Planned Parenthood protests Anthony verdict
No one saw this verdict coming…. Don’t quote me on this, but the Casey Anthony verdict could be to abortions what the automobile was to horse and buggies.
~ Planned Parenthood attorney Abbey Krill as quoted by satire site Wine & Excrement, July 5
[Photo via Dr. Jillian Glass Body Language Blog]
Yup. I hope so. Society will start recognizing how little regard some people put on their little ones after they are born because legalized abortion has taught them to have such little regard for them before they are born.
Your right Abbey, this case just might be the tipping point. It’s just not going to tip the way you think it will.
You can quote me on this.
As a resident of central Florida who has watched this hydra of a case grow out of control for the past three years, all I can say is Casey must be grateful for swamps right about now.
Actually I could say alot more, but I have to go through my own little grieving process. Yesterday was a blow, to say the least.
I was so excited to see that article showing the planned parenthood attorney putting both feet in her mouth. What she said was absolutely horrendous!!! However, I’m questioning the source. I noticed the stories on the side of the article and they too seemed a little ”off.” I think this satire is being used to make us (Pro-life supporters) look stupid.
If first term abortion is okay, then late term abortion is okay, then partial-birth abortion is okay, then hiding an infant’s death is okay… not long before infanticide is okay. Like abortion, infanticide can be justified by narcissists who view parenthood as a burden.
So I actually don’t understand what she is trying to say in this quote, perhaps because I”m not too familiar with the Anthony case… can someone explain this to me?
The way I took it Bobby is that Krill thinks that Casey should have been aborted (since her mom obviously didn’t want her) because murdering your offspring before birth rather than after birth is the way to go.
If wantedness determines value, as we hear so often here, it’s difficult to see what the problem is then.
It’s satire. The quote didn’t really happen. The article is fake and was credited as such.
I believe Jill posted to show the parallels between killing the unborn and killing young children.
This quote was so bonkers, I went right to the satire and read it. Kind of funny in a weird, dark way. If a pro-lifer had written it, it’s pretty funny. If an abortion fan wrote it, it’s even more unintentionally funny.
Thanks MaryBeth. I need to read a little closer.
It’s right up the alley of what the proaborts say!
The sad thing is, in discussions about abortion over the years, the mentality is that women would not abuse or drown or poison or toss in the trash or smother etc…their children IF these mothers would have been able to abort them, thus SAVING these poor children from a horrific fate & women from prison. It is only the denial of access, parental consent laws, waiting periods, informed consent, lack of abortion providers, “fake” clinics (AKA crisis pregnancy centers) that “trick” women, anti-abortion protesters, fear of anti-abortion violence, lack of tax payer funding & any/all “restrictions” to abortion that cause these women to give birth to “unwanted” children that they then end up murdering. Had she just an abortion, she NEVER would have killed her child(ren). She would have been happy. Empowered. They totally miss that the children would, either way, be just as DEAD. Somehow, they see a mother killing her baby in the womb by chemicals or dismemberment as superior & more “humane” than other forms of achieving the same end…a life free from the inconvenience of a child. They further miss that the mentality that tells the culture, if it isn’t the “right time” or the “right situation” or your life will be complicated, put on hold, inconvenienced etc…by having a baby, then get an abortion, SPILLS over. Children are viewed as a burden & a bother…before & AFTER birth. Wanna focus on education? Career? Social life? Get an abortion. Why would that same thinking NOT transfer over to born children who hinder ones life style? So very, very sad. This is what you get when you give a generation over to narcissism.
“as quoted by the satire site”
This needs to be re-worded, because this is not actually a quote. It’s not a real quote on a satire site, it is a made-up quote in a satirical piece of fiction. Just acknowledging that it’s a satire site isn’t enough, you can’t call it a “quote.”
You’re intentionally riling up your readers for page views and it’s unethical
This needs to be re-worded, because this is not actually a quote. It’s not a real quote on a satire site, it is a made-up quote in a satirical piece of fiction. Just acknowledging that it’s a satire site isn’t enough, you can’t call it a “quote.”
