Life Links 1-19-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- It’s hard to keep a straight face reading this from Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards:
In fact, the Tebow story exemplifies the health care environment that Planned Parenthood promotes….
- Scott Klusendorf recently had a piece entitled, “The 2012 Elections: Five Questions for Pro-Life Advocates,” published in the Christian Research Journal.
- The Guttmacher Institute and the World Health Organization have apparently put together another one of those worldwide abortion
studiesguesstimates based on guesstimates which the Lancet decided to publish. Unsurprisingly, they push for more funding of contraceptives and claim abortions are more frequent in countries where abortion is illegal. - Russell Moore writes about sharing the gospel in an abortion culture.:
In your congregation this Sunday, and in the neighborhoods around you right now, there are women vulnerable to abortionist propaganda, not because they reject the church but because they’re afraid they’ll lose the church. Pregnant young women are scared they will scandalize church people when they start to show, so they keep it secret. Parents are fearful their pregnant daughter, or their son’s pregnant girlfriend, will prompt the rest of the congregation to see them as bad families.
As they keep all of this secret from the Body of Christ, many of them fall prey to the false gospel of the abortion clinic. “We can take care of this for you,” these people say. “And it will all go away.”

LOLing at Richards!
Why Cecile. You are so correct. And in that vein, I think we can all agree that the KKK exemplifies a caring environment for blacks, right?
My gosh. That woman is delusional!
Ms. Richards, and PP, realize the tactic of being a shrill, obstinate, and unrepentant proponent of abortion is not working this election year. She is returning to PP’s more moderate fall back position. They only thing good about this for pro-lifers is that Ms. Richards feels that she needs to polish the tarnished image of PP.
Ms. Richards and her ilk need to explain why they track the abortion rate so closely. It is disgusting that they get bothered when the abortion rate declines, and suspect foul play. If they are truly for choice, they should be supporting and contributing dollars to pro-life groups and not just NARAL or other pro-abortion organizations. It is not fair that they call themselves Pro-Choice and they do nothing to help the Pro-Life movement!
I thought abortion was supposed to be safe, legal and rare.
Too bad there’s no money in the “rare” part.
“It is not fair that they call themselves Pro-Choice and they do nothing to help the Pro-Life movement.”
Why would they help a movement that in seeking to deny women the right to a legal abortion would take us back to what you guys think is the “good old days” of back alley, self induced, “d&c’s,” and foreign (for those who have $) abortions? And “get bothered” – scuse me? How do you figure that one? Oh, right. “Pro-life” projection. And BTW, the social safety net for those who do have babies is supported by those who are pro-choice. Conservative pro-lifers – not so much.
CC, do you have any concept of what choice means?
Pro-CHOICE is a lie. Forced abortion and sterilization in 2012 in the United States. Unbelievable.
Thank God for the Appellate court reversal.
Courtnay – right you are! And abortion is NEVER safe!
Amber – wrong you are! The maternal mortality rate for delivery is nine times that of abortion.
I don’t recall saying anything about mortality rates??
You said abortion is never safe. I’m just pointing out that delivery is even less safe. No-one wants to ban deliveries, so there are no grounds there for banning abortion.
LOL “reality” we can’t help it if children accidentally die from a natural cause during child birth – that does NOT mean that we can tear them to shreds or burn them with acids which WILL (other than extremely rare cases like Gianna) end in MURDER.
LOL, did you miss the term ‘maternal mortality’ Amber. Like I said, delivery is significantly less safe than abortion.
No “reality” I can read – and you are just repeating the same exact thing you said. Maybe you should re-read my comment.
You said “And abortion is NEVER safe!” – and I pointed out that delivery is less safe. The rate of women dying is nine times higher for delivery than abortion. What is it you don’t understand about that?
“LOL “reality” we can’t help it if children accidentally die from a natural cause during child birth – that does NOT mean that we can tear them to shreds or burn them with acids which WILL (other than extremely rare cases like Gianna) end in MURDER.”
To say it again – sometimes lives – mother or child – may be lost naturally – that does not mean that abortion is safe, that it ever has been, or that it will ever be.
Not only for the mother, who suffers from abortion – but EVERY CHILD WHO IS ABORTED, DIES!
