Fox News reported today that a Texas high school coach faces felony charges after giving the morning-after pill to one of her underage 16-yr-old students.

There’s the first reason not to make the morning-after pill easily available to adults: Just because an adult buys it doesn’t mean an adult will take it.

Shippensburg University in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, says it is comfortable selling the morning-after pill Plan B from a vending machine because all students are over  age 17.

But who is to say it will be a student buying the drug, not a teacher? Or a student dating a minor?

On Yahoo! Answers a guy asked:

So she doesn’t want to take any birth control or morning after…what if I crushed it up and slip it in food/drink? I know its morally wrong…but is it legally wrong? I’m not ready for a kid…I used condoms + pulled out but what if?

There’s a second reason not to make the morning-after pill easily available to adults. Just because the pills are intended for women doesn’t mean a man can’t buy them. They can… and do.

ao6 wrote on

I’m on the pill. I missed one, so I took the morning-after pill….

There’s a third reason not to make the morning-after as available as candy bars. The morning-after pill is composed of mega-doses of artificial female steroids – up to 12 times the dosage of birth control pills. Yet birth control pills are only available by prescription.  Here are the equivalents to Plan B, on a website recommended by Planned Parenthood. Click to enlarge…

According to Plan B’s packaging, it “is not indicated for routine use as a contraceptive.” Yet what does a vending machine encourage, if not that?

Furthermore, “[T]here are no data on overdosage of Plan B.” In fact, not many studies have been completed whatsoever on the impact of Plan B on a woman’s body.

There are additional problems too numerous to list, first with Plan B itself, but exacerbated by easy access. Dr. Shaun Jester, an OB/GYN at nearby Nason Hospital, encapsulated quite a few in an article…

“Plan B claims to not prevent an ongoing pregnancy. This is deceptive because it does prevent implantation, and if a layperson believes life begins at conception then without implantation, the pregnancy will end,” he said. “That’s why definitions are so important. It’s like calling something blue when it’s really red.”

Possible consequences of taking the pill are eliminating the fear of getting pregnant, and therefore someone becomes more casual about sex, opening themselves up to contracting sexually-transmitted diseases, including non-curable ones such as HIV, Hepatitis C and herpes, Jester said.

Jester doesn’t understand why, but getting pregnant is the “big fear,” not contracting a disease, he said.

It could also prevent putting a stop to sexual abuse that may only have come to light with an unwanted pregnancy, he said.


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