The Christian Post posted my take today on Kenneth Cole’s new “Where Do You Stand” ad campaign.

Mixing designer clothes and accessories with hot button topics like abortion, gun rights, gay rights, and war ain’t easy, but Cole must be desperate for attention, so he gave it the old runway try. Here’s his video ad on our topic:


And here’s his explanation:


I love it when clueless people think they sound smart. And  love it when shameless hawkers pretend they’re not.

But most of all I love it when a guy uses abortion to try to sell a purse. Here were my thoughts:

It’s interesting that men are only told to shut up about abortion when they’re pro-life. But here we have a male fashion designer I expect even pro-choice women would like to shut up.

Kenneth Cole is out of touch and behind the times. Even abortion proponents these days freely acknowledge abortion is a difficult choice, certainly meriting more consideration than choosing a handbag, no matter what the snooty label or ridiculous price. Here’s to Cole’s campaign falling flat, resulting in purchases of his label being safe and legal but rare.

I notice many of Cole’s handbags are on clearance. I think he needs a new sales gimmick.

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