Pro-life news brief 9-5-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Of all places, the New York Times highlights a new study which notes how abortion (especially multiple abortions) increases a woman’s risk of preterm birth for later pregnancies:
After controlling for smoking, a history of miscarriage, socioeconomic level and other factors, the investigators found that the risk for very preterm birth — that is, birth at 28 or fewer weeks of gestation — increased with the number of previous abortions a woman had had: a 19 percent increase after one abortion, 69 percent for two, and 278 percent for three. - An abortionist in Ghana has been caught on video talking a woman into having sex with him in the middle of her abortion. He has apparently done this thousands of times. A documentary of his arrest and operations will be shown on television there:
A medical professional at a quintessentially clean, calm and quiet clinic at Madina in Accra has been arrested for performing illegal abortions and sleeping with thousands of women who have come under his knife.“Dr. Joshua Drah” initially denied any charges made against him by the police but was visibly shocked when he was shown a video of his operations.
- The Daily Beast has a long story on Karen Handel’s book about the Planned Parenthood-Komen controversy:
Handel says Komen had “ongoing discussions with Planned Parenthood” about the issue, even exchanging proposed public statements. She says the presidents of both Planned Parenthood and Komen made an agreement not to take the issue to the press. Cecile Richards, the Planned Parenthood president, broke the deal, she says, going to the press before Komen had made a public statement and launching “an unprecedented, premeditated assault on a women’s health organization, while at the same time claiming to be a women’s health organization.” (Planned Parenthood has denied going to the press.) …Handel also points to an important internal glitch at Komen after the decision was made, but before an official statement was released. She says a call came in from the Associated Press asking about the Planned Parenthood grant, as the news had apparently been leaked. Handel says Komen’s head of communications didn’t stick to the planned script — namely, that Komen was simply restructuring its grants. “We had no intention of ever making ‘investigations’ the public narrative or mentioning it with the press,” Handel writes in the book. “Unfortunately, someone would eventually do so — Komen’s own communications vice president, Leslie Aun.”
- Kevin Williamson notes overhearing a conversation among the staff of a mainstream media outlet at the DNC convention who believe images of aborted children are fake:
So the geniuses in the tent next door were declaring that these images are somehow fake or exaggerated (what do you think a baby a few months away from birth looks like chopped up), and were complaining that the pro-life protesters should not be allowed to bring their children along. Specifically, one lady said, “That’s child abuse!”It takes a special kind of moral illiteracy to look at that poster of a small person butchered and then to conclude that bringing your kids along to protest that state-sanctioned violence is the child abuse.
[Image via]
Of course a history of abortion leads to premature births or miscarriages. You’re training your body to reject the pregnancy.
The Ghana abortionist…oh my word. That story is heartbreaking.
I just wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts and hopefully spread some words of strength for those who fight the good fight. I am a law student. My constitutional law professor once asked our class whether or not a ban on partial-birth abortion really mattered because it only affected a small percentage of cases. I put my hand up and said, let me put it this way: in my lifetime, I may never see the dramatic change in the law that I hope for and pray for every day. But let me tell you, every time we can make someone change their mind and walk away from an abortion clinic, it’s a victory. Every time we get one of those clinics to close its doors, it’s a victory. When we get the law to bend, even just incrementally, it is monumental. All life is precious, and our efforts are certainly not insignificant.
Amen Nick!!
Nick – your story is reassuring, but it is sad that someone asks the question. much less a professor.
We liberals, when it serves us, can make a huge issue out of one person. On the same day that supposedly innocent Troy Davis was put to death after due process (something not afforded the not-yet-born), another man, Lawrence Russel Brewer was put to death.
We liberal s paid rapt attention to Davis, since he fit our story line – we supposedly thoroughly oppose the death penalty on any of a variety of marxist-inspired reasons, such as it being used to oppress lower classes. But were we holding signs and protesting the Brewer death?
We payed attention to the Davis story because it advances the marxist agenda of suberting the current “cultural hegemony.” While we liberals pay lip service to opposing th edeath penalty, we were silent on Brewer - playing up that case would not serve to divide our nation and push us toward the eventual marxist revolution, so we said, “pass.”
Nevertheless, if the victim’s STORY fits our POLITICS, then we care; if not, screw you sucker. It is not about ethics, or orderly law. This is one example where one person receiving injustive DOES matter.
Ask your prof about Davis.
Then, if he sees the Davis death penalty, delivered, as a bad thing, ask him why.
When he commits to the idea that the state should not put ppl to death, ask why.
Then see if his reason would apply to Brewer as well.
(Then enjoy possibly getting a failing grade.)
“My constitutional law professor once asked our class whether or not a ban on partial-birth abortion really mattered because it only affected a small percentage of cases.”
Really? Did so-called constitutional experts think it really mattered when the US government under President GW Bush subjected a total of THREE terrorists to waterboarding? After all it was such a small percentage of cases. Meanwhile 1000 late term unborn babies every year were being tortured and killed by “doctors”.
I can only hope that your professor’s question was a leading question intended to get you to answer that constitutional rights matter, even if only one person is being denied them.
Watching the DNC last night made me fear greatly about the future of America. After this horrific spectacle, if can no longer be denied that the Democratic Party leaders have completely embraced godlessness and immorality as major planks in their platform. They removed God altogether from their platform, only to cynically put Him back under severe protest from DNC delegates. They made endless speeches about how women need the government to provide them with birth control and abortion – speeches that were full of anger and hatred, not to mention lies, though the media is too busy trying to find lies in Paul Ryan’s speeches to notice.
What are the ALTERNATIVES to the so-called “partial birth abortion” or “intact D&E”?
A saline abortion. A dismemberment abortion.
You can’t perform a 2nd trimester abortion in a manner that is not gruesome.
Of course, the campaign against the “partial birth” may have been necessary to hold the line against infanticide and in that sense it was valuable.
Nice to hear you stood for life in your constitutional law class Nick,
Denise, 2nd trimester (and 3rd for that matter) abortions are especially gruesome but as someone who worked in healthcare I can tell you there is no abortion that is not gruesome and bloody. Destroying unborn babies is gory work even in the 1st trimester because babies embed deep into the uterine wall for the rich blood supply of their mothers to be nourished and protected. It is no small feat to dialate, mutilate, and evacuate because you have to rip them apart. (I believe I heard someone say something like) “The womb which should be the safest place for an unborn baby has now become the most dangerous place and their torture chamber.” We are indeed a sick country when at the DNC convention abortion is celebrated as reproductive choice and women’s healthcare.
@ Prolifer L: I didn’t say a 1st trimester abortion looks lovely. Tiny bodies are ripped apart with tiny arms and legs pulled from them in the process.
What I said was that there is no way to perform a 2nd trimester abortion that is not gruesome. The farther along in the pregnancy, the more horrendous it is bound to be.
Denise, I wasn’t trying to be argumentative (sorry if you thought so) but I wanted to point out that all abortions are bloody especially for those who may be browsing this blog and have bought into the lies by PP that “it’s just a minor surgical procedure” and “it’s only a blob of tissue”.