Planned Parenthood CEO’s dinner with the President reported last night:
President Barack Obama asked hundreds of supporters in Austin on Tuesday to help his re-election campaign….
Obama sounded a similar message during a speech to about 50 people during a dinner at the West Lake Hills home of venture capitalist Blaine Wesner and philanthropist Alexa Wesner…. [T]he dinner at the Wesners’ home cost $35,800 per person and more than $50,000 for couples.
Guests weren’t named, but one guest named herself:
An experienced lobbyist, Cecile Richards knows that’s the way to do it: As often as possible remind your political friends why you’re political friends. In this case Cecile was displaying not just her money but also her influence in Austin, the capital of Texas, where her mother was once governor.
And share not just bad times, when you’re asking (or demanding) something, but also good times.
We see here an example of the abortion industry’s major strong suit: political savvy.
Here’s also an example of the other side’s unfair advantage: Obama just ensured Planned Parenthood continues to get a boatload of money from his end, and Cecile was just returning the favor.
[Photo via]
Absolutely infuriating! Counting the days until that man is out of office! There was an article on the news today saying that he had invited a racist, filthy mouthed rapper to the White House, apologized to illegal’s crossing the border because the GOP wants them to be legal, and now he’s flaunting his special interest pro-abort friends in our face. What ever happened to the President of the United States having a little class? Joe Offerman of Pro-Life Defender Blog said it best, “?”Through simple observation, it can be verified that we have become a nation of idiots, lead by even bigger idiots that we are too stupid to throw out of power.”
I’m an Independent and not a fan of the Republican Party. I held my nose and voted for McCain/Palin, however. In 2012 I will (probably reluctantly) vote for anyone running against Obama, because he really makes me ill!
OMG this is more than infuriating, please anybody other than Obama in 2012! Obama can not win a second term!
I like the guy at the end w/ the “MY body MY choice sign.” Whose body would that be again? And why are you even there? Didn’t you listen to the girl yelling earlier – men have no business talking about women’s rights.
You know, CT, I am a post-menopausal woman. I wonder if I’m ‘allowed” to speak about abortion, since I can no longer bear children.
Phillymiss @ It was very obvious that Ct’s point was that a man holding a sign about “his body, his choice” was out of place since the sign made no sense considering who was holding it and also that the pro-aborts were yelling for men to stay out of the argument so why was he there in the first place. It had nothing to do with post-menopausal women. She was being cutely sarcastic.
A man is perfectly welcome to say, “My developing body, not my mother’s choice.” Half of the children murdered in abortion are female, but half are male.
I meant to add:
Is Cecile using our taxpayer dollars to pay for her attendance at this $35k McMeal? Or, is she using the money her craigslist-responders-for-hire have been raising outside supermarkets? If those “volunteers” have raised 35K, then it is kind of funny that it goes to a McMeal with a celebrity president rather than directly to abortions.
Kind of funny, but not very.
This is really a stupid article. So, republicans never have fund raising dinners with pro-life groups? A republican president has never been to a fund raising dinner with the NRA? A republican Supreme Court judge has never been caught on tape at a Koch brother’s policy retreat free of charge? I had no idea that politicians paid lip service to groups of rich people that they politically agree with…
NEWS FLASH… President Obama and his wife both support Planned Parenthood and women’s reproductive freedom!!! Might have something to do with the fact that they have two daughters and they want to protect their rights from religious zealots on the right…
I have to wonder about those that can’t stand this site, hate the arguments and complain about the blog posts.
YET still come back……………
Biggz @ I don’t find the article stupid at all. It is upsetting to people who pay taxes to know that our tax money is going to Planned Parenthood to help them fund their baby killing organization. Furthermore, it is upsetting to know that the President makes deals with with our tax money with these low lifes around the dinner table. The death of millions of babies per year does not even remotely compare to presidents having dinner with someone from the NRA or a Supreme court judge going on a retreat. You minimize our complaint which is about dead babies. Also, if the pres wants to preserve his daughters right to murder their children then that is his right but what he doesn’t have a right to do, at least morally, is use my tax money to do it! Call us religious right wing zealots if you want. Personally, I take it as a compliment. I am definitely religious in a good way, I am zealous to save babies lives and I am proudly right wing considering that the alternative advocates for the killing of children. Sign me,
Proud pro-life religious right wing zealot!
