American Life League has just released a new ALL Report, and it’s quite compelling.

This report traces the history of groups the Catholic Church officially declared enemies and whose supporters it officially excommunicated.

For instance, the Catholic Conference of Germany in 1931 officially excommunicated all active members of the Nazi Party, and in 1949 Pope Pius XII decreed that all Catholics who “vote for, affiliate with, write for, or otherwise  promote Communists” were excommunicated.

ALL makes the case that Planned Parenthood should today be declared an enemy of the Catholic Church and all active supporters, including politicians who vote to fund it, excommunicated.

The report shows a clip of Margaret Sanger in 1957 stating her “opposition” to be “mainly from the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.” It would be great for the Catholic Church to officially agree PP is just as much an enemy as Nazis and Communists. Like I said, compelling…


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