‘After Tiller’ documentary releases trailer
Mark your calendar: What is sure to be one of the most controversial films of the year, After Tiller, will be released September 20.
The movie’s official site explains:
The procedure is now performed by only four doctors in the United States [pictured right], all former colleagues of Dr. Tiller, who risk their lives every day in the name of their unwavering commitment toward their patients. Directors Martha Shane and Lana Wilson have created a moving and unique exploration of one of the most incendiary topics of our time, and they’ve done so in an informative, thought-provoking, and compassionate way.
~ Erin Strecker announcing the recent release of the After Tiller documentary trailer, below, Entertainment Weekly, July 26
[Photo ABC News]

At the time the documentary was being filmed, there were five late-term abortion doctors. I demand that Dr. Gosnell get the credit he deserves!
Isn’t it funny how all the nouns in the movie’s description are wrong: procedure, doctors, colleagues, commitment, patients. Every one of them is used euphemistically, or in some twisted way, to apply to what it is they are actually doing to a woman and a baby.
The commenters to Entertainment Weekly don’t seem to have a clue. One says, “Make it legal (its where the rest of the world is going) and move on.”
Does this person not know that abortion is ALREADY legal in America? And is he not aware that “the rest of the world” is actually MORE restrictive of abortion than America is?
“Mark your calendar”
Nah, I think I’ll skip this one.
Despite what I’s said above, it is important that some pro-lifers do see the film just so they can refute any untruthful claims it makes. But someone else can do this. I personally don’t think there’s any way I could sit through it.
”untruthful claims”
Hmm, when did I get so euphemistic? Okay, let’s be honest, pro-lifers need to watch this film to refute any LIES it spreads.
I just watched the trailer. Two observations: can’t help but notice that a life devoted to this practice leaves it’s mark on the face. Not that they’re ugly per se, but there’s something in the countenance for sure. Also, one patient in the video cried “There’s guilt if you have an abortion and guilt if you bring the child into the world.” I don’t know anyone–speak up if you’re out there–who has GUILT for having her baby, even if he has special problems.
You know, as a Christian I’m supposed to be kind and loving and patient. But when I see this kind of evil, it makes me want to cry out to God for His justice to be released on behalf of the innocent children these depraved people have murdered.
Really Carhart? Like meat in a crock pot? Really? And Jamie brought up how the whole thing is a con. They take the genocide of millions of innocent children and talk about it like it’s a heroic mission of compassion and mercy.
God is merciful. His desire is that all should repent.
But those who harden their hearts should know, God will avenge the deaths of His children.
And it is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God.
Video is not available in my country. Am I missing anything?
“Video is not available in my country”
Same here. :(
@ Jamie: People have guilt for bringing a baby into the world that they know they won’t be able to adequately care for.
Video is not available in my country. Am I missing anything?
Just video footage of these uber-compassionate “doctors” hugging patients before they inject digoxin into their babies’ hearts to kill them.
“Just video footage of these uber-compassionate “doctors” hugging patients before they inject digoxin into their babies’ hearts to kill them.”
I suppose we’ll someone have to live without seeing that.
“People have guilt for bringing a baby into the world that they know they
be able to adequately care for.”
I believe this is classic example of ‘fraudian’ slip of the fingers.
People who WON’T provide for their own child are guilty and should be ashamed.
People who are un-able to provide for their own child due to circumstances beyond their ability and/or control may experience dismay, despair or hopelessness, but they have no cause for shame/guilt.
These are exactly the kind of people I want to help, assist, empower to discover how GOD can and does provide for them and their children exceedingly and abundantly above what they can conceive or believe.
Faith, hope and love transforms the first kind of people into the second kind of people.
DeniseNoe, that’s how scared pregnant women talk. But show me a woman–a poor woman–with a baby in her arms saying “I feel guilty for having you–you should never have been born!” I hear the reverse all the time! “I wanted to have an abortion: now I can’t imagine life without little Whoever!”
