Lunch Break: Bristol Palin’s new reality show
by LauraLoo
Reported The Insider, May 9:
Bristol Palin is making her way back to our television screens! The 20-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin is moving in with fellow “Dancing with the Stars” season 11 alumnus Kyle Massey, 19, and his brother Chris, 21, for a reality show following the controversial single mom as she works at a small charity. The show will be on the BIO Channel and, according to a report on, BIO has already ordered ten half-hour episodes of the currently untitled documentary series.
“Bristol is the kind of personality BIO is drawn to,” David McKillop, EVP of Programming for A&E and the BIO Channel, says. “Her personal life has been playing out in the media for several years but this will be the first time she’s opening up her real life, with her and son and her friends the Massey brothers.”
The show is set to air at the end of this year.
Email LauraLoo with your Lunch Break suggestions.

Call me old-fashioned, but I’m still not thrilled with the idea of a single mother (or any woman, for that matter) “moving in” with two men. Oh, for the days when such a thing would have caused revulsion… *sigh* But I digress…
Yeah, um. I will not be watching.
I hate to play the race card, but would you have the same objections if the two men were white?
Perhaps it could be re-worded:
“Bristol’s renting a room from two friends.”
“Moving in” has that ‘shacking up’ connotation.
The living situation sounds temporary to me, someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Speaking for myself, not Paladin, color’s not an issue for me.
Virtue is.
Phillymiss, for me personally, I don’t know who Kyle Massey is or his brother. I didn’t watch the video (will now) so its not a color issue. I just don’t like the idea of a woman living with a man who is not her husband. Make that plural and I think its even worse!
Yes, phillymiss, I would have the same objection if ALL involved were African-American or ALL were Caucasian. I don’t know who Kyle Massey is either. I agree with Carder-
it’s a matter of VIRTUE, not race.
Sorry if I sound defensive, it’s just that I’ve faced quite a good deal of racism from some white “Christians” and even from a few prolifers.
I’ve got nothing against Ms. Palin, but I’m not a fan of reality shows. I have no interest in watching her go about her daily life. And, yes, Paladin, you’re old fashioned.
you know, it sounds cute. She’s nice, they’re nice, I’ve had guy roommates….
but my grandmother cried that I had male roommates. I’m trying to think if boardinghouses would have set her off.
if you’re a girl- they’re just easier. nobody’s borrowing your stuff.nobody else is getting pms. and they can act like big brothers, and you can act like a sister. You watch out for who they are dating, and go bowling together, and eat dinner with them. It’s really cool, honestly. They aren’t ever ” your type” so it’s more like extended family, than a den of sin and vice. And, well, you get your dose of guyness, without having to go on a date. That’s good. You can go throw footballs around, or volleyball, or watch a movie with guy commentary. And, yeah, you could live by yourself, but your place would be both smaller- think postage stamp living room- and more expensive, by easily two thirds.
Kyle Massey is an actor who was on a few shows on Disney channel…one called That’s So Raven and the spinoff called Cory in the House. He currently voices a fish on a animated show on Disney called Fish Hooks.
Will the roommates be working at the charity too?
Sad how people who got no defense on a moral issue have to throw out the race card…I hope phillymiss isn’t claiming Christ….btw im married to a wonderful beautiful christian woman who happens to be very dark….im bout as white as I can get an I married her for her personality and character but her georgeous skin is what caught my eye..heehee…don’t even try the race card on me phillymiss.. Palin shackin up w dudes shows the world she is pissin on her moms christian values and message no matter their color….