s have this information for their clients?
“He ends up having the baby.”Clarification: his wife ends up having the baby. Couvade syndrome or not.
That’s obvious. I think it’s sweet that Trump considers having a baby a collaborative effort between a husband and wife. It’s the opposite of the irresponsible male who creates a baby and runs away for dear life. (Now, let’s not talk about Trump’s divorces, as tempting as it may be, because that doesn’t take away from his sweet comment, IMHO.)
How is this for ‘trumpesque’:
I am the humblest man I know and I abhor intolerance.
your bro ken,
Does Trump mean “honorable” as in meriting a Nobel Prize or the like, or honest, as in “brutally”?
Trump is a shameless promoter, no doubt. And I am not taking him very seriously in his campaigning. But I agree with Marauder. We shouldn’t fall all over ourselves over this, but sometimes a conversion does start with a glimmer of an emotional recognition that hey, “that fetus that would have been aborted IS this child that we all love”. It all starts from there and I hope he is having a genuine conversion. To be honest, I will never in a million years support this guy, but I’m not going to knock his efforts towards life.
I have been involved in 3 forced abortions on facebook. Someone knows someone etc. I was able to connect them to this website AND the lawyer behind it. Allan Parker. A dear lawyer friend of The Justice Foundation and Operation Outcry.
Allan has brought trainings to many Pregnancy Centers and continues to try and get the word out. So do I. Especially to sidewalk counselors!! All forms should be copied and brought with you.
Restraining orders have been filed against parents, young girls have signed the form stating they are being FORCED to abort and abortionists in the immediate area are informed they CANNOT perform an abortion!!
So much for choice, eh?
That’s great, Carla. Thank you for your efforts and many blessings to you all! (I hope the forms are always sent by “registered mail” so they can be traced back if they end up in the trash at the abortuaries, not that it could ever happen.)
~ ~ ~
I read in an email today, according to Shawn Carney at 40 Days for Life, there are now 346 babies whose mothers have turned away from abortion — that they know of. Only seven days left in the spring campaign. All possible by the power of prayer of caring individuals like you! God bless!
Donald Trump about the White House:
“I can tell you I’m their worst nightmare. I am not the person they want to run against. They know it and I know it. I know it for a fact because I have alot of people that frankly are contributors to him and they tell me, Donald, you are not the person they want to run against.”
Tell you why I think he has a point:
Union members would more than likely vote for him. Not the thug bosses like Trumka, Stern, et al, but the common union folk, the ones that have had enough of the Obama shenanigans. Trump would appeal to them.
He’s raw and is so not afraid of saying anything about the prez, even if it’s off the wall.
Plus, he’d have the Big Money supporters on Wall Street, since he’s no stranger to their playground. The Wall Streeters would place their bets on someone who’s out to make a dollar for them, as opposed to someone who keeps demonizing them.
Now he’s out doing CBN interviews, to appeal to the social cons.
I’m not endorsing the guy, mind you. I still want to see the debates.
But he is deliciously shameless.
Just imagine him in the middles of the debate saying, “Barry. You’re fired!”
So, basically, he’s saying unborn babies shouldn’t be killed.
Yeah, I have no problem with that. Why do other pro-lifers? Good grief.
I was just looking up proof that Trump might be faking it, but came across an article published by Newsbusters last November that said this:
“After Trump simply described New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as “a little on the liberal side,” Stephanopoulos pounced, “Are you pro-choice?…Are you pro-choice?” Trump has claimed he is considering a presidential run and will make a decision next year. He replied that Stephanopoulos would probably be “surprised” by his opinion on abortion (but declined to give it during the interview.)”
So it may be that he actually did change his view. However, in looking at quotes of his, he has said, “No one is pro-abortion,” which we all know is a lie. I don’t know when he said this, but it’s certainly a strange thing for anyone who is pro-life, or on the way to changing views to pro-life, to say.
I still don’t trust the guy at all, though. I don’t really care for most big businesses, especially those that force people out of their homes, and harass and make life miserable for those who refuse to back down. He is currently forcing people to move from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, so he can expand his golf course. He is demanding about £20,000 to £50,000 in legal costs from Molly Forbes, an elderly widow who refuses to move.
