Latest weapon: Israelis plot to destroy Egyptian fertility?
According to the public prosecutor’s office’s investigation, ‘Mossad agent Ofir Harrari’ instructed Jordanian Ibrahim abu-Zaid to set up a company in Egypt which would exclusively import an Israeli hair product, for both men and women, which causes infertility. This in order to completely destroy Egyptian reproduction abilities.
~ Roee Nahmias, reporting on Egypt’s accusation that Israeli intelligence agents plotted to sabotage Egyptian reproduction capabilities via stealth infertility products, Ynet News, August 17
[HT: Legal Insurrection]
Why would Mossad go through the trouble of all that when they could have backed Planned Parenthood who would have worked on corrupting the Egyptian youth, handing out poor, breakable condoms, and then offer abortion as a method of eliminating the shameful problem?
PPA has a proven record of successful fertility intervention and unlike silly hair-care products where you can’t really verify their effectiveness, PPA actually keeps solid, accurate records of their success!
Also, Mossad is completely evil in eliminating the joy and freedom of CHOICE to kill your own child…
Sometimes we look at such articles and think: “That’s crazy!” , but when you think about it, at least the Egyptians are cognizant their population is at risk for attack, unlike the Israelis who think nothing of the destruction abortion has reeked upon their own people.
This is completely bizarre. A hair care product that causes infertility? Even if they imported the stuff and it did really inhibit fertility, they would have no control over how many people chose to buy and use the product so the effect would probably be negligible at best. Not a very efficient way of doing that.
And why would Isreal care that much about the Egyptian fertility rate? Do they really consider this to be an effective way of securing their nation? Seems like they might have bigger worries than Egyptian fertility rates.
It’s plausible.
In Israel they have checkpoints all over. Oh, they say it’s to prevent terrorism, but they also wall off hospitals and deny access to them. When the indigineous people, such as old men having heart attacks, or young mothers in labor, arrive at the checkpoint in an ambulance or car, they are “conveniently” delayed until it’s too late.
So, stealth infertility products? Not too far fetched. Also, the Egyptian culture isn’t like America. Planned Parenthood would have to take a slightly different tack than just tossing condoms at the teenagers like they do here in the States.
This is ridiculous. It sounds like typical Propaganda painting the State of Israel as the “Evil Jew” out to destroy all Arabs. Why don’t we just drag out the Goebbels posters that showed Jews with fangs coming after your children!? Why was something like this even posted? Just ugly.
I picked this up on ALL’s Facebook:
If you can carry around a topical contraceptive, in liquid form no less, you can apply it to victims without them ever knowing it.
Arwen: This is ridiculous. It sounds like typical Propaganda painting the State of Israel as the “Evil Jew” out to destroy all Arabs. Why don’t we just drag out the Goebbels posters that showed Jews with fangs coming after your children!? Why was something like this even posted? Just ugly.
Maybe news is a little slow? Then again, it’s on the internet, so it’s true, right?
Glenn Beck Explains “Well-Laid Plan” To Blame Jews For High Gas Prices, Which Will Be Used As An Excuse To Divide Jerusalem.
How is what’s happening in Israel any different than Apartheid? It’s not. They need to get with the 21st century and stop treating indigenous people like they’re not fully human, at the same time they need to stop aborting themselves into oblivion.
Sure the story sounds odd, but just because it’s odd doesn’t mean Israel is a country of angels that do no wrong. They are as corrupt as anyone else.
There are both Israelis and Palestinians that want peace but they rarely make the evening news, or the internet news. Meanwhile, the world turns a blind eye to Israeli corruption and paints all Arabs as terrorists. The stereotyping cuts both ways.
Ninek, perhaps you should hear Brigitte Gabriel’s story . She is a Lebanese Christian who lived this and was shocked to learn the truth (contrary to her indoctrination) about how the Jewish doctors treated their enemies.
From the YNet article: It has been estimated both in Israel and in Egypt that the Egyptian allegations stem from a wish to appease Egyptian demonstrators protesting against the close relations that existed between Jerusalem and Cairo in the pre-uprising days.
Yeah, it’s not “impossible” that there really is/was such a “dastardly plot,” but still it’s quite ludicrous, IMO. Sounds more like a Keystone Cops-type deal on the part of propaganda ministers.
Thanks, Klynn, I did just check some of that out and read the account.
However, I myself have been there, have talked to people on both sides. Brigitte paints the usual picture of all of ‘them’ are terrorists. Wrong. True that some are, but more true that most just want to earn an honest living and raise their families in peace. Don’t believe rhetoric. If you are at a checkpoint, the youth holding the automatic weapon doesn’t care or ask if you are a Christian Palestinian or a Muslim, and won’t treat you any better if you’ve got a ten pound cross hanging from your neck. Christians especially are persecuted by BOTH sides. I know what I experienced myself. It is Apartheid over there and nothing less.
