Pro-lifers unite! Take over #10forTebow hashtag!
Moderator Carder has been chronicling at the Quote of the Day (here and here) an abortion proponent’s idea to donate $10 to a pro-abortion organization whenever pro-life Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow makes a touchdown and/or famously bends his knee in thanks to God when his team scores.
Now her #10forTebow effort has gone viral. She bragged to the New York Observer, “I do know just the news of this #10ForTebow has led to some folks generously giving what they can. I don’t have a solid figure at this time, but it appears to have garnered 150-200 dollars since the blog went up.”
Suddenly I’m reminded of NARAL’s “Blog for Choice” day this past January, when pro-lifers completely took over the #BlogforChoiceDay hashtag.
There’s no sense in letting an opportunity for a competition with pro-aborts go by that would also fund pregnancy care centers and pro-life groups.
So pro-lifers unite! Let’s take over the #10forTebow hashtag – beginning today! Use that hashtag for all your tweets. And watch the Broncos/Patriots tomorrow, December 18, at 4:15p EST and note your $10 donation at #10forTebow!

Thanks again, Jill! *HEARTS*
this is great news! im always glad to hear something positive. i just came from the pharmacy and there it was a pamphlet about otc plan b and another called womans choice ( emergency contraception ) ick ick ick. must be 17 or older to purchase the drug of death.
LOL It’s cute she is bragging about “$150-$200″…
What would that buy…like, a third or fourth of one abortion?! Clearly it is PRO-lifers who put their money where their mouths are!! Proud to be one of them!!
keep working pro lifers. there are a lot of people on our side. keep up the good work at cpc keep up the good work speaking to the women in front of abortion clinics. get out there with your signs and i do indeed hold mine in front of abortion clinics. where else would i hold one? at the mall? you have about 10 seconds to reason with a woman unless she stops to talk. some do and some see the signs and they work!!!!!! they see the end result of what they will have left if they get up on that table.
I just watched a 10 minute video…Tebow mic’d up during the Bear-Broncos game.
I don’t understand people’s dislike for him. To me, it strongly supports the notion that God is real and that when somebody proclaims who Christ is, some people will strongly and negatively react. He’s a positive person, a humble leader – and I’m glad his playing has exposed a lot of people for who they really are.
The thing about Tim Tebow is that society likes to complain how fake and hypocritical we Christians are. When a young man who has fame and money still chooses to live morally and honor God, you know, NOT being fake and hypocritical, society still complains.
Then I remember that they hated Christ first… can we expect better treatment than our Savior?
I don’t have money to donate to my CPC as things are really tight financially but I’ve been inspired to organize a maternity clothing drive as the CPC is always in need of stylish maternity clothes for the college girls that utilize them. Thanks Steph for lighting a fire under me for life!
Very powerful sentiment, RINO. I like it. Well-done. :)
i also agree with ex gop today……imagine that! ex now youre talkin!!!!!!!
I love it when anti-lifers get hoist with their own petards. XD
Hey! Join the Facebook event too! :D Support Tim Tebow!
If I could marry this God-fearing man tomorrow I would!! Same age and everything! ;)
Boy, I wish my Eagles were on Fox instead of CBS this week. I’d bail for the Broncos-Patriots. I’ll be keeping an ear out for radio.
I don’t see the big deal over Tebows pro-life views since “choice” is the losing position these days. When NARAL talks nobody listens. The pro-aborts campaign will backfire because Jesus will be in command of the game and Tim Tebow.
I don’t usually cheer for the Denver Broncos, but will for the 10 for Tebow to support the pro-life movement. In fact…Tebow just scored a touch down! (around the 8 min. mark in the 1st quarter). That’s what, either $10 or $20 towards a pro-life organization? ;-)
it’s 10 bucks….with the way this game is going, it looks like he’s going to raise a lot for prolifers.
Tebow told Denver’s defense they had to be like the 12 Disciples. So Denver put 12 men on the field…. :)
Mike Hassett: Jesus will be in command of the game
I do believe he was. Or at least Justice was served. Too bad the rightful rulers of the AFC West – the Oakland Raiders – were beaten today by the Detroit Lions. And the Packers lost – sheesh!
Looks like no one will be getting any money, since Tebow didn’t throw any TD’s today.
You forgot to mention the Colts actually won a game! There is hope for them! (they are 1 – 13, I believe) :P
Rachael C: You forgot to mention the Colts actually won a game! There is hope for them! (they are 1 – 13, I believe) :P
Ha! :) I did see that they’d won… what a weekend – who would have predicted them winning and the Packers losing.
I don’t know what happened to the Colts. Obviously, Peyton Manning makes a lot of difference, but I don’t think *that* much….
The explanation for the Colts is simple, and straight out of the Bible. “Strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will flee.”
“Scattered”, actually. I don’t know why I have’t been able to edit lately. It never fully loads the text.
“Scatter”. This could go on forever. :)
Yeah, Hans, the new “Edit” function doesn’t work for me either.
The reactions of the Choice Nazis on Twitter to our counter offensive is priceless. I hope Tim Tebow finds out what we’re doing there and joins the party. The #10forTebow hashtag was started (naturally( by Steph Herold, a proabort lobbyist and antagonist, same person who started the #ihadanabortion hashtag, same person who blocked me when I asked to see the financial statement of her so-called abortion fund. I figured something was up when I hit the website of this so-called charity and found it was ‘powered by WordPress’. Herold is in reality a postabortive college student trying desperately to justify her own abortion. Proaborts could have fed a lot of hungry kids with the money they’re throwing away on this smarmy little campaign, you know, those children they claim to consider actual children? They also could have put that money towards helping others obtain prenatal care-ya know, those women they say they care about so much? This campaign is great, exposing what proaborts really care about, and they don’t even see how they’re giving themselves away.