Pro-life news brief 12-10-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Here’s a study which unsurprisingly finds that if a pro-abortion outfit like the Guttmacher Institute makes a bunch of guesstimates for how many abortions there are, they are often incredibly wrong:
We found significant overestimations of abortion figures in the Federal District of Mexico (up to 10-fold), where elective abortion has been legal since 2007. Significant overestimation of maternal and abortion-related mortality during the last 20 years in the entire Mexican country (up to 35%) was also found. Such overestimations are most likely due to the use of incomplete in-hospital records as well as subjective opinion surveys regarding induced abortion figures….Here’s a press release on the study which will likely not be reported at any of media outlets which so readily report the Guttmacher Institute’s guesswork.
- U.S. District Court Judge James Fox has ruled that North Carolina’s “Choose Life” license plate is unconstitutional:
“…the state’s offering of a Choose Life license plate in the absence of a pro-choice plate constitutes viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment,” wrote Fox in his ruling….
Republican Rep. Mitch Gillespie of McDowell County sponsored the bill and said he’ll encourage Attorney General Roy Cooper to appeal the decision.
“As long as I am in the General Assembly, my goal will be to get that passed,” he said Monday.
- A woman in India was allegedly raped by a doctor who then gave her abortion pills without telling her what they were:
The victim bled incessantly for close to a month after consuming the pills on September 4. She was rushed to state-run JJ Hospital from Nagpada police hospital for treatment by the police.“The MRI reports of the pelvis area suggested that the abortion was incomplete and that remnants of the dead foetus were still in the womb,” said a senior doctor from JJ Hospital.
Concerning the North Carolina license plate ruling, the easy fix is to include a prochoice license plate option. I don’t think Rep. Mitch Gillespie gets it. The state, by only allowing the “Choose Life” option is essentially taking a position.
My state has anti-drug abuse license plates. They are essentially taking a position that drug abuse is bad. I demand that a pro-drug abuse license plate be made available.
John, any drug ABUSE is bad. Even abuse of prescription drugs is bad. You are comparing apples and oranges.
“…the state’s offering of a Choose Life license plate in the absence of a pro-choice plate constitutes viewpoint discrimination”…
The State of North Carolina could avoid the ‘viewpoint discrimination’ snafu by also offerring “Choose Death” plates, but I doubt that even in our convoluted culture they would receive many requests.
I could see a set of them on a big black 60’s cadillac hearse.
or “More Dead Babies’ might satisfy the courts requirement of ‘pro-choice’ alternative.
‘Just Say NO to LIFE’
Except they’re not “only allowing” the Choose Life plates.
There is a procedure EVERY group has to go through in order to get their plates printed. They have to collect a requisite number of signatures from people who want the plates, they have to get enough people to pre-order so that they can prove that the demand exists to print the plates, and then the plates have to be approved by the DMV. Every state that has the Choose Life license plates had to go through the proper steps to get these plates! Every state that has Pro-Legal Abortionists fighting the plates bellyaching because they don’t have choices license plates FAILED TO GET THE REQUISITE NUMBER OF PRE-ORDERS AND SIGNATURES TO PRINT THEM.
Nobody is denying them free speech rights. No one is showing favoritism. These are the actions of a child who sees his sibling getting rewarded for doing chores after lazing about the house all day throwing a tantrum screaming “IT’S NOT FAIR!!!”
“John, any drug ABUSE is bad. Even abuse of prescription drugs is bad. You are comparing apples and oranges.”
Randy, any abortion is bad. Even abortion to save the health of the mother is bad. I’m comparing live babies with dead babies.
Who are we to decide that drug abuse is wrong? We might as well say that killing babies is wrong.
It’s funny to see the Guttmacher Institute’s methodology being discussed here, given that in another thread today I asserted that they make up numbers. I guess my comments are just so delightfully topical. :)
John L, that is an opinion as to any abortion is bad.
Xalisae, you are whining.
How is Xalisae whining? She’s pointing out that pro-choicers are more than welcome to go through the process to get pro-choice license plates. They haven’t done so, so their complaint is useless.
Any drug abuse is bad. Says who Randy? Aren’t you imposing your moral beliefs on others?
Apparently not everyone is in agreement.
Come on now, don’t you people advocate freedom of conscience and choice? Can’t one be against drug abuse, yet support one’s choice to abuse drugs? If the morality of abortion is a personal matter, why not the morality of drug abuse?