That is NOT SAFE!
Ps. You might want to watch all-encompassing terms like “no one” I know some sick, sad people who want to sterilize everyone because the world is “overpopulated.”
go to the site CEMETERY OF CHOICE and read about all of the women who died from safe legal and rare abortion.
“that does NOT mean that we can tear them to shreds or burn them with acids which WILL (other than extremely rare cases like Gianna) end in MURDER”
The “pro-life” movement seems to be fixated on images of slashing, burning, and dismemberment of fetuses. It’s really quite freaky and speaks to a very strange obsession that puts abortion on the level of a Friday 13th movie. For the “pro-life” movement, abortion has become slasher porn, lol.
The pro-aborts are the ones who get off on it.
I can’t help it if they are aborted in terrible ways – but even if it were a “humane” death – IT’D STILL BE MURDER!
Your opinion. Not the law. Big difference.
Reality says:
The rate of women dying is nine times higher for delivery than abortion.
This figure may not be “reality” at all. How many abortion-related deaths are reported as pregnancy-related deaths? We’ll probably never know. But what is certain is that almost every abortion results in at least one death. Nope, not safe at all.
CC – Fact, but not law. Big difference.
The purpose of abortion Amber, is to terminate a fetus. If the fetus is terminated that does not indicate a situation which is not safe. Safety is applicable to the woman undergoing the procedure and those performing it.
Delivery is intended to bring a living being into the world. In that situation the safety of the fetus as well as the woman and those attending is of importance.
Not quite apples and apples comparison-wise.
So the bottom line is that delivery is less safe than abortion.
“You might want to watch all-encompassing terms like “no one” I know some sick, sad people who want to sterilize everyone because the world is “overpopulated.” – yes, you are quite right. I agree.
“Reality” – you are seriously mistaken on all accounts of life, science, statistics, and morals. Get yourself a life and quit trolling a this page with your humorous lies and fallacies.
“So the bottom line is that delivery is less safe than abortion.”
Maybe, maybe not. We don’t know the real numbers of women that are harmed by abortion. Unfortunately, the politics surrounding the procedure get in the way of honest reporting and sensible safety measures. It’s one of the reasons why I believe pro-abortion advocates are misogynistic at heart. They value the “freedom” of choice over women’s lives.
“you are seriously mistaken on all accounts of life, science, statistics, and morals.” – you wish that it were so.
Obfuscating won’t change the bottom line Lrning, delivery is less safe for women than abortion is.
“It’s one of the reasons why I believe pro-abortion advocates are misogynistic at heart. They value the “freedom” of choice over women’s lives.” – hardly, it’s not pro-choicers who seek control or enforcement over womens lives. We support the freedom of choice, for women, in their lives.
The purpose of abortion Amber, is to terminate a fetus. If the fetus is terminated that does not indicate a situation which is not safe.
It’s so adorable that you think this. And by “adorable” I mean “disgusting, barbaric, and laughably wrong.”
Not my fault if you can’t deal with the facts Alice.
Reality, the CDC codes abortion deaths to hide the fact that they died from abortion. So a woman might have an embolism during an abortion but it is coded in such a way that it says she died of heart failure not taking into account an embolism in her heart from an abortion is what killed her. Read Lime 5. It explains it very well.
Millions of women birth every year. 6 million. And who do you know that died? I know tons of women who have birthed and I don’t know any women that have died from it. Keep hearing reports of women being taken to the hospital from abortion clinics though. There was another one recently. Operation Rescue reported on it.
I feel much safer preparing to birth which is natural than having my cervix forced open unnaturally and instruments stuck into my womb by feel not by sight and having my child torn to pieces.
CC, the law used to say that white slave owners beating their slaves to death wasn’t murder either. Did that mean an innocent human being was not just killed unjustly? Just because the law doesn’t recognize it doesn’t mean it wasn’t murder. We are not talking about legality here. We are talking about ethically/morally.
And we pro-lifers are not obsessed with how fetuses are aborted. But you pro-aborts seem to want to cringe and deny that thats how abortion goes down. If its so wonderful and not immoral, then own it CC. Abortion would rip the arms and legs off my son and crush his little head and you support that.
