What the birth control mandate is about
And now these liberal government-types, who make for a socialist-oriented governement, are pushing to make church-owned hospitals implement Obamacare.
And remember ya’ll, abortion is a form of birth control to a liberal.
This is about more than birth control pills for zits; this is about abortion. But their selfishness, self-righteousness, and denial keeps them from admiting that it’s a form of extermination.
~ Alfonzo Rachel, PJTV’s ZoNation, February 21

Thats exactly what it’s about… Why? Because I’ve seen that mentality in action. Just yesterday, at my Catholic law school, a group of students that I affectionately refer to as the ‘Bra Burners’ held a debate with the notion that my Catholic law school should have to cover their oral contraceptives, and construed this as solely a female issue (completely ignoring that mandatory coverage of sterilizations also involves men). These are the same liberal feminazis who attack me for my views regarding abortion. It’s all about abortion and WOMEN’s contraception for them. They are so full of sh*t when they convey it to the student body that they are ‘concerned’ about liberties. They’ll gladly take away the liberty of religious groups to give themselves more license. They even had a nimrod from the ACLU come in, and one of the debaters was a student who claimed to be a ‘devout Catholic’, expecting the Church to just roll over and pay for contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortive drugs. It was insulting.
Hang in there, Lyssie! Tell them to give up contraceptives for Lent! ;) Liberty begins in the womb!
As usual, Zo nails it again in this clip. It’s worth watching, if just for the exchange between Andrea Tantaros and Jemu Green.
If the Catholic Church were so concerned about this issue, why was Cardinal Dolan mute when Catholic institutions, under his direction in WI and NY, were forced to comply with state laws which are identical the original HHS policy? If the Catholic Church is so concerned about this, why aren’t they targeting Catholic universities, like DePaul, which have coverage for birth control. And why hasn’t the church shut down Brooklyn’s St. Francis college which has coverage for abortions?
America is taking note, and this whole dialogue is great for prolife, because it reveals what the true heart of the abortion industry is-money. We’ll remember that come November.
CC, those are really good questions. I’d like to know the answer myself.
yes – the bishops should have moved sooner – but better late than never. The church is a slow moving body – but when it is fully engaged, it is a force, for sure.
Civil disobedience, folks. Fight the good fight, in the manner of Martin Luther King and Gandhi. We must stand up, before it is too late. And we must vote this administration out of office. look at the damage…
Today is the start of Lent. Let’s make the most of this historic opportunity to bring our nation back to it’s founding roots… religious liberty for all! and rights for all humans – for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
From what I understand there are loopholes where churches and their organizations can get by through being self-insured. The Obama mandate closed the loophole.
why have some Catholic institutions been going against their own teaching?
I know that in Oakland this was happening with Catholic Charities, under the radar from the bishop. Some Catholics were simply doing bad things and being sneaky about it.
Thanks to the mandate, the good bishop there was able to learn of the problem and take steps to correct it. Other bishops and lay leaders are doing the same.
Nonetheless a huge religious liberties problem remains for the govt. It’s one thing to have renegade Catholics doing things wrong. What the govt is doing goes a lot further- Obama’s govt is forcing ALL Catholics involved to go against the teaching of their faith.
If this style of govt can be forced on Catholics, it can be forced on anyone of faith. This is a religious liberties problem, and a huge misstep of the Obama govt.
If a Catholic institution CHOOSES to defy church teaching, then they are voluntarily violating the teachings. BUT if OBAMA mandates that we cover ELECTIVE procedures, then there is no choice, there is no flexibility, and it violates the sacred “separation of Church and State” that liberals love to quote from the old Soviet constitution. Our constitution here in the United States of America specifically gives us freedom OF religion. The government cannot mandate that all religions, and all individuals, use their money to make them pro-choice in practice, despite that they might be pro-life in theory.
Yes, pro-choice Catholics are a big problem, but the mandate is still unconstitutional.
It’s never to late to embrace life. As the weather warms, parents will be bringing their little ones out in the sunshine. Look at some of those young faces, cc, because they are the future of our once-great-and-will-be-great-again nation.
I think this will shed some light on CC’s questions:
I needed Zo’s Maalox when I first saw that debate. Jemmu tried to hide behind the notion that the Pill was for preventing ovarian cancer.
Is anyone else sick of the mindless “it’sallaboutwomen’srightsandnothingmore!” chant?
The first amendment, people. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
As for the Catholic hospitals/schools/etc. who do approve of/subsidize birth control- That doesn’t take away from the Church’s religious rights as a WHOLE. Neither should receiving federal money. Those things DO NOT negate the fact that all religions have the freedom to practice as they choose.