Developing, a press statement just released by Lila Rose and Live Action:

JACKSON – Live Action, the pro-life group responsible for recent undercover stings showing Planned Parenthood’s institutional tolerance for child sexual abuse, will release a new investigation on Monday showing how opponents of recognizing the right to life of unborn children in Mississippi, backed by Planned Parenthood, are using lies and scare tactics to manipulate the public. Mississippi will be the first state since Roe v. Wade to protect the right to life of unborn children at all ages of development if it passes a Personhood Amendment to its state constitution on November 8.

Live Action released undercover videos in February documenting Planned Parenthood, the nation’s biggest abortion chain, aiding and abetting suspected child sex trafficking from management on down. The videos led to the first-ever successful vote in the House of Representatives to defund Planned Parenthood and the diversion of over $60 million in taxpayer subsidies from the abortion giant on the state level. As a further result of Live Action’s undercover work, Planned Parenthood is now also the subject of a congressional investigation by the Subcommittee for Oversight and Investigations in the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

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