“hardly, it’s not pro-choicers who seek control or enforcement over womens lives. We support the freedom of choice, for women, in their lives.”
I’m not talking about control or enforcement. I’m talking about safety. I thought you were too. If pro-choice advocates were pro-women they would be DEMANDING accurate reporting of abortion statistics and adverse effects. They would be DEMANDING that the standard of care for surgical abortion be in line with other outpatient surgical procedures. They would be DEMANDING that clinics meet safety standards and be inspected with the same frequency as other surgical centers. They would be DEMANDING that women receive accurate information to ensure informed consent. They would be DEMANDING that young patients be protected from coercion and abuse. Instead, these things are looked at as threats to “choice” and pro-abortion advocate groups speak out against these common-sense safety measures. Like I said, pro-abortion advocates value “freedom” of choice over women’s lives. I call that misogynistic.
Not my fault if you can’t deal with the facts Alice.
This being the part where the ironiometer goes so hard into the red zone it makes a “SPROING!” noise, then goes dead. Beside it on the dash, the red “IRONY OVERLOAD” light goes on, indicating that the meter will need to be taken in for servicing before it can resume operating.
Variables would not discount the fact that abortion has a significantly lower mortality rate for women than does delivery. This is supported by data collected and collated in other nations. This data has also demonstrated that the US does not have a delivery maternal mortality rate to be very proud of.
Lime5! ROFLMBO. A collation of fabrications and distortions by an extremist.
Yes I do know women, and know of women, who have died in childbirth. In one case the wife of a co-worker of mine died only because their religion didn’t allow blood transfusions.
Keep hearing reports of women being taken to high dependancy units from delivery rooms though. There was another one recently. There’s no activist group who reported on it.
“I feel much safer preparing to birth” – you might but you’re not.
“I’m talking about safety. I thought you were too.” – so am I. Abortion is safer.
I have no control over what happens inside your head Alice. The simple fact is that abortion is safer than delivery.
“The simple fact is that abortion is safer than delivery.”
Not for every human involved.
You know all these women who have died in labor Reality? Pffft. Lie. Don’t believe you. The only woman I know who died in labor died in 1912 birthing my grandmother’s older half sister. Thats 1912. You know, the year Titanic went down?
you’re so full of it Reality. Really. Your moniker is the ultimate on the ironiometer. Sproing!
So the woman you supposedly know who died in labor died because her religion didn’t allow a blood transfusion? So her religion killed her, not labor. Because in this modern day and age birth is very safe.
Cemetery of choice showcases a lot of women who died from safe and legal abortion. All the information is verifiable (since you won’t believe Lime 5).
Yes it makes sense right? Allowing the cervix to dilate naturally LIKE ITS DESIGNED TO DO and allowing the uterus to contract LIKE ITS SUPPOSED TO and letting the placenta detach naturally LIKE ITS MEANT TO is soooooo much more dangerous than having metal rods shoved into your cervix to yank it open unnaturally, sharp curettes stuck in there, powerful vacumm sucking at your innards and the placenta and baby ripped off the uterine wall by force. Yeah… abortion, makes sense its like, totally safer!
Agreed Sydney – I know a lot of people with a lot of offspring and I don’t know anyone who died in labor. Of course it does happen, but it is rare.
“You know all these women who have died in labor Reality? Pffft. Lie. Don’t believe you.” – of course you don’t. It wouldn’t suit you and your claims to do so. I know women, and know of women, who have died from insurmountable complications.
The woman who bled to death already had four children. Their church ‘selected’ a new wife for my co-worker three months later. She had to step in and raise five children ranging in age from newborn to seven years old. Boy did that poor lady develop some issues!
“So her religion killed her” – ain’t that the truth!
Even if you don’t believe me, are you claiming that women don’t die through delivery simply because you don’t know them?
“Cemetery of choice showcases a lot of women who died from safe and legal abortion. All the information is verifiable” – I’m sure it is (well some of it) but that doesn’t alter the fact that delivery is less safe.
It doesn’t matter what procedures or functions you describe in as gory a manner as you can muster (sounds like a number of medical procedures), it doesn’t alter the fact that abortion is safer than delivery.