No Deanna what your complaint is about is the terminating of a pregnancy or the removal of a fetus or embryo from another woman’s womb. No babies are involved. You emotionally charge the debate when you talk of “Killing Babies” like Jane Fonda during Vietnam. So, without injecting irrational emotions, please explain to me why you have the right to tell another woman what she can and cannot do with her own body? Rationally now with logic not conjecture, hearsay, or any moral superiority.
The embryo is not part of the mother’s body.
You are very correct, our complaint is about the terminating of a pregnancy. by definition a pregnancy means that one is pregnant with a child. It’s not a turtle, or a hamster, it is a child. Pro-aborts like to throw around propaganda such as “it’s a potential” human or a “potential baby” but even abortion doctors know better and they admit openly that they are killing a human being. Here is a link to prove what I am saying. and here :
It is a fact that these BABIES are human beings and should be protected. The word fetus is a word that pro-aborts use to dehumanize the child. Here is a link to a pic of a 10 week old “Fetus” that proves it is a human being.
As I said, even the abortionists admit that they are killing a life. Dr. Curtis Boyd, infamous abortionist in New mexico states this, ” Yes, I am killing, I know that I am”
So, the question is this: If he admits that he is killing then what is it that he is killing? It is either human or it is not? It’s not a potential human. That’s just stupid. So, to answer your question of why I think I have the right to tell another woman what she can and can’t do with her own body, my answer is this: I am not talking about her body. I am talking about the body of a child, a separate human being with it’s own distinct DNA and body. Just because it is growing inside her does not give her the moral right to kill it. Here is a quote from a clinic worker, “Clinic worker “Nell” on seeing aborted babies:
“Because it looks like a baby. That’s what it looks like to me. You’ve never seen anything else that looks like that. The only other thing you’ve ever seen is a baby…You can see a face and hands and ears and eyes and, you know…feet and toes…It bothered me really bad the first time…”
and another “Denes interviewed Andre Winston, who delivered the aborted babies to the incinerator to be burned:
“In the ones where you could see the babies with the hands and the feet and the heads and everything, and you can tell what sex, a boy are girl. Really sometimes it gets nasty. They are so big sometimes. Some are small and still have hands. It’s just too bad the baby had to go that far and end up here…Seeing what I’ve seen and everything- and I’ve worked around here and seen these dead fetuses. I wouldn’t want to have to come here, or have my girlfriend come here, and have an abortion, and I end up seeing the kid that was almost mine, look where it ended up at.”
I could go on and on quoting them, but the point is that the people who work in the abortion industry admit and know what they are doing, that they are killing a baby. Furthermore, they say that if the average pro-abortion activist saw what they saw that they would, “Jump the fence into the pro-lifers arms”. quote.
So, my advice to you is to research what it is that you are advocating. Look at the pictures of the aborted babies, then come back and tell me they aren’t babies. It can’t be done!
Sorry that first link wasn’t right. Here is the correct link:
Biggz@ Here is another abortionist quote “”Nobody wants to perform abortions after ten weeks because by then you see the features of the baby, hands, feet. It’s really barbaric. Abortions are very draining, exhausting, and heartrending. There are a lot of tears. Sometimes patients turn on you. They say, “Let’s get out of here,” after the abortion, as if you’re some dirty person. It’s vicious. Then you get these teenyboppers in the office who laugh their way through it. It doesn’t mean a thing to them. That bothers me…I do them because I take the attitude that women are going to terminate babies and deserve the same kind of treatment as women who carry babies…I’ve done a couple thousand, and it turned into a significant financial boon, but I also feel I’ve provided an important service. The only way I can do an abortion is to consider only the woman as my patient and block out the baby…”
John Pekkanen. M.D.: Doctors Talk About Themselves (Delcorte Press: New York) 1988. Pgs 90-91
and one more ” “It’s a really interesting thing that is happening. It’s fascinating, when you can think about it clinically and not get involved in the babies, or the people…” (16)
Clinic Worker Dora Greenwald
Biggz, it might do you some good to go to Deanna’s site and view some abortionists talk about ‘terminating a pregnancy or the removal of a fetus or embryo’. Except they use real words not euphemisms. Just for your own edification, you know.
