Ominous Planned Parenthood fundraising appeal details recent pro-life victories
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards sent a fundraising email this morning under an ominous caption…
I guess standing with Planned Parenthood is not supposed to be fun but frightening, kind of like watching a scary murder movie…
Indeed, the letter was intended to frighten Planned Parenthood supporters that their beloved organization and cause were losing ground at great speed by listing recent pro-life accomplishments. Of course, reading this list had the opposite effect on me, as I’m sure it will you:
In Arizona, Governor Jan Brewer is set to sign legislation that could ban federal funding for Planned Parenthood health centers. This comes just weeks after she signed a law that places severe limits on when women can get abortions – and means that many women will lose the right to end a pregnancy before they receive important information about their own health and the health of their pregnancy. [JLS note: Interesting spin on a law that bans late-term abortions after 20 weeks because babies feel pain by that age.]
And it’s not just Arizona. Lawmakers in Wisconsin, Texas, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee have eliminated funding for Planned Parenthood health centers – and Ohio may be next. Six other states, including Idaho, Nebraska, and Kansas, have enacted abortion time limits similar to those in Arizona, and a bill in Georgia is awaiting the governor’s signature. In Virginia and Texas, women seeking abortions are now forced by law to undergo ultrasounds.
Can I get a woot?

I almost wish I had that email in my inbox so I could reply with how proud I am of those states!
Very proud to live in one of those states!! :)
I am a transplant Arizonan. I can say that I am very proud of Gov Brewer and my adoptive state. They have been making great efforts in the pro-life movement. Gov. Brewer isn’t doing things to make herself popular or liked. She is doing things because they are right. So yes, I will give a very loud and excited “WOOT!” they stick “health centers” after “Planned Parenthood”? They’re getting reeeaaally desperate!
What’s “healthy” about PP’s “business” ?…nothing.
They’re reduced to hysterical scare tactics.
“Help! the goons are gonna take away YOUR RIGHT to rid yourselves of the BURDEN of motherhood!” They don’t care about your health like WE do!”
Yea..riiiight. And they say WE are the ones who treat women like they can’t think for themselves?
So many great states… keep up the good work, all of you!
Women with the ability to travel will just go to California for their abortions. Meanwhile, those who can’t will be mommies whether they like it or not. Yeah, Woot indeed.
Funny, the states with the highest education levels are also less restrictive about abortion. Meanwhile, the most pro-life states seem to have problems relating to maternal health, teen pregnancy, obesity, educational achievement etc. But lots of forced births will make everything better. Funny.
Oh, and I forgot. When women loose access to abortion, they sometimes self-abort or obtain “back alley” abortions. But in “pro-life” land, they get what they deserved. Am I right? Once again, big woot for women dying because of the forced birth movement.
Thankfully, there are enlightened states, like mine, that won’t be ending abortion anytime soon.
Oh CC.
Put a sock in it already.
New talking points, CC. You need them, badly. Wake me up when you got one.
More women die during abortion than mothers alone.
Tennessee, baby! God’s country!!
Meanwhile, those who can’t will be mommies whether they like it or not.
They already are mommies whether they like it or not, CC. Whether or not they choose death for their child doesn’t change that fact.
Very proud to be another Arizona transplant! I called the governor’s office and thanked her for supporting this legislation.
@ cc
So enlightened = solving problems with murder. I’d rather be more enlightened than that, thanks!
Rhode Islanders are not so enlightened that they won’t beat dead horses, though…
Jan Brewer for Vice President!
I hope CC gets some therapy for her echolalia.
“But in “pro-life” land, they get what they deserved.”
If by “what they deserved” you mean medical attention and mental health counseling, then, absolutely.
CC’s enlightened utopia? Logan’s Run. I’m going to start calling abortion clinics “Sleepshops”.
Woot! Woot!
Will. Resist. Temptation. To. Derail. Thread. To. Discuss. Logan’s. Run. Except. Book. Better. Than. Movie.
No, no, you’ve missed it; CC is demonstrating just what “higher educational levels” look like. Fortunately, people have hearts, and minds, even in the absence of “education”.
And yes, CC, a person who is trying to kill a defenseless human deserves to die (Decalogue). It is tragic, and thus avoidable, but your friends prefer to justify their evil by lying about it.
But, Hans; Jenny Agutter??
Forgot her. It’s been over 30 years. All I remembered were Farrah Fawcett and Gregory Harrison. And the cut-off was age 30, while it was 25 in the book.