UPDATE 6/29, 9:25a: And here’s one more, Pro-Life Boot Camp for high school and college students, hosted by Allen County Right to Life in Indiana.

UPDATE 5/19, 12:35p: Just spotted another one, the REveAL Summer Camp, hosted by Texas Right to Life.

5/12, 4:40p: When I was a teen I went to church youth camp one week every summer.

Those times, focused strictly on God night and day, and surrounded by like-minded teens and adults, availed some of the best growing periods of my life.

If I had teens in the house now I’d not only send them to Bible camp every summer, I’d send them to pro-life camp at least once during their adolescent years.

I think such camps must surely have the same impact on kids’ pro-life growth as church camps do on spiritual growth.

Following are 2 being offered this summer. If you’re aware of or are organizing others, please let me know…

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust ProLife Training Camp 2011

Dates: July 6-16
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Who: High school and college-age youth
Cost: $425, plus travel expenses to and from

Training topics and schedule here. Intro video…


Catholic Pro-Life Committee Pro-Life Boot Camp 2011

Dates: July 1-3 and July 29-August 2
Location: University of Dallas, Irving, TX
Who: Students entering high school ages 14-17
Cost: Range of $120-$260, depending on when registering and for what camp, plus travel expenses to and from

Training topics and schedule here.

This camp is more Catholic focused, although I know at least one cool Protestant who has attended… :)

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