You’re intentionally riling up your readers for page views and it’s unethical
Jane, I’m thinking you’re helping out tremendously with those page views here lately. :D
Apparently, you think pro-lifers are too stupid to know that quoting a satire site (like, maybe, The Onion?) is uh… satire?
Satire is still relevant. Caylee Anthony is still just as dead as she would be had she been aborted.
I’m absolutely disgusted with this case and the outcome.
@Jane…give us a break! YOU are ridiculous in your comparisons! get ova yourself.
You mean like the time that Jill stanek posted article about the “abortionplex” from the onion before realizing it was satire?
Jane – seriously?? LOL Everyone knows the Onion is satire. That was a great post. :) The pet adoption center rang oh-so-true.
You apparently don’t think much of Jill’s or any pro-lifer’s intellect, and it shows. Your “advanced intellect” has apparently caused you to underestimate the intelligence of those who disagree with you.
If the shoe fits, Kel….
I’m surprised you waste so much time here, then, Jane, talking to complete idiots who don’t know anything.
BTW, you never answered my question on the other thread. But I know hurling insults is a lot easier than actually discussing the issues.
And you wonder why we call you a troll…
Okay, now I’m confused. I read that post about the Onion’s satirical article and I wasn’t under the impression at all that the person who posted it thought the article was real. What caused you to believe they thought it was true, Jane?
There are over 1 million couples in the US today waiting to adopt babies. Why does the abortion industry not spend more time talking about that with women who don’t ‘want’ their babies? Why is abortion the answer? If Casey had put her child up for adoption she would still be alive on the earth today. My prayer is that she find the forgiveness of Christ and does not let the devil talk her into ‘partying’ her way into more misery. She’s a branded woman now. She needs a testimony about the transforming power of forgiveness with Christ because most of the humans think she is despicable and guilty. Caley is playing in heaven with Jesus and that is the hope we all have. Even those of us who have aborted our babies. Are you listening pro-aborts? Activism isn’t the answer, Christ is.
The original title of the post was “Planned and Parenthood and Casey Anthony”. More neutral, if you will. It was changed to what you see now.
From the 30,000 feet level, Jane, the point here is that those of us who believe Casey had everything to do with her baby’s death feel that Casey lived a pro-choice lifestyle which ended up in the swamp.
Caylee got in the way of the “Bella Vida”, much like other babies who have to make way for their mother’s ‘choice’.
The difference is that Caylee was already out of the womb.
Murderers can now thank Casey Anthony for showing them the way for the perfect crime. Simply deposit your bodies in a hot-weather swamp so most forensic evidence will go away in a few months.
Then blockheads like Sean Hannity (who I usually agree with) can be dazzled by defense attorneys who attack hundreds of arrows of evidence pointing at the defendant with a less than 10%-possible alternative explanation.
I’ll never forget cluctching my head in disbelief at the O.J. Simpson verdict. That resulted from reverse-racism. Now our children are fair game to be thrown away.
We have dumbed ourselves down to the point where common sense is on the endangered species list. We can no longer depend on unanimous jury verdicts. It is easier than ever to get away with murder.
“Look, I got two daughters… if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby” – President Barack Obama
You know, I think the above comment is kind of tasteless.
(Meant to yor bro ken.)
There were hits galore at my blog from people googling ‘Abortionplex’, asking if it was for real. The Onion probably drove our buddy Cecile up a wall.
Here’s the hottest Casey trial comment: Rush blasts the media with both barrels: The audio is stronger than the text.
Agreed, Some Guy.
Sorry Yor Bro, we’re not dragging Sasha and Malia into this.
One of my fellow Floridians outside the courtroom yesterday said (paraphrasing): “If I’m ever convicted of a crime, I want those twelve jurors to be in my trial.”
And Hugh Hewitt, an attorney/talk radio host said (again, paraphrasing): “In all my years of practicing law, one thing I have learned is to never underestimate the stupidity of a jury.”
Casey had a really, really, really, REALLY late abortion. Maybe now she’ll go back to school and finish her education.
And Hugh Hewitt, an attorney/talk radio host said (again, paraphrasing): “In all my years of practicing law, one thing I have learned is to never underestimate the stupidity of a jury.”