If you put as much effort, attention and focus on discovering the incidents, accidents and deaths taking place through deliveries as you do in regard to abortions then you would see that the maternal mortality statistics show an accurate picture.
Maternal mortality statistics for childbirth are probably accurate. Maternal mortality statistics for abortion are not. So you can keep repeating that abortion is safer, but you don’t actually know that.
Now, if pro-abortion advocates were pro-women they would be DEMANDING to know the real truth about the safety of abortion. Standards of care and best practices won’t change if the industry is missing critical safety information. But instead of caring about the safety of women seeking abortion, they fear the loss of the “freedom” of choice.
1. my, what an objective, unbiased, non-propaganda site you linked to!
2. Even if we accepted that “Sherlock eventually documented 30 to 40 percent more abortion-related deaths throughout the country than have been reported in the “official” national statistics published by the CDC.” this would still mean that abortion is approximately 6 times safer than delivery.
2. the US isn’t the only nation collecting and collating these statistics and those statistics also demonstrate that abortion is far safer than delivery.
hahahaha reality asked me if i was on drugs once. i really have to ask reality if hes on an acid trip. i hope so. otherwise ive finally figured out hes not interested in facts and pro lifers are wasting time. anyway i guess the women i know who regret their abortions its just good acting on their part. fake tears and all.
the troll just types out his opinions and they are just getting to be beyond strange. i can think for myself. i knew a woman who had 8 abortions and she had to have a hysterectomy due to non stop bleeding. doctors TOLD her at a pro choice hospital that it was because of all of the abortions. after the hysterectomy she became so depressed she ended up in the hospital because she almost drank herself to death. yeah i guess im just making that up. what ev a!
nope stood in front of the abortion clinic and saw a woman leave in an ambulance. tried to talk her out of it prior to this. an hour later shes on a stretcher moaning and crying. im just making that up too. i havent been present for every woman who left the death clinic in an ambulance but a pastor i know told me about it. i guess hes just a big fat liar huh? he made it up. hahaha and 911 cranks the sirens. the abortion clinic requests none. 911 said uh aaaaa! all emergencies will be treated the same.
i guess ” meet the providers” is fake too. anthony levitano was an abortionist. he and his wife adopted a child and named her heather;) good name. anyway anthony said ” you want to just take that baby and keep the baby for yourself. it doesnt work that way. we were throwing them in the garbage at an alarming rate.” he went on to say ” i put a lot of women in the hospital. i perforated their bowels and many uteruses. i cant honestly tell you if they are sterile today.”……..levitanos daughter was hit and killed by a car. he quit the abortion industry. i guess hes just a liar. hes just making propaganda for our side. yeah right!
cc slasher porn abortion? lmao what more can i say? you didnt even know you were pregnant and you have the gall to say you gave yourself an abortion? what a joke. cc call 1 800 get help!!! i dont believe you are post abortive because you said you shot a turkey baster into yourself and had a heavy period. so? it was just that a heavy period!!!!! you have admitted to mental problems and i sympathize. please see a doctor or someone. as ive told you before….that would be like me getting a pain in my breast and convincing myself it was breast cancer and cutting off my breasts. then id go to web sites and tell everyone im a breast cancer survivor………but im not sure id ever had it to begin with. get help lady.
Abortion can’t be safer than childbirth. Someone always dies in an abortion.
Yeah I’ll take my chances birthing a living child in a few months Reality. Would never allow someone to forcibly dilate my cervix and stick sharp instruments blindly into my body.
yeah courtnay and sydney…reality would be in our corner if we would have had abortions. i will pass. i wouldnt want him in my corner! and he calls us nutty fundis. oh man lololol!!! yeah hes a liberal lunatic. call me a fundi any day. at least the word fun is in it;)
ive spoken to women who have told me ” my abortion was the most painful thing ive ever felt. of course many of them cried from the pain. ive read books where abortionists told patients to ” shut up”!!!!!!!!! wow. i would never allow a doctor to tell me to shut up. BUT abortionists get a free pass. it takes a lot to get an abortionist fired. they can rape you and molest you verbally abuse you. and dont expect NOW or NARAL to help you.
