Memorial Day, a day to remember

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Thanks for the reminder that Memorial Day is not National BBQ Day, or Pool Opening Day. Our fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and coastguardsmen deserve our memories and gratitude, and their families deserve our condolences and prayers.
God bless all of those who have served and sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy and take for granted every day.
I second what Carla said
This is also a day to recall the special sacrifices made by men who make up that vast majority of those killed in combat.
My cousin’s son was killed in Afghanistan Saturday. My cousin’s birthday was Thursday. Her son contacted her on Facebook to wish her Happy Birthday. He told her they were “on a mission”. He was only 23. He was also their only child.
R.I.P. Eric Warren 11/22/88 -5/26/2012
we have a family member in the war. God Bless Missy Smart!
Pamela, that is so sad. I’ll be praying for your cousin and her brave son. I’m so sorry to hear that. It made me cry to think of that. :( God bless our troops.
So sorry Pamela!! :(
May our next president be someone who actually knows what Memorial Day is.
Some people here actually appreciate his service and sacrifice.
Pamela: I’m so sorry.
Pamela, we share the sorrow of this loss…and the hope…
Pamela I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for your family. My heart aches for you.
Pamela, my condolences to the entire family and praying for God’s comfort. LL
so very sorry for your loss Pamela. May the good Lord be with your family at such a tragic time. Missy is also in Afghanistan.
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family Pamela. Eric Warren’s service is to be commended and remembered.
“…we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain” – Abraham Lincoln
Heather, glad to hear you have a family member over in the sandbox – God’s blessings on Missy’s service.