“But show me a woman–a poor woman–with a baby in her arms saying “I feel guilty for having you–you should never have been born!” ”
They exist, I’ve read articles and discussion threads and even whole websites dedicated to women blowing off steam about how much they hate mothering and wish they had made a different choice. Most women don’t feel like that, but even if they do it needs to be clear that doesn’t mean the kid is worth any less. Not saying you were saying that, but pro-choicers like to use the unhappy mothers as proof abortion is better, the humanity of the kid doesn’t change because the mother isn’t happy about her choice to keep him.
Sure, there are days when I wish I’d become a nun–I’m sure most mothers feel the same at times. But mothers saying “I wish I’d had an abortion” isn’t exactly sweeping the nation! And the video is making a false fork in the road: hateful abortion, hateful motherhood.
Yeah, I know it’s not common. I’m just sensitive on the subject of mothers who wish they didn’t have their kids, it seems like people pretend that doesn’t happen instead of explaining that it’s no reason for the kid to be punished for it.
Given that the entire film is about late-term abortion, I wonder if this film is actually going to show, you know, a late-term abortion.
Mongar, Morbelli, and Reeves will get nary a mention.
A few friends and I watched the After Tiller in March in a liberal college auditorium filled mainly with abortion supporters. (They applauded for each abortionist at the end.) If you go, it will be an experience and help you see things from their point of view. That being said, the movie is basically a propaganda piece designed to emote sympathy from you for these abortionists. Of course, it leaves many important facts on the cutting room floor e.g. patient deaths, 911 calls, dead babies. Personally, I can’t stand half-truths. Unfortunately, we did not find out until it was too late about the panel discussion of the movie the following day in one of the professor’s classes. The panel did not include any pro-lifers.
Use every showing as opportunity to educate about abortion. Pass out flyers at the theater. Set up a display. Hold signs. Publish a letter to the editor. If you see DVD copies of it at the video store, slip in a pro-life business card or bookmark. Do whatever you can to be a positive witness for the pre-born and their parents. Don’t let this movie have the last or only word on the subject.
Five’ll get you ten that the pink sneakers/tampon earring crowds will be out in full force when this one hits the theaters.
It’s nothing but a plea for pity for the 4 sociopaths that do this kind of “work”…but they’ll purposefully omit how much $$$ they make for this “procedure”.
Every time I see a picture of that Shelley Sella, Warren Hern and CrockPot Carhart I want to wretch. Don’t know who the other tired hag is, but they’re all the devil’s minions.
@ Jamie: People have guilt for bringing a baby into the world that they know they won’t be able to adequately care for.
Can you define adequate? Because lots and lots and lots of people in this world have far fewer resources than a poor kid in the USA. Probably a billion people in the world have less than the poorest poor mom in the USA. Should all those people just have no kids? Honest question here.
Wonder if they interviewed any couples that he devastated. Or if they spoke to couples who chose to have their babies in spite of an adverse diagnosis…I am sure the answer to both is no.
During the years I have been doing post abortion work I have worked with a few couples who went to Tiller after being pressured to abort because of an adverse diagnosis. I have seen the pictures he took after killing their children, “baptising them and dressing them up and placing them in their parents arms.
I have also seen the devastation when these parents came out of their fog and realized what had happened…Tiller the hero is portrayed as..I do not think so.
Killing him was totally wrong but so was what he was doing…
here are a couple of testimonies:
“What really got me interested was when they started shooting doctors.”, says one hit lady (er, “doctor”).
What really got me interested was when they started killing babies.
hippie says:
July 30, 2013 at 3:26 pm
@ Jamie: People have guilt for bringing a baby into the world that they know they won’t be able to adequately care for. Can you define adequate? Because lots and lots and lots of people in this world have far fewer resources than a poor kid in the USA. Probably a billion people in the world have less than the poorest poor mom in the USA. Should all those people just have no kids? Honest question here.
(Denise) I believe that most people would define “adequate” as being able to provide an environment that makes it likely (although nothing can guarantee) that a child will be well-adjusted and fairly happy. A girl or woman may believe she lacks this ability for reasons that include finances but are by no means limited to finances.
The truth is that many women ARE unable to adequately care for children. The results of poor parenting pack our prisons, mental hospitals, and can be seen on the streets in the form of the homeless.
Yes, I know that there are other factors in creating human screw-ups. But poor parenting is a major one.