Sign: “For Lease, Absolutely NO Abortion Clinics”
I’m breaking my Saturday rule not to post anything not urgent, because this is so awesome. Click to enlarge…
Lynn Mills just sent that photo to me. The sign was posted by the pro-life businessman who bought late-term abortionist Reginald Sharpe’s mill in Livonia, Michigan.
Isn’t it great?

“Isn’t it great?”
Yes, it is.
I used to live in this region of Michigan. I was grieved at the abortions performed here, but felt helpless in the face of laws. Praise God that it’s doors are now permanently closed!
I hope he has the property blessed!
May God give this man many blessings! Amen and Amen!
It is absolutely great! It would be wonderful to see this become the facilities for a pro-life pregnancy resource center. It would be good to have a prayer march around the place and pray for God to remove the evil. A lot of demonic things happen in abortion mills and particularly in this one.
Wonderful Now I wonder if someone is going to try to sue for something or other like discrimination against abortionists.
Just called Christ hospital and gave them a piece of my mind ob floor. Felt like it huh!
I said I know what you do to those babies shame on you….its all over the internet. The nurse went ” um okay .”
I wish all landlords would post signs that said No Abortions Clinics.
God truly put people in place to work a miracle.
Get the property blessed and rock on! A pregnancy center or adoption agency would be really fitting. :-) Best wishes to them.
Backing up a little…why was it ever rented to an abortionist in the first place ???
Yes. It says it right in the article under the picture.
This happened in Fayetteville, NC with an abortion clinic. It closed and the a new owner bought it and opened up Agape Crisis Pregnancy Center. :) :)
That’s cool Dirtdartwife, maybe I’ll get back out that way and visit the center sometime. I’m not too far away and there is a pro-life ministry with HQ there I would like to go visit.
I just love stories like that!
And if someone said, “no churches”, hypocritical Christians would be livid.
Meh. A “no churches” sign wouldn’t bother me. It’s private property. The owner can lease to whomever, in compliance with zoning ordinances of course.
A hypocritical Christian such as myself would not be livid.
I second Lrning’s MEH.
Could I buy it and put a sign out that says “No churches or abortion clinics!”?
If I did…how would you feel about that?
Merit, do you know any such Christians that would be bothered like this? Are you sure? Or are you just assuming? It wouldn’t bother me in the least. What they do with their property is their business. However if they choose to lease it to a church, or a Christian pro-life pregnancy resource center, that would be fine with me. Would it be fine with you?
People should be able to deny to rental to any organization that is against the owner’s principles. But you don’t have to be a Christian to believe that abortion is a terrible thing. There are Christians who support abortion and Christians who do not. But many people choose not to believe the truth about abortion, because it is too horrible. Even with the evidence of ultrasound people still buy that “tissue” thing! If you’re one of these, you need to learn about the life of the preborn, and about abortion, how it’s done, what happens to the unborn child during abortion and what happens to the mother and the people who work in that industry afterwards. If you know all that and abortion still doesn’t bother you, then go to the doctor and make sure you’re heart is still in te middle of your ribs.
Merit I wouldn’t be mad. No church ..fine by me. Maybe he’s not religious. As long as it says no abortion its fine by me!!
dgklein, you are right on. I know clergy and church members who are pro-abortion. I have atheist friends who are very pro-life.