Interesting that in the movie “Lincoln” a congressman expresses his abhorance of slavery, but wants to keep it legal.
I’d say both of these are examples of the “pro-choice” argument that one can abhor an act, yet at the same time support the right to choose to commit the act.
I think this is a perfectly logical argument, don’t you?
In Illinois we have dozens (I have lost count) of specialty plates. If the “viewpoint discrimination” fiction were to apply here we would have to have things like pro environment abuse plates, abuse pets plates, anti hospice plates, anti mammograms plates and so on. Ironically the judge himself was engaging in “viewpoint discrimination” by disallowing the plate. What a goof!
@xalisae: That exactly. There is no doubt that abortion apologists could sponsor a license plate if they chose/had enough support. Either they haven’t gotten off their lazy butts to do the work to get a plate or they failed to accumulate the required amount of support. Either way, that doesn’t mean the state is taking a position, it means the state’s population is. The people of that state want a life plate and don’t want an abortion one.
Live with it, pro-aborts.
(Yes, I’m in a bit of a take-no-prisoners mood at the moment. How could you tell? :P )
Alice! I feel like you’ve been gone for a while! How are you?
I’m…better now than last week. That was kind of a rough one. I hope you are well?
I’m okay, thanks. I’m sorry you were having a rough time, I hope this week is a lot better.
So far, so good. :D
Nice to see you again, Alice!!! I’m really ling this take-no-prisoners mood, please keep it up as long as possible!
lol. “you’re whining!!!!111one” is not a rebuttal. It addresses no factually-based argument I have made. It’s an attack without substance. Grow up. I hope this case is appealed.
Well, here’s Florida’s, my state. I recall pro-choicers getting all pretzelled up about it. Good thing our free speech wasn’t muzzled here.
Lol. Looks like my copy/pasted image didn’t go through.
There’s always Google.
@Robert at 5:30 – so if the state came up with anti-rape license plate, you’d be stepping right up to ensure a pro-rape license plate would be available – just so all viewpoints are represented, right?
The state is not taking a position on life, the person who pays the fee for the license plate does. And by the way, if you ever bothered to read Roe vs Wade, you’ll even find Harry Blackmun acknowledged that the state does have a compelling interest in life – where do you think taxpaying citizens come from?
You seem to be thinking that “separation of church and state” mantra applies to everything.
Care to make another non-sequitur?
Abortion supporters: you can kill a child but you can’t choose to have a pro-life license plate. Geez, I guess a few ounces of metal is worth infinitely more than million of human lives in their book.
It’s commonly said that there are 1 and 1/2 million abortions in America per year.
Is this figure correct?
How can we be certain?
xalisae, I hope it is appealed, too, and the judge’s decision is affirmed.
Meanwhile, citizens are still entitled to put “Against abortion? Then don’t have one!” bumper stickers on their cars.
carder, free speech was muzzled during the time the gag rule was in effect.
So you hope it’s affirmed, even though it’s been pointed out to you that this ruling is unjust-WITH FACTS-and you’ve provided none to back up your side? Why don’t you just say, “I don’t really care about the justice system or our rights and liberties-as long as it’s MY WAY that’s being upheld.” in the first place? It’ll make it that much easier for rational people to gloss over your babbling in the first place.
Citizens sure are entitled to put bumper stickers like that on their cars. Apparently, you’ve decided to opt for bumper-sticker phrases over logical arguments yourself. More power to ya! They’re really easy to smack down.
If no other human beings were harmed by abortion, I’d say go for it! Unfortunately, me just not getting an abortion is only going to spare my child’s life, and does nothing for the several thousand OTHER children who are put to death on any given day who should have the right to live. Please, give this issue a little more thought, then come back and try again.
“Please, give this issue a little more thought, then come back and try again.”
Of course, the problem is that if everyone started actually giving the issue thought, nobody would be pro-choice.
The right to free speech does not include the right to taxpayer funding, particularly when almost two thirds of Americans don’t want their money supporting your agenda. Nothing in the Mexico City policy prevented abortion providers or lobbyists from operating on their own dime.
We have them in TN. I sport mine proudly. :)
I used to have mine for my car in Arkansas. When is Wisconsin going to be getting these?!
X, I think you’ll be waiting a long time. We drive up for Xmas and summer every year to WI, and I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from folks in the parking lots of places.
Randy abuse is bad. But what about child abuse? Abortion is the ultimate child abuse.