Pro-life news brief 10-2-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- A federal appeals court has ruled against Planned Parenthood and other abortionists in Ohio who challenged the state’s law restricting RU-486 abortions to FDA guidelines.
- US News has an article on the “Catholics” for Obama group, which, as previously reported, phoned voters at home and was willing to blatantly lie about President Obama’s record and what Planned Parenthood does.
- Another instance of pro-choice intolerance in Canada:
Dozens of wooden crosses, displayed on bales of hay at the corner of 188th Street and Fraser Highway, have been smashed to bits.This is the second time vandals have destroyed this display. The latest attack happened sometime over the weekend.
Ironically, representatives of the group behind the roadside display were going to dismantle it themselves on Sunday morning, but when they arrived all they found was wreckage.
- Former abortion clinic owner Terry Lazar is claiming his clinic changing from an abortion clinic to a medical clinic that doesn’t provide abortion has nothing to do with pro-life protesters – despite his quoted comments in the New York Daily News:
We closed for economic reasons — not because of protesters,” Lazar said. “This is something we’ve been working on for a long time. We weren’t forced to close.”His comments published in the Daily News indicated that the protesters were at least partially behind the economic reasons.

That’s just sad that “Catholics for Obama” are calling people and lying to try to get votes for Obama although not at all surprising. It makes me wonder how these “Christians” sleep at night. And I use the term Christians very loosely there if they are for Obama with all that he is doing against religious freedom and with his very radical views on abortion.
Again, I don’t know why some Catholics are so stubborn in their rebellion to basic Church teaching. In their zeal to prove their “freedom” of conscience (with no regard to the fact it must be “rightly formed”) they willingly bind themselves to evil tenets, and then attempt to deceive others. In our baptismal commitments, which we renew yearly at least, we all profess to renounce Satan and all his works, and then subsequently profess that we believe in the Trinity and, among other things, the authority of the Church. It’s like they have no sense of sin at all! And that is a tragedy with eternal dimensions if not remedied immediately. May the Holy Spirit descend on all of us and give light to darkened minds!