Stanek Sunday funnies: “Sequestration II” edition
Between last week’s Sunday funnies and this week’s, the dreaded Sequestration happened. Here were takes on the big event by political cartoonists from both ideological spectrums.
by Ted Rall at…
by Dana Summers at…
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Nate Beeler at…
by Michael Ramirez at…
by Signe Wilkinson at…

I love this cartoon on
Kind of makes you think of a third world thugocracy.
What is up with the poll?
“What is up with the poll?”
For what it’s worth, Google translate says that the poll question in English is: Should there be greater political will to resolve the conflict in the Liceo Bicentenario de Ancud? – See more at: # comments
okay, between the poll being screwed up and comments being screwed up…what’s going on here, man?
They are all great. The irony of McCoy’s “the sky is falling” is that Obama is actually right about that, but for the wrong reason. Indeed, the sky IS falling and it will fall hardest on seniors in Medicare in the coming years and upon our children as they face the mountain of debt that Obama and the Democrats are piling on to us. We are so broke now that we cannot even afford to deliver the mail…think about that.
Mary I liked your link to the godfather cartoon. This is exactly the Chicago way that I have seen my whole life.
And now the regime has their greedy eyes on your 401k and they WILL find a way to encroach upon your hard earned savings. All of you re-deistributionist trolls and libs out there who gush praise for Obama…this will affect you too. Check out this link.
Has the poll been hacked?
I posted the poll from my iPad. Let me find a laptop and see what’s going on.
Ok, I see it now. And I was able to vote. So I think we’re good?
“So I think we’re good?”
Yes, it looks fine now.
Also, I voted and it seems to have worked.
This is how seriously I take Obama’s histrionics:
Hi Hans,
Well, at least the goat had something intelligent to say.
Thanks for the laugh Hans. That goat sounds something like Ex-RINO’s posts
I think #6 was the best because it really put the hysteria over the sequester into perspective.
This has been another win for Obama. He has managed to waste another month, distracting us from making any real progress.
These dire warnings about inconsequential cuts have prevented any real spending cuts.
This wasted attention has allowed ObamaCare to proceed toward its implementation deadlines unhindered.
This distraction has prevented any focused attention on the lawsuits that hope to defeat the HHS Mandate against our religious freedom.
It’s the “War on Women,” all over again. We are such chumps.
Don’t blame me Del. I voted McCain and then Romney.