O’Reilly exposes Planned Parenthood’s involvement with sex selective abortion
Last night Live Action’s Lila Rose appeared on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss her group’s new video investigation into sex selective abortions.
After viewing a cut from Live Action’s first exposé, which showed an Austin, Texas, Planned Parenthood employee helping facilitate what she thought was a sex-selective abortion, an incensed Bill O’Reilly scoffed, “Are we now China in this country?”
Actually, no, China has the U.S. on this one, because China, despite its horrific one-child policy, is one of 30 countries banning sex-selective abortions, which the U.S. as a nation does not.
Lila did a great job, as usual, although O’Reilly did most of the talking, as usual. I appreciate that he understood the big picture. He and Lila both made great points.
It was great that O’Reilly was on the same page as Lila, but as usual he didn’t let his guest speak very much. He normally plays the devil’s advocate on nearly every issue, but not on this one. That made the video and the problem of sex-selective abortions even more powerful.
News Hounds Priscilla did a great smack down of the bombastic, bloviating Bill.
Forgot the link.
CC, Priscilla just sounds angry–a common characteristic of the left. Though I’m not a big fan of O’Reilly.
Smack all you want, CC. You and your ilk are living in the PAST.
“virginial diva of the anti-choice movement”
I lolled.
Bill does seem to dominate the conversations often, but I wonder if it’s a time factor sometimes. He has to get to the point and only has so much time for each segment. Bill must be doing something right, CC. He’s been #1 how many years now? Good for Lila Rose and Live Action.
Go Lila! Live Action is on target in their mission to bring down PP. The abortion corporation loses credibility and with every sting.
Feminists who are fine with girls being targeted for abortion are so sadly clinging to abortion they can’t even see their huge fail in their mission to defend women.
God bless Bill O’Reilly. He’s one of the few that covers stuff like this.
Bill must be doing something right, CC. He’s been #1 how many years now?
Ratings do not imply quality. Justin Bieber is probably more popular than Mozart but that says nothing about the intrinsic value of the music. Given that Bill contributed, on a national news network, to a jihad of baseless hatred in which an abortion provider was assassinated, from your perspective, I guess he did do something right. You guys must be so proud.
Not quite as proud as you are, CC, of all the girl babies who will die today as an expression of their mothers’ liberation.
CC, nobody will hear about Priscilla or read her link besides you or the pro-life people here, but the public will hear this week how pro-abortion people and groups like Planned Parenthood are so committed to tearing the arms and legs off of children as a woman’s right that they are unable to even do anything about people wielding this woman’s right against women themselves. They can’t even tell a woman she might want to rethink her priorities. CC, aren’t you grateful your parents gave you life, and when you were young and vulnerable lovingly sacrificed some of their time to give you all the care and attention you deserved? Doesn’t every human being deserve the same opportunity you had? Didn’t you deserve to live even if your gender didn’t fit in with the plans of other people? Why are you so adamant that you cannot see the hypocrisy of not passing on the same love that was given freely to you?
God bless Bill O’Reilly. He’s one of the few that covers stuff like this
So your god should “bless” a man who sows hatred and conducts character attacks on a regular basis – despite his devout Catholicism. If anything is an indictment against Christianity, it’s Bill. You do know, don’t you, that he paid a substantial amount of money in a sexual harassment lawsuit. The phone sex tape transcripts are on a website and they’re not the kind of thing one would expect from a good Catholic like Bill.
But one thing is for sure, nothing helps galvanize the pro-choice movement like a millionaire 64 year old pro-life accused sexual harasser (who also once said that a kidnapped kid, who was repeatedly raped by his captor, “enjoyed” the experience) who pontificates for destroying a health care provider for 5 million women.
And BTW, he engaged the services of the Nassau County police dept. to spy on his ex-wife’s cop boyfriend. What a paragon of Catholic virtue.
“They can’t even tell a woman she might want to rethink her priorities.”
Their job is not to moralize about abortion. If a woman has made the decision, that’s her choice. If I want liposuction, is it the job of the doctor to talk me out of it? And my being born has nothing to do with what other women want to do with their reproductive organs.
And about the “tearing off of arms and legs” in an abortion. It’s so histrionic and quite non clinical. But it makes for great propaganda so I get it.
Not quite as proud as you are, CC, of all the girl babies who will die today as an expression of their mothers’ liberation
Frankly, I don’t care one way or the other. It’s their life and their choice.
Exactly, you don’t care. It’s our choice to care.
Tey to stay on topic for just a second here. We are all sinners, we have all done crappy things. Juat because a true statement comes out of a sinner’s mouth does not mean the statement is any less true.
Conversely (stay with me), you could have the most pious Christian tell a lie, and her mouth does not transform it into truth.
That’s why it’s important to focus on the message, not the messenger. And this is our message: no abortion. I could care less who espouses it; whoever, whenever, wherever, HOWEVER, they’re right.
Wow, just look at this troll go to any length and say anything to defend the deliberate slaughter of girls just for being girls. Amazing. Some commenters here have in the past wondered if she is a pro-lifer masquerading as a pro-choicer to make abortion advocacy look worse. If so, excellent job! No insult I could ever contrive would make abortion advocacy look any worse than it looks TODAY.
The deliberate destruction of female babies is THE WEDGE which will pry apart the international abortion industry.
Ah, the humble wedge. Forced abortion, coerced abortion, and sex-selective abortion are all points around which we could have found some common ground. But no, abortion advocates are sick individuals, the whole industry rife with dis-ease. The anthropologists of the future will write books and theses on how such a loathesome industry could have emerged and lasted long enough to destroy so many human lives. The anthropologists of the future will study abortion where it belongs: in the past.
