This morning 10a to 11:30a EST the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will hold an online Women’s Health Town Hall.

This affords pro-lifers a fabulous opportunity to send unfiltered and public messages to HHS, the mainstream media, and the social media world by submitting questions and comments via Twitter and Facebook.

Per HHS’s instructions, submit questions and comments via Twitter by using the hashtag #WomensHealth and also at HHS’s Facebook page. Then watch the town hall live streamed to see if they address any of our concerns (taking bets that they don’t).

Scheduled to on the call are a who’s who of pro-abortion leaders in the Obama administration, including:

  • Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services
  • Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President and Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls
  • Tina Tchen, Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls and Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama
  • Cecilia Muńoz, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council
  • Judy Waxman, Vice President of the National Women’s Law Center

Sample tweets, submitted by reader Julie (@LifeLetter):

  • Pres Obama, didn’t you promise to protect conscience rights? Why will you not allow us to opt out of paying for #abortions? #WomensHealth
  • Ms. Seblius, why is it illegal for insurance providers to call attention to the #abortion charges we will pay every month? #WomensHealth
  • Ms. Sebelius, since your newest #HHS regulation refers to #abortion as a “service”, why hide the abortion charges every month? #WomensHealth
  • Ms. Sebelius, don’t I at least get to know how much money I’m being required to pay for other people’s #abortions every month? #WomensHealth
  • When we begin purchasing coverage in 2014, exactly how much of our monthly premiums will be set aside to pay for #abortions?#WomensHealth
  • Why does the new HHS regulation require us to pay an abortion surcharge every month when we begin purchasing coverage in 2014? #WomensHealth

You get the idea. Let’s flood Twitter and Facebook so we cannot be ignored.

[HT: Eric Scheidler at]

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