Tribute to Joe Scheidler
I really lament that I will not be able to attend Joe Scheidler’s tribute tonight.
Joe was so supportive of me from the onset at Christ Hospital, not only leading protests there but also attempting to help the primary abortionist, a Catholic, understand the error of his ways.
Joe taught me pretty much all I know about pro-life activism. Joe has also been a very important role model to me, always displaying grace, humor, and charity in the face of hatred. And Joe always speaks with wisdom. The photo of Joe, above right, encapsulates all of that. I took it at 3-1/2 years ago at a pro-life protest of an Aurora, IL, City Council meeting trying to stop Planned Parenthood from sneaking in.
Joe, you so richly deserve the pro-life tribute you will receive tonight. Enjoy every moment of the love you receive.
Here’s a touching tribute to Joe, just up on YouTube…
[HT for video: American Life League on Twitter]

Great Tribute…great guy!
(never saw him without a beard before!!!)
Or a fedora!
God bless you, Mr. Scheidler. And thank you.
God bless you Joe. Thanks for your dedication. You were called by God to be a warrior in this fight for life.
Thank you, Joe!! God bless you in the fight!
May the LORD continue to bless and keep you and make the light of HIS glorious countenance shine upon you and give peace that exceeds you ability to comprehend with you natural mind and ever increasing suffiiciencly of HIS amazing grace.
Did he die or something?
That, my friends, is a true community organizer.
Austin, no, he’s very much alive :-)
Maybe he should run for President. Wouldn’t that be a miracle if we had a pro-life President.
On a lighter note Daniel has decided he wants to have a moustache and so he does. All my children look like models but Daniels’ moustache is affecting his appearance so for the umpteenth time I gently ask him if he would like me to shave it off and for the umpteenth time he patiently replies noooo! He’s 20 now so if he wants a moustache he gets to have one! His life has really helped me to define my pro-life views. I was always pro-life but didn’t realize the impact pro-lifers have on the lives of people with disabilities. Hope the month of April gives everyone who posts here to see the beauty in all lives.
I wonder how the pro-abort “protest” went!
“I wonder how the pro-abort “protest” went!”
Me too!
If we (pro-life activists/abolitionists) were all like Joe, the battle would have been fought, over, and won many years ago.
Joe, you are a perfect example of Godliness and love in action to your own generation and the one to come. We may fade from earth’s history when this battle is over; but I know that you have many crowns in Heaven and your reputation has preceded you there. I hope I can witness the sound of the cheer that you will get from it’s citizens when you arrive, and the One whom our souls love says to you, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Thank you for being an example of how we are to live, and how we are to fight.
Pro-abort protesters creep me out. Make sure babies are killed legally! They have no joy, none of them. Just anger and bitterness.
Nothing like a supportive mentor to bring you along. Sounds like Joe was quite a guy.