“you have admitted to mental problems and i sympathize”
Uh, when exactly have I admitted to “mental problems?” Could you provide a source, please? But it’s funny that you are now saying that I had a heavy period when others, on this blog, think that I aborted myself and am “post-abortive.” Make up your mind, cuz you can’t have it both ways.
“ive spoken to women who have told me ” my abortion was the most painful thing ive ever felt.”
First, what’s with the small “I?” Is that some kind of EE Cummings thing? Second, I’ve spoke to women who said that their abortion was a lot less painful than a root canal. See, we can both do anecdotes. What fun!
And I do love your bizarre syntax and stream of consciousness histrionics laden with all sorts of ungrammatical (but free flowing) character attacks. Did you learn that style in a writers’ workshop? Your collection of anecdotes, however, is priceless!
ah cc you admitted on another thread that you had mental problems. anyone who inserts a turkey baster into themselves and shoots air must have a mental problem AND NO you didnt have an abortion because you never confirmed pregnancy. who cares what people think? just like i dont care what you think about my typing or spelling. im on a tiny phone. sounds like a possible suicide attempt honey. ever hear of an embolism? …you werent pregnant. you had a heavy period.
“But it’s funny that you are now saying that I had a heavy period when others, on this blog, think that I aborted myself and am “post-abortive.”
Funny but YOU are the one who keeps changing your story, CC. It is obvious you have problems with the truth.
Slasher abortion porn? Sorry but having a Masters degree doesn’t ensure sanity. Thank goodness you are no longer working in social services.
I’m with heather. Get some help. The sooner the better.
instead of telling everyone about your imaginary abortion why dont you try moving on to something constructive? sorry but if you had never confirmed pregnancy then i cant believe youve ever had one. seek professional mental health help. oh and you added that the guy you went to bed with was a mental case. ha birds of a feather flock together.
praxades…what a breath of fresh air!!!! cc has a masters degree? youre kidding. i could care less. i know many people who are book smart and havent an ounce of common sense. count cc as one of them. i thought cc was an elderly woman.
cc said “people think i had an abortion.” thats redonkulus! people think because of my height i play basketball. i hate sports.
“ah cc you admitted on another thread that you had mental problems. anyone who inserts a turkey baster into themselves and shoots air must have a mental problem.’
No, I did not “admit” anything. And you might want to read the DSM IV for more information on “mental problems.” Women who attempt to terminate their pregnancies, because of unavailability of abortion, do not have “mental problems.” That you would attempt to define these women, as unstable, underscores the desperation of your argument that no women would ever want to abort a pregnancy. But your nuance is interesting and shows some evolution in your meme. Rather than “baby killers,” these women are now either innocent creatures who are “forced” into an abortion against their will, or those with “mental problems.”
And Praxedes. I’m not changing my story one iota. I used a turkey baster to, for lack of a better word, unfasten what could have been a fertilized egg from my uterus. As I have said on a number of occasions, I don’t know if that worked or if I was even pregnant. I had a late period (I was always regular) and it was very, very heavy. Take from it what you will. I still don’t know. What I do know is that I was one of many women who were willing to take desperate means to get rid of a problem. You folks want to take us back to those days.
BTW, Sunsara Taylor has a great article about your medieval world view on RH Reality check.
cc said “people think i had an abortion.
Uh, yeah, they do. Dr. Nadal for one. Carla also thinks I am “post-abortive.” Speaking of Nadal, I haven’t seen his venomous vitriol round these parts lately.
i thought cc was an elderly woman
I’m 63.
Many pro-aborts are “elderly women” or daughters of intensely pro-abort elderly women – because they grew up in the culture of death. CC – hoping that some day you will find healing for whatever you’ve been through and that you come to our side – the side of life!
yeah cc…. but im saying that without confirmation of pregnancy you cannot say that you have had an abortion. i missed my period one month and i was always regular also. i had been sexually active with condoms the month before i was late. i thought without a doubt i was pregnant. i did a pregnancy test and it was negative. i started my period the next month. the doc told me you can sometimes miss due to stress.
i could say that i had a miscarriage because of a missed period BUT i wasnt pregnant. why would you shoot air into your private parts ( something so drastic ) without going to a doctor first? you never confirmed pregnancy so without that you cannot make me believe you self aborted. thats just my opinion.
agree with amber. as ninek says…its never too late to embrace life;) and cc you are now beyond child bearing age. if indeed you never wanted kids thats fine but dont have such contempt for those who choose life. dont let the years roll and the bitterness grow.
