Democratic hopeful: Improve the environment – or get babies like Trig
Are you going to go and have your blood checked to see how many poisons you have in it, or do you want a child like Trig who is never going to grow up?
~ Arizona business owner and Democratic presidential hopeful Harry Braun, suggesting that failure to improve the environment has led to disabilities in children like Sarah Palin’s son Trig, who has Down syndrome, as quoted in The Des Moines Register, August 20

No Mr. Braun, YOU need to grow up. Trig is not the only Down Syndrome child in the world – God fashioned him that way for His purposes. Shame on you and your superiority! LL
I would love to see his documented evidence (because I’m sure he has it) that horrid environmental conditions in Wasilla, Alaska, caused Trig’s Down syndrome.
Harry Braun is an ignorant idiot – to even suggest such a thing that toxins in our environment cause a GENETIC condition such as Down Syndrome proves it. I am not a huge fan of Palin – but this is a pathetic attempt of yet another psychotic extremist liberal to get press coverage at the expense of our children. That is hitting below the belt, Mr. Braun – and you will pay with the backlash of the largest minority in the US – people with disabilities and those who love them. You sir, are a jacka$$.
Buh bye Harry Braun. Hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes.
He needs to take genetics and biology courses as badly as Michelle Bachman needs some history classes… I think your average 10th grader could completely pwn almost every politician in the spotlight these days. Kids are better at sharing and compromising too… maybe we should let them run things for a few weeks and see how it goes, it couldn’t be much worse than it already is :)
Democratic presidential hopeful?
Since when?
“…or do you want a child like Trig who is never going to grow up? … or wouldn’t you rather have a child like me who grew up mentally but remains self-centered and unloving toward people who are different?”
There, finished your unspoken conclusion for you Mr. Braun.
That was a really stupid, insensitive thing to say. I hope that it put an end to his political career.
What an ignoramus. Not only do Down Syndrome people grow up, many live happy, productive lives.
He only expressed what so many “progressives” believe; this is why they favor aborting all “unwanted” babies.
The man displayed a massive dose of ignorance about the causes of DS.
But environmental factors can, do and have had an impact on peoples’ health and this could include some categories of birth defects.
Of course a number of GOP hopefuls have also displayed equal levels of ignorance on various topics.
Of course a number of GOP hopefuls have also displayed equal levels of ignorance on various topics.
Equal levels of ignorance to some guy saying pollution causes DS? Ok. Right. :D
Yes Kel, equal and even greater displays of ignorance than that.
Yes, some people with DS even win Emmys.
A couple generations ago, people had a very naughty name they called Down’s Syndrome children. My mother told it to me after her friend gave birth to a DS child. Since this name was in use long before the industrial revolution, I’m going to guess the environment is not the culprit.
But: since pollution does cause some other diseases and disorders – maybe that’s what rotted Braun’s tiny collection of brain cells.
Right on both points ninek :-)
unfit for office. Period.
Let’s not be too harsh on Dirty Harry. There really is something to be said for environmental toxins impeding growth and development. Look no further than Dirty Harry.
Mr. Braun’s foot: Please exit mouth. The posterior awaits your swift action.
He should be so lucky as to have such a good son!