Celebrate Mother’s Day by donating to pro-choice group
This Mother’s Day, I can’t think of a better way to honor all the mothers in the country – past and present – than with a contribution to EMILY’s List. They’re the ones working tirelessly to elect the pro-choice Democratic women who are making sure that our freedoms are protected for generations to come.
So, this year, join me in commemorating Mother’s Day with a contribution to EMILY’s List….
Make this Mother’s Day extra special. Honor mothers around the country with a contribution to EMILY’s List.
~ New York’s pro-abortion U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, using Mother’s Day and a photo of her with her children, to make a pitch for pro-abortion PAC EMILY’s List
[HT: LifeNews.com via Hot Air]

The sad thing is that these sick people probably see no irony whatsoever in this. Using mother’s day to raise money for the right to legally kill your children! That’s just plain evil!!!!!!!!
It defies logic.
A mother poses with her children while trying to fund raise so other mothers can kill theirs.
You are right JDC. Evil.
Do these people even realize the simple biology that requires “for generations to come” they actually have to be, you know, born?
Illogical and gross. I’ve heard pro-abortion moms say it cheapens motherhood when you don’t have the choice to abort. What?! Hmm … Sounds like a God-complex to me. And, wow, they just see the world so differently. It’s mind-boggling, among other things.
A quick return.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful pro-life and pro-choice ladies.
a better idea would be to donate to a mother’s help fund that a local right to life group has. Or even better…donate time, money or needed items to a shelter that helps women who chose life for their baby.
WOW! Make a donation to Emily’s List so every woman who wants a dead baby can get one. Cha-ching. You can take that to the bank. How do you put your kids on an advertisement to promote funding abortions? Pretty schizo sick stuff.