Anyone who sticks something foreign into her body out of desperation needs mental health care and could also use a spiritual adviser. Even many of we non-elites without Masters know this.
I hope you got a new baster before Thanksgiving. :)
Seriously though, I sincerely hope you get help. There is no shame in admitting you need help. You’ve been hanging on to your anger and bitterness for too long.
“Anyone who sticks something foreign into her body out of desperation needs mental health care and could also use a spiritual adviser.’
You are so not a clinician. And you obviously never had what you thought was an unplanned pregnancy during the pre-Roe days when abortion was illegal and, for many, unavailable. What women did was a reaction to that and had nothing to do with their mental competency. If a person maims themselves for no good reason, that suggests a pathology. What we did was try to alleviate a physical problem without having the necessary medical means. As I said, this is what you folks want to take us back to which underscores how, as Sunsara Taylor writes, you really hate women.
And “spiritual advisor?” Seriously? You people all think that any problem can be solved by connected to your god. Please.
Uh, CC, it wasn’t a “physical problem.” It was your child whom you would not let live.
And we’re the ones who hate women?
CC, I agree with others. Whether or not you aborted, didn’t abort… you have serious bitterness issues. You can’t be a happy person with all that bitterness eating at you like a cancer.
You are around my mom’s age. So glad I ended up in her uterus and not yours. I shudder to think what you would have done to me had I been your daughter.
Why do you care what I think?
I don’t know if you are or are not post abortive. You have talked some about a turkey baster here. Whatever that means.
Carry on.
BTW, Sunsara Taylor has a great article about your medieval world view on RH Reality check.
Darn those medieval pro-life women like Susan B. Anthony and their medieval world views.
Medieval world view? Like PP who says that there are no fetal heart tones till the 6th month (science shows that the heart starts beating at 21 days). PP probably thinks the earth is flat too… who needs science when you have propaganda!
It never fails to surprise me when I come across women who actually believe that their liberation and betterment are tied up in the freedom to kill their children.
just to clear things up….its not that i dont value carlas or dr nadals input but im saying part of me believes cc might be looking for a little pre roe sympathy? as she admits her elite RI pals are Jewish pro aborts. you might have been pregnant but without confirmation you might have just induced a heavy period. just like when i missed an entire month without a period. i always started on the 2nd of every month. i finally went to a doctor for a blood test after id missed the entire month of january without a period. i was going to call him but my period started february. i told my doctor “i got my period today.” i was just about ready to go in and see him. thats when he told me i was negative for pregnancy and possible stress could have been to blame.
so cc without a doctors confirmation there it is totally possible that youve never had an abortion. isnt that good news?
“ive finally figured out hes not interested in facts” – actually, you’ve demonstrated that you attempt to ignore or deny them. But that won’t change them. Abortion is safer than delivery, the facts clearly show that it is so.
“reality would be in our corner if we would have had abortions” – dream on. There are many pro-choicers who have had abortions. The few who become anti-choice are just that – the few.
“Yeah I’ll take my chances birthing a living child in a few months Reality” – good for you. That is your choice and you have my full support. Still doesn’t alter the facts regarding risk though.
CC – I find myself wondering if Gerard isn’t a bit of a ‘hit and run’ merchant. He seems to stroll in, toss a hand grenade loaded with vitriolic ad hominems and promptly departs.
“Anyone who sticks something foreign into her body out of desperation” – what like a syringe full of lifesaving drugs? Or surgical instruments to repair or remove a diseased organ? How about a pacemaker?
