From U.S. News & World Report today, from an article entitled, “New Planned Parenthood abortion charges”:

New charges from seven former workers – including a self-described “abortion doctor” – that Planned Parenthood used federal money for abortions despite prohibitions is expected to fire up Republicans seeking to shut off tax dollars to the massive family planning group.

In a letter to the House committee investigating Planned Parenthood, the seven former workers also charged that they have witnessed staffers fail to notify parents when a minor sought an abortion, failed to provide a women undergoing an abortion with “accurate and relevant information” regarding the stage of her pregnancy, or detect and act upon instances were a female was brought to a clinic under coercion, possibily even human trafficking….

The committee is probing allegations that Planned Parenthood is misusing taxpayer funds, which the seven pegged at $1 million a day in state and federal support. In opening his investigation, Florida Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns recently demanded documents related to audits, abortion-funding, and policies on reporting sexual abuse from Planned Parenthood.

Read the backstory on the House probe here. Read the letter from former employees here. Planned Parenthood responded to U.S. News by rejecting the charges, no surprise. Susan B. Anthony List circulated the letter around Congress today.

Signers include:

Catherine Adair, former employee of Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

Dr. Patti Giebink, former abortion doctor at Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota

Abby Johnson, former clinic director of Planned Parenthood Center for Choice in Bryan, Texas

Luis Maldonado, former clinic assistant at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte in San Jose, California

Sue Thayer, former clinic manager of Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa/Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

Ramona Trevino, former clinic manager of Planned Parenthood of North Texas

Patricia Sandoval, former clinic employee of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte in Sacramento, California

Abby is in the process of launching a new ministry to reach out to former abortion workers called And Then There Were None. About her special group of peers, Abby recently wrote:

Planned Parenthood is terrified of former abortion workers.  They are terrified of their own…the defectors.  “Traitors,” they call us….  They call us names because they fear us…and they should.  We become strong warriors for life.  We have seen the ugliest side of this movement of “choice.”  And, most of the time, we want to talk.  And when we talk, people want to listen.  Yes, abortion industry, be scared.  Be scared of what we will expose.  Be scared of the truth.  The truth is what will bring you down.

[Top graphic via]

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