Bigzz@ this one sums it up completely. Abortion provider Judith Arcana is quoted saying the following:
“It is morally and ethically wrong to do abortions without acknowledging what it means to do them. I performed abortions, I have had an abortion and I am in favor of women having abortions when we choose to do so. But we should never disregard the fact that being pregnant means there is a baby growing inside of a woman, a baby whose life is ended. We ought not to pretend this is not happening.”
Judith Arcana “Feminist Politics and Abortion in the US” Pro-Choice Forum (Psychology and Reproductive Choice) Sponsored by The Society for the Psychology of Women
So, take her advice and stop pretending as if it isn’t a baby, look at what you are advocating with open eyes being honest with yourself and you will realize why we pro-lifers do what we do and why we say that what a woman does with her body does not trump the life of another human being.
Actually Biggz, I will be the first to join u in being pro-choice if u can prove to me that abortion does not kill an innocent human being. If it doesn’t kill an innocent human being, than being against abortion is just as ridiculous as being against my right to remove my wisdom teeth.
I will be unfortunately actually having to get them out in the next few months for real. Boo. I certainly wouldn’t want someone to tell me what to do with my body. If someone tried to tell me not to remove my wisdom teeth because it was killing a baby, I would laugh in their face.
So if u can prove to me that having an abortion is the same thing, I will make my very own, “KEEP YOUR ROSARIES OFF MY OVARIES!” sign. Until then I will happily and proudly remain a “religious zelot”.
I love this argument. Ok yes it is a human fetus that will develop into a baby given enough time, but it is not a baby.
Kris – So your whole argument is simply “if it looks like a baby then it must be a baby?” Very scientific…
“It has its own individual DNA.” Um no, we all have the same DNA. Every single living organism on this planet has the same DNA because we came from the same beginning. Do a little research on the latest finding in the human genome project. You need a better understanding of how DNA works and how much difference there is between the DNA of a human vs. the DNA of a snail… here is a hint the difference is very tiny…
Kris – So if a fetus is a baby then is an egg a chicken? Is a lump of steel a ford focus? Is a chunk of ham, a chunk of cheese, and a loaf of bread a sandwich? Or are these the components to the process that ends in a sandwich? If someone stole your chunk of cheese would you say “Hey bring back my sandwich?”
Look here is the crux of the matter. Is a human fetus human? Yes. Is it a person? No. Do fetuses have rights? No. Does a person have rights? Yes. Do the rights of that person under the U.S. Supreme Court trump the non-rights of the fetus? Yes. How long has it been that way? Over 40 years….
If a fetus was a baby then we would not have the term fetus, medical journals would just call them babies… but we both know they do not call them babies do they?
A very bad court decision for 40 years – but just because an injustice is law for a long time does not make it right.
African Americans were thought to be non-persons too – was that supreme court decision correct? I’m sure you would say no. How about the idea that women could not vote or own property? No again. Since men and women of all colors, nationalities, all started out with 46 chromosomes, the uniting of one egg and one sperm – unique and unrepeatable human.
And regards to babies – yes people use the term unborn babies all the time. and a fetus has the same moral worth as a baby – it is the same baby, but at a different stage of development. Same person, same DNA, same parents, same gestational history.
same rights? no – and that is immoral. No matter how long those laws are on the books, it would not change what they are – immoral. Against moral law, Against natural law. This is not about driving privileges – it’s about whether a human lives or dies and we better be on the side of human life, or we in a ton of trouble (as we see).
I love this argument. Ok yes it is a human fetus that will develop into a baby given enough time, but it is not a baby.
Well, if you want to get technical, there is no “baby” stage. Zygote, embryo, fetus, neonate/infant, toddler, prepubescence, middle childhood, preadolescence, adolescence, adult (several stages of adulthood, I might add). A preborn fetus at 9 months is different – how, exactly? – from a neonate?