Egyptians beware.
The ‘cone of silence’ is descending even now and the deployment of the ‘Q’ bomb is next.
Beware! Genetically engineered hybrid males have been introduced into your population that will only reproduce female children, generation after generation after generation…
The only known antidote is consuming vast quantities of ham sandwiches.
“They [Jews/Israelis] need to get with the 21st century and stop treating indigenous people like they’re not fully human, at the same time they need to stop aborting themselves into oblivion.”
[From the interlocutors perspective it would seem that ’abortiing themselves into oblivion’ is a self induced slow motion ‘final solution’ to the problem she has identified. But make no mistake the elimination of every jew on the plante would not bring ‘peace’ to the middle east. The remaining ‘indigenous people’ would soon be at each others throat.]
Would ‘jews’ be included in populations ‘indingenous’ to what is now encompassed by the borders of the nation state of Israel?
Aren’t ‘jews’ included in the ‘semitic’ ethnicity?
Sounds like a plot worthy of a new Dr. Strangelove movie. The usual ludicrous nonsense from anti-Israeli extremists.
You may have been there ninek but you appear to be either myopic or misled about some of the behaviors which occur and why.
Does it have to be ham ken? Could corned beef work as well?
Oh really? Maybe some of you need to do a little more research into 20th century events and back into the past. Maybe some of you don’t know what you’re talking about or why. The land wasn’t empty in 1930 and suddenly full in 1950, kiddies.
It’s true that corrupt Arab leaders like to paint “the West” and all of us as villains because it conveniently throws the blame off their own corruption and stupidity. But at the same time, “the West” has been all to eager to live down to their reputation.
The ongoing situation is more complex and historic than just the establishment of the post WW2 Israel. Contemporary politics and cultural imbroglios also play their part. The Israelis are far from being the primary perpetrators of the loss of life.
It must be true. The Egyptians had the Mossad pegged for being behind several shark attacks last year. :)
ninek, please refer to the book”From Time Immemorial” because it’s making me queasy to side with Reality over you.
Most of those Arabs are not indigenous. And they no more deserve a 25th Arab nation to be formed than the Jews would deserve a second one at Miami Beach or Manhatten.
They are Palestinian Arabs. Like we have Gulf Coast Americans. There was no kingdom of Palestine. There was no Gulf Coast kingdom.
If ever an ethnic group deserved to have their rich culture and long, detailed history returned to their land – which was then a no-man’s land like between Barstow and L.A., it is the Jews.
They may not be too tolerant of Christian evangelization, but they leave all religious sites untouched. Unlike the Jordanian Arabs (70% of the new quasi-state of Palestine, before a Saudi king was placed there.)
I don’t have any problem with people moving to the land of their ancestors. I do have a problem with them perpetrating their settlement by unlawful means.
As I said, the land wasn’t empty before 1930. Maybe you should read “The Lemon Tree” for example. People lived there, in houses, with their families. Their grandparents lived there, and their great grandparents and so on. It is currently against the law for a Jewish homeowner to sell his house back to the Palestinian family who’s grandparents resided there.
Do you think the Palestinians saw the new immigrants coming and said, “Oh, by all means, here, take my house.” ??? Really? All of you need an education. Or maybe you should visit a reservation here in the US and ask some questions. Talk to real people. Books are great but find out for yourself.
Half the world would have to relocate if we had to return to our ancestors’ homeland. The original Israelis bought their homes. Both Arabs and Jews had straggled there in recent centuries. Much of the Arab population came for jobs as the Jews bloomed the desert. Then they were tricked into becoming refugees when their neighbors promised to exterminate the Jews for them in the ’48 war.
It is clear the pre-’67 border no longer applies, especially since the other side reneged. Jordan is Palestine and should absorb their relatives.
Hans, that Israel was established is amazing – if the Arab countries in the region hadn’t been like the Keystone Cops, Israel wouldn’t have made it.
Yes, Israel’s founding was amazing – and just. What other country has been established with the overwhelming support of the rest of the world? It deserves it’s status as the last new nation – excepting secessions like the Ukraine and South Sudan.
Sometimes the right guy wins. But Israel might not be able to fight alone next time. Their enemies aren’t just bigoted. Now more are also inflamed with religious hatred.
Reality – I have to admit I am rather surprised at your position on Isreal. Until now, the only people I’ve heard defending Isreal in any way have been conservatives, usually Christian conservatives. o.O For once, we agree! :-)
:-) to you army_wife.
