Pro-life, pro-abortion groups release competing state rankings
On January 16 Americans United for Life released its 8th annual list of state rankings…
AUL compiles its list according to “existing state laws on abortion, legal protection and recognition of the unborn, bioethics and biotechnologies, the end of life, and healthcare freedom of conscience,” according to its website.
For the third time in four years, Louisiana topped AUL’s list as the most protective state, followed by 2. Oklahoma; 3. Pennsylvania; 4. Arkansas; 5. Arizona; 6. Nebraska; 7. Indiana ; 8. Missouri; 9. Georgia; and 10. Virginia.
The least protective state on AUL’s list was Washington, followed by 2. California; 3. New York; 4. Vermont; 5. New Jersey; 6. Connecticut; 7. Oregon; 8. Maryland; 9. Hawaii; and 10. Montana.
This year AUL added a new feature, a list of All Stars, “five states that achieved significant pro-life success in 2012.” Those were 1. Arizona; 2. Georgia; 3. New Hampshire; 4. Virginia; and 5. South Carolina.
Meanwhile pro-abortion group NARAL has released its 2013 Report Card, giving the nation as a whole a “D.” Of course, pro-life over-achievers long for the day we get a big fat “F.”
NARAL grades a state for reasons opposite of AUL.
NARAL’s favorite states were: 1. California; 2. Washington; 3. Connecticut; 4. Hawaii; 5. Maryland; 6. Oregon; 7. Maine; 8. Vermont; 9. New Jersey; and 10. New York.
NARAL’s least favorite states were: 50. Louisiana; 49. North Dakota; 48. Mississippi; 47. South Dakota; 46. Kansas; 45. Utah; 44. Idaho 43. Mississippi; 42. Nebraska; and 41. Kentucky.
The two groups could hardly even agree on which states were among their 10 best (AUL) and worst (NARAL), although in theory the lists should have matched. But only three made both lists: Louisiana, Nebraska, and Missouri. Kudos to Louisiana for making #1 AUL and #50 NARAL!
The groups came much closer in agreement on AUL’s worst vs NARAL’s best. Seven states made both lists: Washington, California, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut, Oregon, Maryland, and Hawaii.
I am glad to see my state–Oklahoma–is green (most protective).
“NARAL’s least favorite states were: 50. Louisiana; 49. North Dakota; 48. Mississippi; 47. South Dakota; 46. Kansas; 45. Utah; 44. Idaho 43. Mississippi; 42. Nebraska; and 41. Kentucky”
Mississippi managed to make 48 and 43? Good for them. :)
Whoo-hoo, NARAL gives Alabama an F! I bet that Supreme Court ruling of ours set them back a touch. :P
Oh my goodness what whiners. They have my state rated an F, when it’s easy as anything to get an abortion. We’re like fourth in the nation for amount of abortions performed yearly. What more does NARAL want? I’m pretty sure they graded us poorly because we have conscience laws and parental notice laws. How terrible.
Glad to see Pennsylvania there, even though I would like to leave here someday (I can’t take another cold winter)!
“They have my state rated an F, when it’s easy as anything to get an abortion.”
Imagine how insanely easy it must be in the A states. :(
Obviously, state funded universities doing in house abortions with taxpayer, tuition, and student health monies were not factored into the AUL list. We know this happens in Virginia, and Pennsylvania hides behind privacy statutes and will not release any university abortion numbers. Universities continue to get a free pass to do thousands of abortions from the national pro life big shots..
It’s hard to see Pennsylvania listed as one of the “most protective” states. They didn’t protect anyone from Kermit Gosnell. Maybe AUL needs to factor in gross abuses that states allow by turning a blind eye?
Hi, I was just speaking with Alex Guy about wanting to get a safe house or program started for Mothers to prevent abortion. I am a Christian. I have a heart for stopping Abortion. I’m tired of getting upset about it and talking about it, I want to do something about it. Alex Guy referred me to you. If you know of any way I can get started with something like this, please let me know. Thank you, Teri 724 967-2859
The goverment has no right to tell me what to do with my body. The more I learn about the Rep party the more I detest them. There is more support for a unborn feces than kids that are born disposed in the trash beated killed and sexually abused… why is there more support for the unborn than kids that are killed by guns the NRA. There is more support for more guns than fixing real problems and helping kids who are in bad unwanted families that are so disfuntional……….
The goverment has no right to tell me what to do with my body.
Well, actually, it can and does. Thanks to a myriad of laws, you don’t have the right to use your body to murder, to rape, to speed, to steal, to assault, to threaten, to abuse a child, to operate a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, etc.