Summer pro-life teen boot camp opportunities
UPDATE 6/29, 9:25a: And here’s one more, Pro-Life Boot Camp for high school and college students, hosted by Allen County Right to Life in Indiana.
UPDATE 5/19, 12:35p: Just spotted another one, the REveAL Summer Camp, hosted by Texas Right to Life.
5/12, 4:40p: When I was a teen I went to church youth camp one week every summer.
Those times, focused strictly on God night and day, and surrounded by like-minded teens and adults, availed some of the best growing periods of my life.
If I had teens in the house now I’d not only send them to Bible camp every summer, I’d send them to pro-life camp at least once during their adolescent years.
I think such camps must surely have the same impact on kids’ pro-life growth as church camps do on spiritual growth.
Following are 2 being offered this summer. If you’re aware of or are organizing others, please let me know…
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust ProLife Training Camp 2011
Dates: July 6-16
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Who: High school and college-age youth
Cost: $425, plus travel expenses to and from
Training topics and schedule here. Intro video…
Catholic Pro-Life Committee Pro-Life Boot Camp 2011
Dates: July 1-3 and July 29-August 2
Location: University of Dallas, Irving, TX
Who: Students entering high school ages 14-17
Cost: Range of $120-$260, depending on when registering and for what camp, plus travel expenses to and from
Training topics and schedule here.
This camp is more Catholic focused, although I know at least one cool Protestant who has attended… :)

There are two more camps in Texas!
REveAL, July 23-26
REveAL2 July 26-30
Location: Messiah’s Ranch, Bryan, TX
Registration fee: $150 for one camp; $200 for both camps (Fee increases after May 20)
Additional discount offered for siblings
REveAL will focus on the history of abortion, abortion procedures, the lifesaving work of crisis pregnancy centers, and post-abortion syndrome, and how to communication with others who hold opposing views.
REveAL2 will focus on stem cell research, human cloning, euthanasia, and lobbying for Life!
Registration forms may be downloaded at Call 713-782-5433 to request more information.