Pro-life video of the day: Olympian wins gold at 5 weeks pregnant
by LauraLoo
What’s more impressive than winning a third-straight Olympic gold medal? Winning it while five weeks pregnant! That’s what American beach volleyball champ Kerri Walsh Jennings did during the London Olympics.
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[HT: Anne Marie]

But…but I was told that being pregnant destroys all your dreams and you can’t accomplish ANYTHING if you have a living fetus in your womb. You mean thats not true?
Sydney spikes the ball in the pro-abort’s face.
Double congratulations to Kerri.
Any moms out there scratching their heads? The only thing I’m capable of at 5 weeks pregnant is Brady Bunch re-runs, preferably watched through my eyelids. But hey! Every pregnancy is different–go Kerri!
I hope this baby will be a future olympian!
“I hope this baby will be a future olympian! ”
He or she is off to a good start, having been to the Olympics at a younger age then pretty much anyone else.