Pro-lifers: Crash HHS Women’s Health online town hall this morning
This morning 10a to 11:30a EST the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will hold an online Women’s Health Town Hall.
This affords pro-lifers a fabulous opportunity to send unfiltered and public messages to HHS, the mainstream media, and the social media world by submitting questions and comments via Twitter and Facebook.
Per HHS’s instructions, submit questions and comments via Twitter by using the hashtag #WomensHealth and also at HHS’s Facebook page. Then watch the town hall live streamed to see if they address any of our concerns (taking bets that they don’t).
Scheduled to on the call are a who’s who of pro-abortion leaders in the Obama administration, including:
- Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services
- Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President and Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls
- Tina Tchen, Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls and Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama
- Cecilia Muńoz, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council
- Judy Waxman, Vice President of the National Women’s Law Center
Sample tweets, submitted by reader Julie (@LifeLetter):
- Pres Obama, didn’t you promise to protect conscience rights? Why will you not allow us to opt out of paying for #abortions? #WomensHealth
- Ms. Seblius, why is it illegal for insurance providers to call attention to the #abortion charges we will pay every month? #WomensHealth
- Ms. Sebelius, since your newest #HHS regulation refers to #abortion as a “service”, why hide the abortion charges every month? #WomensHealth
- Ms. Sebelius, don’t I at least get to know how much money I’m being required to pay for other people’s #abortions every month? #WomensHealth
- When we begin purchasing coverage in 2014, exactly how much of our monthly premiums will be set aside to pay for #abortions?#WomensHealth
- Why does the new HHS regulation require us to pay an abortion surcharge every month when we begin purchasing coverage in 2014? #WomensHealth
You get the idea. Let’s flood Twitter and Facebook so we cannot be ignored.
[HT: Eric Scheidler at]

Please, please check out the facebook page…hundreds of pro-religious freedom questions, maybe 10 supportive of hhs.
you can also post questions at lots of good questions being posted there as well.
You have to go here now. All other comments {370 plus) gone.
Watching it now. So dumb. They’re talking about how great this law as a whole will be, because it will include coverage for vaccinations, breast-feeding counseling, diet and nutrition advice…*gag* I’m not sure I can stand all this nanny-coddling!
I can’t watch. It’s not a town hall meeting, it’s an advertisement. Although I am loving all the comments on FB that are in opposition to the mandate. If Sebelius thought women were just going to love her mandate, she must see by now how very wrong she was.
I have a very hard time listening to Seblius and her robots. Ugh!
I did notice all the bottled water on the table though — way to Go Green, ladies!
Nothing but a propaganda blitz…
Who even watches this nonsense (other than us)?
It was awful. I did not hear one question from facebook to be addressed. Just a room full of libs and progs fawning all over. Interesting that they ended pulling on heartstrings with a story about two people who would have not made it out of the womb by Sebs standards.
Yes, not one question from a pro-lifer or supporter of religious freedom, although I know both Facebook and Twitter were ablaze with questions. Obama censorship.
So they scrubbed any questions from citizens concerned with abortion fundage and religious freedom?
The censorship is the story.
And it frightens me to have this crew in the administration.
I was on the last 15 minutes; they continued until 11:45. I didn’t see ONE single FB comment addressed. Maybe all of us FBers need to get Twitter accounts, too.
Censorship at its finest. I thing we have already lost the right to free speech. I get censored all the time at diverse places.
New York Times: Health-I posted half a dozen comments, all appropriate and only 2-3 showed up.
Planned Parenthood National FB page-Go and try to comment as a lifer, you will be deleted and banned within a day. How is that for a organization that receives half of their income from the Govt.
I drive a race car and on the track’s FB site my questions were deleted, not once but twice! So censorhsip is RAMPANT!
They reposted their comment policy. Apparently we violated their policy by posting similar concerns.
Censorship, pure and simple.
The comments are there, just buried under a bunch of posts from today.
“So they scrubbed any questions from citizens concerned with abortion fundage and religious freedom?
The censorship is the story.”
Right, because the First Amendment entitles citizens to having their every question answered by government bureaucrats in a public town hall session that they have “crashed” and “flooded”.
Not every question. One would have been at least a little honest. Between twitter and facebook they had 500+ to choose from.
Only a witless person would suggest they take every opposing question, Joan. The fact is they didn’t take even one- they ignored them.
How’s that for transparency, open and honest debate, and finding common ground?
The administration continues to dominate and disappoint.
I also have to say that I was so impressed by the intelligent, well-written questions. Maybe there were one or two unintelligible rants, but you can’t deny that hundreds and hundreds of highly intelligent women submitted questions. And, I exclude myself :-) My own question was not stellar.
Every pro-choice thread I’ve ever seen includes some posts that are obviously written by smart people. But, it quickly sinks to obscenities and name calling. Even when they all agree with each other, they start using filthy language to describe their opposition.
I was proud to be a part of it even if it was ignored.
I don’t mean to say that smart people don’t use obscenities.
It just doesn’t sound intelligent and therefore is not impressive during debate.
“How’s that for transparency, open and honest debate, and finding common ground?”
You’re moving the goalposts. You (and others) alleged censorship. Now it’s about “transparency, open and honest debate, and finding common ground”. (As if asking loaded questions as part of a coordinated effort to “crash” and “flood” an event has anything to do with transparency and finding common ground.)
I’m afraid that I have to agree with Joan…. we tried to unleash a herd of skunks onto their dog-and-pony show. So they shooed us out.
This was never about honest dialogue or transparency. Every public thing is an Obama campaign thing.
If we want honest dialogue, it’s going to have to happen in the courts, or at a Congressional hearing. Honest doesn’t come from the White House.
Thanks for doing this Jill! Obama and Sebelius are forcing us to pay for everyone else’s abortions when we purchase the required healthcare coverage beginning in 2014. While the churches have been busy defending the unborn and religious freedom, as they should, the HHS took advantage of the distraction and quietly issued a new regulation in March. It refers to “abortion services” and sets up required monthly payments for all abortions. There is no way to opt out of it. The abortion surcharge will not be listed as a separate line item on the monthly bill, so most people won’t even realize they’re paying for abortions. To make matters worse, it is illegal for your employer or the insurance carriers to tell you about the abortion surcharge or to advertise it in any form.
If your employer doesn’t comply with Queen Sebelius’s abortion surcharge edict, they will pay steep fines–try $100 per person PER DAY.
Here’s a link to Watch the embedded video from Alliance Defense Fund:
So much for choice. Since they made all our questions disappear, we can make them disappear in a few short months. Remember in November.
Joan, your cries are getting weaker and weaker…..why not join us?
Heh. When Wisconsin progressives didn’t get their way while occupying the statehouse, they said it was the end of democracy.
I think the point is that when you have substantial representation by a particular point of view, official silence as if that view didn’t exist is a bit odd.
A bit late to crash this party. I’ll have to settle for being a party to the crash of abortion.
Why can’t expect more of those who are pro-choice? Abortion is such a sleezy, ugly form of birth control. The thought of it makes me so sick. I never dreamed that I would live to see people of the USA fall to such a low level of civility and shame. It makes me cry.
@rasqual: I keep watching the video of that guy over and over and over. It is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week, far and away. :D