Planned Parenthood’s latest attempt to mislead on performing mammograms
Robin Kelly was endorsed by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action because she knows that women don’t turn to politicians for advice about birth control, mammograms, or cancer screenings.
~ Carole Brite, pictured right, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Illinois Action, using sleight of hand in a candidate endorsement to make it appear to the uninformed reader that Planned Parenthood performs mammograms, which it does not, as quoted by Progress Illinois, March 20. Planned Parenthood only refers for mammograms.
[Ht: Fran Eaton at Illinois Review]
Went to PP for 14 years…never had a mammogram.
Don’t turn to politicians for advice on those things but do turn to them to pay for it.
“…because she knows that women don’t turn to politicians for advice about birth control, mammograms, or cancer screenings.”
And yet they minus well be as heavy-handed and entrenched in politics & political activism as Planned Parenthood is…
I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: Planned Parenthood is not the only low-cost provider of non-abortion family planning, sexual health, & women’s care in many communities. There are thousands of federally funded health centers where you can receive low-cost health care as well.
Planned P’s mammogram equipment is as real as their unicorns and vast deposits of lunar green cheese.
PPs mammogram machine is a flashlight in a closet.
Another way to prove PP does not do mammograms …. PP does not buy mammography equipment.
then why do they force taxpayers to pay for it?
Lfn…cuz its called pretend land when it comes to PP
Worth re-posting:
By email contact, in May 2011, a guy asks Komen where his mom can get a mammogram. An email back identiifies PP as a place to contact. The email does not quite say “PP does mammography.”
The guy follows up and informs this local Komen group that PP said they did not do mammograms, but refer women to another providere who does.
So, Komen was informed of the no-mammogram deal.
Then, in June, the guy makes a similar request for a friend with little money.
Komen provides the same info – PP still listed as one of a few local sources to contact.
In my opinion, this was a game to get PP money by being listed in this obtuse way with Komen. Women desiring mammogram could be seen at PP, receive clinical breast exam, generating a billing event, plus whatever else thy might tag on to the visit.
To serve the mammography role, that PP had a go-to mammography clinic, and directed women there.
Why not cut out the middle man? Cuz I believe this was all a plan to funnel clients thru PP so they can get money, then give this to politicians, who will sustain the pro-choice policies. Even obama parroted the mammography thing. PP wanted to give that impression, and maybe by a long-winded explanation, they did foster access to mammography.