Actress Drew Barrymore “can’t wait” for this baby, and more
I can’t wait until I have my children…. I love the idea that they don’t have to do something that they have no interest in, that they can do something completely opposite if they want to.
I will be so surprised if they don’t want to do something involving food or wine or art, but I’ll be OK with it.
I just want to build fun, great things for my family.
~ Actress Drew Barrymore, sharing her excitement over her pregnancy in an interview with Haute Living, via US Magazine, September 18
[Photo via Famous Wallpapers]

Does this mean she is prolife? :)
If Drew is proabortion then I have to add her to my list of actresses I no longer care for.
I hope so, Carla. I can’t forget that famous photo of her at the age of 13 sitting at the table of some event, clutching her head in an absolutely wasted condition.
I have a feeling she won’t let her child live quite as crazy a life.
She is not on any pro-life celebrity list so…. but I was pleased to see a few on there I hadn’t seen before like Andy Garcia and Ben Stein… :)
So…. This blog post is celebrating a woman who wants children? Lots of women Want and have children. Kudos to those woman. No one wants drew Barrymore to not have children. The problem is forcing women to have children when they don’t want them. Are you going start picking every pregnant celebrity and show they are excited about motherhood?? This post is nonsense. Who the heck cares that drew is happy to be a mom? No one is trying to stop her. You people try to stop a woman’s control over her body remember?
The women in question already have (are in possession of) their children. We’re only trying to persuade them to exercise their control over the bodies of their children so as to keep them alive.
No. You are bullying and shaming them for deciding to abort. And it’s horrible.
Jake, you are despicable with your talk of pro lifers stopping women from controlling their bodies.
If they actually controlled their bodies, they would not get pregnant with an unwanted baby. I am pro choice, but only if the women makes her cohoice BEFORE she gets pregnant. HOW HARD IS IT?
It isn’t hard, women can choose to not be pregnant. They can choose to use birth control, they can choose to abstain from sex, and they can choose to abort if they get pregnant. Why does this confuse you Sam?
Jake, you hit the nail on the head, regarding one of the arguments against abortion. It is used as back-up birth control.
Pro-lifers do not bully and shame mothers who decide to abort. First, we offer them concrete support, so they can get past the crisis that makes abortion seem like their only way out. Second, we offer post-abortive counseling and support to the ones who decide to abort anyway e.g Rachel’s Vineyard, Silent No More. If Planned Parenthood, et al. were really about helping women choose, more than 2% of the pregnant women who walk in there would walk out still pregnant. (Don’t believe me? Look up the figures yourself in their annual report.)
All humans are equal. All choices are not.
You make it seem like the 2% figure is bad. Seems like PP does a good job of not shaming women for deciding to abort. Seems like they are helping women just fine.
This post was a quote of the day. We post different quotes each day. Some are about pregnancy, some are about abortion, some about feminism, giving birth, politics, life issues, etc. A wide range of topics.
They are posted for public discussion, not necessarily to endorse anything a particular person says. More than one person on the site today had assumed that because a quote is posted, this implies endorsement of the statement or of the person making the statement. It does not. It is simply an item of interest, posted for the purpose of information and discussion.
Kel, so you don’t endorse this quote? It is a random quote by a celeb about having a child that you posted on an anti-choice website just because???? I doubt it.
Jake, we post quotes that we think will generate discussion and interest among visitors to this blog. We post a lot of quotes from pro-choicers, feminists, politicians, celebrities, etc. if its in the news and it’s a topic we typically cover (like pregnancy, for instance), then we post it. There’s really nothing more to it than that.
What are you up in arms about? Am I missing something here? I don’t understand your outrage. Clue me in, here. Drew Barrymore is expecting her first child. And her quote about impending motherhood was interesting. That’s why she was quoted.
Hi Jake,
Just a heads up. I moderate comments on my blogs. Your comments to me will never see the light of day there. So……put a sock in it already. I rebuke your words in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
But here? Jill has so much more patience than I!! :)
What is it about post abortive women that makes you so upset? What makes you so mad Jake? If you are post abortive there is help and hope and healing for you too.
It is cruel that you seek to deny a woman’s right to grieve her own child that died in her abortion. You don’t have that right.
Shame? Yes. There is inherent shame when we pay someone to take the life of our baby. I didn’t put that shame there. It is what it is.
But your attempts to SHAME ME won’t work either.
And this thread was derailed. I actually love this quote!! Why?
Because a momma is thrilled to be pregnant and wants the world to know it!
Oh. The horror.