On September 21 the Huffington Post published results of a new survey on contraceptive use. The most provocative find:

5. The pill is the most popular form of contraception. About 15 percent of women reported using the pill in the last 30 days, compared to 8 percent who said they used a male condom.

Note the spin. “The most popular for of contraception” is used only 15% of the time.

Another interesting find:

4. Forty-three percent of women who had been pregnant previously, had experienced at least one unintended pregnancy. Of those 43 percent, 50 percent said that their unintended pregnancies had occurred as the result of failed birth control (i.e. a ripped condom or not taking their birth control pill regularly).

In other words, contraceptives used in real time (not theory) have a 50% failure rate.

Aside from the fact the female public doesn’t like the Pill, and aside from the fact contraceptives have a dismal success rate, feminists and the abortion industry are currently pushing for pandemic distribution of free hormonal contraceptives because, they say,  it’s what women want and need to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Neither liberals nor the mainstream media nor the government stop to analyze the reality that contraceptives fail the hype. Instead we get this:

Bear in mind, the morning-after pill contains 2-10 times the dosage of female hormones as the birth control pill, and there are no long-term studies on the harm to adolescent girls, particularly with repeated use.

Liberals are all-organic, all-green, and anti-Big Pharma – except when it comes to hormonal contraception, in which case they turn a blind eye.

This is because the alternative to pushing contraceptives on the public is unthinkable, for three reasons:

  1. The Pill was the cornerstone is the 1960s sexual revolution, and the hippies are now in charge of the country.
  2. The Pill is lucrative, as is the back-up plan, abortion.
  3. The only foolproof way to prevent pregnancy and STDs is by maintaining abstinence until marriage and then being faithful, a message that would be to admit Christian prudes were right and would also stop the gravy train.

Step back. In plain English hormonal contraceptives (which include the Pill, shots, and implants) contain artificial steroids taken on a daily basis over the course of decades that chemically alter a woman’s normal monthly menstrual cycle by overriding messages sent by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, both located in the brain.

Does that sound healthy? We now know it’s not. Hormonal contraceptives increase a woman’s risk of fibroid tumors, ovarian cysts, heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, infertility, liver tumors, yeast infections, and more; and they decrease her bone density and libido, and more. (And a new study shows the Pill increases the risk of staph infections, aside from the fact it offers no protection against STDs.)

Will we ever learn? It’s possible. It just depends on whether or not we’re sailing on the Contraceptive Titanic.

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