Reality, I am not altering facts. You are delusional! Is there risk to birth which is natural? Sure. But you act like there is NO RISK to abortion which is an unnatural procedure. The CDC codes abortions deaths as things other than abortion deaths. This has been documented. But you desperately cling to this notion that abortion is soooo safe and there are no risks and man, if you have a baby you will DIE. The risks of abortion are much much higher than being reported. People from the abortion industry have even admitted that they covered up deaths and complications and that they were never reported to the CDC or anyone! Read Carol Everett’s book “Blood Money”. She ran a chain of clinics. She killed a woman in her clinic and nothing was ever done! How do you think Kermit Gosnell was allowed to go on maiming and killing women for so long? Because the State and federal health agencies were on top of what was going on? Pulease. You are awfully gullible if you believe that Reality.
so many families never came forward when women died because they were ashamed to admit their mother/wife/daughter/sister had an abortion. Look how long it took to close down the clinic in Inglewood CA even after they KILLED woman after woman after woman! Do your research Reality! Going to the CDC website, btw, is not RESEARCH.
You’re utterly full of delusion.
Sydney, all the women killed by abortion are just collateral damage. The important thing is that the almighty CHOICE continue unencumbered!
“But you act like there is NO RISK to abortion” – that is not true. I have simply stated that there is less risk than with delivery.
“which is an unnatural procedure.” – what, like heart surgery? Or a hip replacement?
“The CDC codes abortions deaths as things other than abortion deaths. This has been documented.” – and the best I have seen so far is a ‘claim’ that abortion deaths are under-reported by 30-40%. Which still means that abortion is about six times safer than delivery.
“But you desperately cling to this notion that abortion is soooo safe and there are no risks” – again, that is not true.
“and man, if you have a baby you will DIE.” – yet another example of the extreme exaggeration which cheapens and damages your campaign. Your chances of dying in delivery are very low (not as low as many other western nations) but still not as low as in an abortion.
“they were ashamed to admit their mother/wife/daughter/sister had an abortion” – now who might be responsible for them feeling that way?
and cc there is no need to get on the defensive. maybe indeed you did induce an abortion. that doesnt mean anyone here hates you. its just that you seem to be holding on to so much bitterness. most of us are women here but there is no reason to keep harping about a possible abortion. you need to heal. maybe youve convinced yourself youve aborted and now you are getting older. perhaps you feel alone. talk to women like carla and carol or any of us. death is not the answer. nobody can “force pregnancy” on you anymore cc. im sure you are a smart woman but if you stay bitter then you wont make any progress. id love to see the real heart of you cc. c mon and open up.
cc we all fall short. we are all sinners. we care about women men and children here. but we are commanded to forgive and we do. you will be forgiven your sins if you ask. i pray for people here because God knows when i was out there doing wrong others prayed for me. i cringe today at the evil things i used to say and do. im a new person today. not perfect but i try. cc i used to tell people ” dont pray for me because id rather you didnt because i hate God.” and i meant it. I was my own worst enemy and i cannot forget how lost i once was. okay on that note off to bed and prayers.
Heather, it was beautiful and a blessing to read that. Thank you <3 Good night!
What we did was try to alleviate a physical problem without having the necessary medical means. I had an unplanned pregnancy, and despite it having been Post-Roe, I didn’t want to be pregnant and “forced” myself to “suffer with a physical problem”.
Here is my “physical problem”:
Regarding abortion in countries where it is outlawed, what should be done in those countries to decrease criminal abortions?
Can something besides making it illegal be done?
I finally got around to reading the Five Questions for Pro-life Advocates. It’s excellent.
“1. Are pro-life advocates focused too narrowly on abortion? After all, informed voters consider many issues, not just one.
Of course abortion isn’t the only issue—any more than the treatment of slaves wasn’t the only issue in the 1860s or the treatment of Jews the only issue in the 1940s. But both were the dominant issues of their day. Thoughtful Christians attribute different importance to different issues, and give greater weight to fundamental moral questions. For example, if a man running for president told us that men had a right to beat their wives, most people would see that as reason enough to reject him, despite his expertise on foreign policy or economic reforms. The foundational principle of our republic is that all humans are equal in their fundamental dignity. What issue could be more important than that?”
About the social safety net: welfare is means-tested. It is also stigmatized. It only goes to poor women and it is reduced when the woman begins earning her own money. By contrast, a family allowance would go automatically to everyone with responsibility for a(nother) baby and be enough to adequately support that baby.
How about it?
This would take away “we can’t afford it” as a rationale for abortion.
Re: paying for other people’s sex: we support police departments and the prison system which, to a large extent, pay for the results of other people’s irresponsible sex.