I experienced this firsthand while serving on a jury recently. Unfortunately, our decision was allowed to be made by majority rule, and the 3 of us who actually knew the law (one had even worked for the Sheriff’s office!) were overruled by 5 dim bulbs.
Hans: I’ll never forget cluctching my head in disbelief at the O.J. Simpson verdict.
Exactly – yesterday I was saying that Casey must be related to O.J…. A stupid jury and what I guess was not great prosecution.
xalisae, Casey did NOT have an abortion. She didn’t. Caylee was delivered full-term in a hospital. Abortion is legal, murder is not. Clearly the medical and judicial system see a difference.
Just because one is legal and another is not doesn’t make the outcome any different. Please tell me how Caylee would not be just as dead had she been aborted as she is now.
If instead of giving an innocent verdict they passed a law making what Casey did legal, would that make it acceptable to you, derr?
So I’m watching the interview with the alternate juror, Russell something-or-the-other, and I’m thinking, “Gosh. Who does that guy look like?”
Didn’t take long. Anyone recognize this great American?
This was written by someone who is not a fan of abortion. The Planned Parenthood spokeswoman quoted in the story is an anagram for “Baby Killer.”
I’m amazed some thought this was a shot at pro-lifers. It was above all a shot against the pathetically ignorant jury in this case.
A little too late. There’s talk of passing “Caylee’s Law”.
A day after the decision was announced in the Casey Anthony case, Rep. Bill Hager, R-Boca Raton, announced on Wednesday that he would back “Caylee’s Law,” making it a felony for a parent or legal guardian who does not notify the authorities of a missing child in a timely fashion.
I heard Hugh say that. So true. Anyone who watches Jay Leno’s man-in-the- street interviews (Jaywalking) must worry about the jury system.
And nice catch on that doppelganger of Bill Ayers. I wonder if Juror Number 14 ghostwrote Obama’s other autobiography.
Just wanted you to know that the website you are quoting is a “satire” site. In the about section on their site they quote that nothing should be taken as factual. I’m totally pro life but quoting misinformation is dangerous and counter productive to the pro life cause.
I really wish that people would stop using Caylee’s death in the abortion debate on either side. It really makes me kind of sick. We should mourn her death, not be using it to score points in this debate.
Yes, we are fully aware that the site is satire, which is why the credit states:
“as quoted by satire site Wine & Excrement”
We are under no illusions here.
Some of us here are under grand iillusions.
Cosmic Karma Head Butts Bewildered Bimbos
The law of unintended consequences is slapping them in the face, but they continue to blame it on knuckledraggin, neanderthal, misgonyst males and even some un-enlightened females.
For example the feministas who cannot/will not comprehend that 163 million of their female comrades are not among us.
They cannot/will not make the connection that purposely aborting female human embryo/fetuses results in less infant, adolescent, and adult and soon to be middle aged women.
And they can’t come to grips with the blatant reality that is they who have been played for fools.
The result of their efforts has in deed made women more valuable, but not as human beings.
Instead, both male and female flesh peddlers see them as a commodity to be stolen, bought, traded and disposed of as soon as they have lost their appeal.
But cheer up, gals.
Most of you will have already gone on to your eternal reward [that is going to leave a mark] before this demographic plague on femininity as reached it’s zenith.
The unfortunate women who come after you will be stuck with the fruits of your folly.
The feminista motto: Every wo-man for herself; nursing infants and children last. [Select testosterone poisoned males will be used for breeding purposes, the undesirables will be castrated and harnassed for the heavy lifting.]
Seriously, Ken, most of what you post sounds really sexist to me.
I agree that the wording should have been better. The post title and the way the “quote” is attributed made me scratch my head and wonder whether someone here misunderstood the way the satire website works. It certainly seems to have confused some commenters.
Yor Bro Ken, the only problem with your tyrade is, if it’s meant to display the modern feminist mindset…you have to spell it ‘womyn’, because the real spelling is sexist because it points out that women are related to men! :)
Other than that i’d say it’s a pretty spot-on commentary about the femnazis of the modern age.
The World Political field has went to hell over the past few years due to polarization. We need to rise up for our future and take back our society from Big Pharma, Big Tobbacco, Big Insurance and really just big corporations. It is time for our elections to stop being stolen.