Jill, I appreciate that Bill did the story and had Lila as a guest, but I was so annoyed at how little he allowed her to speak. She could have made the case more strongly than he did with all his bloviating. We’ve also got to get him to stop relying on the term “fetus”. The abortionists use that term to dehumanize the child — a fetus is not-quite-a-baby-yet — and as a Catholic, Bill ought to know better. Language matters, and he needs to stop lending credence to the idea that a fetus is less than a baby.
I’ve heard him on so many occasions use the phrase “potential human being” and it drives me crazy. He is wrong. The child in the womb is a human being, period. With great potential to grow, just like the rest of us.
Bill finally said, towards the end “baby” instead of fetus!!! Amazing. I am not a fan of Bill’s, but I do appreciate that he will air these stories.
I find this whole sex selection idea as not a reason to abort rather schizophrenic - a woman needs no reason to kill her child – but heaven forbid that she say that she wants to kill her child because of the child’s gender. WHY is the government holding hearings on this – children are being killed and the only thing that will happen is that the pp employee will steer the topic away from gender.
Babies will still be killed . . . sadly.
I don’t know any other proabort commenter as extreme as you are. Congratulations!!
Please let us know when your side is “galvanized.” LOL
::pops popcorn::
Carla–pop some more. I’m coming over to await the galvanization!
Oh, you anti-choice pop-corn eating rascals!! LOL! I prefer mine with real melted butter. Save me a seat!
You got it!!
I think the galvanization involves the big PP Pepto Bismol bus!! The things gonna roll! Maybe CC can drive!
I love me some galvanization!!
It’s a good thing this party’s gonna be at your house, Carla, because I doubt CC’s gonna drive all the way down to my unenlightened state of Tennessee.
Let’s make t-shirts: “Anti-choice Rascals” on the front, and “We Defy the Galvanizing!” on the back.
wow cc, if you had to toss in a straw man argument, you sure tossed in the whole bale of hay, didn’tcha?
I’m just so thankful for Lila and all of the other young people fighting for life. I’m approaching 40 and I think about how depressing it would be if I were one of the “young” ones.
Pro-life will win simply because they won’t die out. There have been societies that permit child killing of one sort or another throughout history. Those societies never survive. Not too hard to figure out why.
I keep hearing people say that laws forbidding sex-selection won’t work because people will just give any other reason for an abortion. I hope PRENDA becomes Federal law–then Live Action can do another sting and catch them in the act of hiding sex-selection abortions, just like they’ve already been caught helping very young girls lie about their ages to avoid reporting laws.
PP just gets worse the more we learn about them!
I keep hearing people say that laws forbidding sex-selection won’t work because people will just give any other reason for an abortion. I hope PRENDA becomes Federal law–then Live Action can do another sting and catch them in the act of hiding sex-selection abortions, just like they’ve already been caught helping very young girls lie about their ages to avoid reporting laws.
PP just gets worse the more we learn about them! Seriously, how many laws do they have to break before they get any punishment at all???
Not a fan of O’Reilly, but he’s about as hateful as Bill Maher.
Hateful? I watch neither, unless someone links to a youtube vid and I feel compelled to check it out. But from what I’ve seen, Maher is genuinely hateful and O’Reilly is merely contemptuous.
“I don’t know any other proabort commenter as extreme as you are. Congratulations!!
Please let us know when your side is “galvanized.” LOL”
As the result of the galvanization of our side, RI State Rep.’s Karen MacBeth’s invasive pre-abortion sonogram bill got aborted. (Pun intended) RI remains, thanks to the galvanization of pro-choice forces, proudly pro-choice. The anti-choice lobby is relegated to the sidewalk circus outside Planned Parenthood.
So if PRENDA becomes law and women do admit to seeking sex selection abortions, they will go to court and go to jail. The already cash strapped state will be obligated to spend more on the judicial system. Thanks, pro-lifers. Way to stand up for women.
Pro-life will win simply because they won’t die out
Funny, the pro-choice movement came from generations of women who were encouraged to be happy breeders. Funny, many of the pro-choice women in my area were raised in homes where the celibate Catholic priest told the women that birth control was a mortal sin. Ha,ha,ha, ha.
Funny, the pro-choice movement is old, the pro-life movement is young.
Funny, the pro-choice movement is old, the pro-life movement is young
So how do you account for all the pro-choice groups on today’s college campuses?
Easy, with the number of pro-life groups.
CC This is silly. Even Nancy Keegan calls this a big problem for the pro-choice movement. Fight it out with your own side.
Keenan, not Keegan
So if you’re proabortion, are there SOME sorts of abortions that are wrong? And why would it ever be wrong to kill a girl because she’s a girl, and not kill a girl because she was conceived
in rape? Because if you can’t agree on that, you can’t get galvanized.
I object to misogynist-related to abortions because……
Do proaborts actually think these things through, ever?
The proaborts on this blog can’t even get themselves galvanized!!
Good grief CC.
Seems to me CC chooses to live in little RI because she sees an opportunity to invest in death resorts which will inevitably crop up to serve the well-heeled who fly in as abortion tourists when other states become life-affirming. If not, I’d like to know what zeal more profound than CC’s it would take to motivate such investments. Imagine a state where CC’s considered a yawner in terms of abortion enthusiasm. Yowsah!
Right Rasqual, because the more abortions I have, the more money I’m going to make.
It’s so funny to see you post about the intrinsic value of music, yet you don’t see the intrinsic value of a preborn human.