Hope you weren’t physically ill Hans.
Given the treatment dished out to the jewish diaspora over centuries, I find anti-israeli rhetoric and misrepresentation to be something which needs to be rectified. And being of the ‘left’ I am aghast at some of the propaganda railed against the israelis, mainly from the ‘left’.
I’m feeling better by the minute. Finding some common ground works like dramamine!
Apartheid rev 2.
Soon a secret “Infertility Ray” will be installed in the head of the Sphinx.
I’m going to be a whole lot more direct. I hope on Earth you have serious, serious proof as these are just ‘accusations’ by Muslims against Jews. Ms. Stanek or you have lost one follower. You DO NOT spread this kind of disgusting propaganda unless you KNOW it to be true.
Jill, This is a sarcastic post , right?
ninek, I don’t think accusing Israel of apartheid quite holds water, I don’t recall the South African parliament having had quite the black presence that Israel’s Knesset does of the Arabs.
Here’s some of the other side:
Hans, with all due respect, I have personally talked to people from and in South Africa before, during, and after Apartheid. And I have personally been subjected to the realities of life in the Holy Land. The comparison is very apt.
We have a constitution that’s supposed to protect us, yet injustice happens daily especially to the unborn. Some paper isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. If a piece of paper says oh, don’t oppress the Palestinians and give them equal rights, but then in practice the situation is totally different, then that piece of paper ain’t worth a thing. It is Apartheid. In practice. Maybe some checkpoints are easier than others, maybe some communities are better integrated than others. It’s so nice that a student at one school thinks it’s great at a certain university. Good for them. But it doesn’t change the truth of how many people live, with their electricity turned off, their water supply diverted, their communities divided and cut off from each other by walls, walls higher, wider, and bigger than the old Berlin wall. Go see those walls in person and then tell me about pretty pieces of paper with pretty words on them.
But it doesn’t change the truth of how many people live, with their electricity turned off, their water supply diverted, their communities divided and cut off from each other by walls, walls higher, wider, and bigger than the old Berlin wall. Go see those walls in person and then tell me about pretty pieces of paper with pretty words on them.
Not commenting on any debate, but Ninek, you have some nice turns of phrase. :)
Jill, This is a sarcastic post , right?
Anthony, on no – and the next thing is the “Infertility Ray” concealed in the head of The Great Sphinx. You think I’m kidding? I can prove it.
Yes, people, it’s sarcastic.
The article clearly states that these are accusations. And yes, it is disgusting.
In the past, Jill has been very supportive of Israel, given her evangelical christian worldview.
Much like when the Quote of the Day features a prochoice statement. Does Jill agree with it? Of course not! But the irony simply cannot be ignored.
And thus we discuss.
I don’t doubt your experience. And I’m sure Israel is well below our standards, along with the rest of the world. I just wonder how many check points we would have strong-armed had blacks bombed buses while under Jim Crow laws.
Israel has had to live in quasi-martial law since it’s founding. Would we have handled things any better?
You’re all very kind to put up with my rants, but LOL I found a glaring mistake in my own words: I’d have to be mighty old indeed to have contact with South Africans before Apartheid. What I meant was, before it hit the national conciousness. OK, it dates me, but my friends and I were among the vanguard of American students holding up signs and chanting “Divest now” when my parents didn’t have the slightest notion what all the fuss was about. After college, ironically, I had a job which involved doing business with South Africans. When Nelson Mandella was released, it felt like a personal victory.
I was just a little kid the first time my parents took me to an “indian reservation.” Going about their business with the adults, they left all us kids to play together and later we all reassembled for a big meal. Many years later, ironically, we became related by marriage. This was my first experience with the reality of what we learn in history books in school. My dad always encouraged us to be skeptical and not swallow anything at face value. (My dad is an awesome mentor). The notion of indigenous people being displaced is deep in my conciousness.
In all my travels and experience, however, one thing is true: most human beings just want to live a normal life, work their jobs, buy what they need (and want), and love their friends and families. Throughout human history, it is often the bad behavior of the few that oppresses the many. Whether people are liberal or conservative, it doesn’t matter. Oppression comes from both ends of that spectrum.
I have a lot of hope for all the people living in the Holy Land today, but the solutions will probably come from the younger generation. Even while I experienced the bad behavoir of youngsters with guns working the checkpoints, I also met young people in the army who prayed for peace, who want nothing but peaceful lives. Be skeptical of the media. See how they misrepresent the pro-life movement. Well, that’s not the only thing misrepresented. Thanks for being patient and letting me type. Jill’s blog is one of my favorite spots on the internet and I learn something from all of you, even the abortion advocates.