Trump has done the same to other home owners, small business owners, and state parks in Atlantic City, NJ (the Vera Coking case (Casino Reinvestment Development Authority v. Coking), although there were others who were affected, as well – Coking was the only one who won), Yorktown, NY (which he eventually gave up, stating it would be competition to another nearby business of his), and other areas.
He also sued the town of Rancho Palos Verdes, CA for $100 million (five times the town’s annual budget). Town officials had refused to rename a local highway Trump National Drive, and forced him to cut down a row of 12ft trees he had planted to block views of low-cost housing from his golf course, which also blocked them from the coastal view that had kept up the value of their properties. They also held up plans for 20 luxury homes in the golf club grounds by demanding tough environmental and safety studies because of landslides in the area, which was really only protecting him from people suing for selling them homes which could easily be destroyed (landslides happen often on the coastal cliffs in So Cal).
Trump is really nothing but a big bully, and I refuse to support him. See this site:
Eminent Domain and Compulsory Purchase laws were not meant for the government to sell land to big business. They were meant to protect the public interest, not private enterprise. When the public are opposed to such projects, the government is supposed to stop those projects. That’s why we have city council meetings, to discuss the public’s view on such things. Properties taken by eminent domain are to be strictly reserved for public uses, such as public utilities, highways, and railroads, not private uses, which Trump’s businesses would fall under.
If he ever does become president, since he ignores property rights already, I don’t see much stopping him from changing many eminent domain laws, claiming much of the US as his own enterprise with which he’ll do with what he sees fit.
Donald Trump appears to be relatively new to the whole pro-life thing, so I don’t blame him for thinking that no one is really pro-abortion. It can be hard to accept that some people really are so devoted to abortion that they consider it to be a superior “choice” to giving birth, regardless of what the mother of the baby thinks or wants. Most people don’t want to believe that level of evil exists among people we might see or talk to every day.
Donald is helping us by getting people to think about their position on the sanctity of life, and abortion, so I’m happy about that. I’m happy that he says he is pro-life. The Apostle Paul said in regards to false teachers who preached Christ that he was glad that Christ was preached, even through the misinformation and inaccuracies were not good. So, I apply that idea to Donald’s position.
It is clear to me that he still needs to think through why he is pro-life. It doesn’t seem much more than a political position. I mean, he has two children. Doesn’t he see how beautiful life is just by looking at his children?
If he might become a true political leader, I would be concerned how his statements would truly be carried out. He is talking about compromise and deal making, and I believe he would “deal” on abortion if he had to reach a compromise agreement on something that he viewed as a more important matter.
Actually, David, Donald has five children.
2 from Ivana, 1 from Marla, and 1 from Melania.
Math intervention, anyone?
Make that four children, David.
I do not trust Donald Trump. He has always been a liberal democrat. I believe he is acting as a “spoiler” for the Republican candidate. Too often, pro-lifers have been fooled, I hope we won’t be this time. PS – I don’t trust Romney either.
I just read that he would run as an independent if he doesn’t get the Republican nomination.
That’s right, just hand over the election to Obama, why don’t you?
Amy R: Trump is really nothing but a big bully
To a large extent I agree, and one that likes the spotlight and one that will perform many a shenanigan when he thinks they will get media coverage. I don’t know if he really did Marla Maples wrong, but wow, what a babe….
And, while this year saw – thank all that is holy – Justin Bieber do something about that awful hair, The Donald still needs to return to the real world as to the “do.” In my exceedingly humble opinion, o’ course.
Good! BUT, he better go deeper like 1)5th Commandment 2)God-given Right, 3)Constitutional right, that All Men, has the right to Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, born and UNBORN 4)and lastly, non-negotiable, either cuz of incest, rape, and life of mother is threatened. 100%. If he will sign a pledge to De-Legalize Abortion, I will storm Heaven & Earth for his victory! amen.
I believe in Miracles. Conversions. who was St. Paul? (Saul) Thanks Jill. more power to you.