Stanek Sunday funnies 7-28-13
Good morning! Here were my favorite political cartoons this past week. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of this post!
by Dana Summers at…
by Bob Gorrell at…
by Ken Catalino at…
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Jerry Holbert at…
If conservatives didn’t go out of their way to be as offensive as possible in the Martin case, it probably would have died a lot quicker in my opinion.
The third comic is like one of the creepiest thing ever.
As immature as it is, #4 is my favourite.
I was wondering, as Washington shuts down for a while, what the political cartoonists would do.
Yes, make generally lame cartoons!
If Obama and Holder hadn’t paid our tax dollars to Al Sharpton to stir up more fake racial trouble, and the white house stenography pool hadn’t continued to publish a photo of a twelve year old boy as if THAT’s who was lurking through the street… oh what’s the use.
The media’s attempted character assassination of Zimmerman began immediately and still continues. It’s just a deflection away from the real news, just like the Jodi Arias trial was a deflection.
‘I tries and tries to learn ’em, but they just don’t wanna know.’ -Spanky from Little Rascals
Nice try, ex. I’ll see your irrelevant tea partier and raise you a Tawana Brawley.
PS. Reality: observe how Ex stays on subject. Learn, my friend, learn.
Yep, Sharpton race-baits, quite successfully I might add. People chomped at the bit, eager to prove him right!
Obama’s “phony” scandal remarks are truly remarkable. The word “phony” was apropos but mis-applied. Mr. Obama, it is you who are the phony and your trying to hang it all on the video has been found out.
Jerry – while the incident wasn’t phony, the rights continued witch hunt has been. They aren’t concerned about anybody but their poll numbers on this one.
Ah, the search for answers regarding Benghazi is a “witch hunt”. Look at all these darn right wingers only concerned about their “poll numbers”:
PS. ninek: observe how Ex speaks logically and provides evidence. Learn, my friend, learn.
Lrning -
Those folks you posted – they are in search of answers and truth. The republicans leading the charge (or who led the charge) were only trying to equate something to Hillary in hopes that it screws up her chances for 2016.
So a sexual misconduct question for folks.
What’s your rank (worst to, well, the least worse) on the following politicians:
1) Weiner
2) Clinton
3) Sanford
4) Rudy G
5) Herman Cain
6) Larry Craig
7) John Edwards
8) Eric Massa
I’m way more concerned about the sexism thrown at their wives by people who support the opposing party than some idiots cheating (any non-consensual scandals are different, obviously).
On Twitter I’ve watched a lot of people just ream Weiner’s wife for staying with him. And calling her ugly. And blaming her for his apparent inability to stop taking pics of his junk and sending it to people. And I (vaguely) remember people doing the same to Hilary when Bill was up to no good.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn for the senate Ex?
Reality – I had to stay local with the list – and sadly, had to leave a lot of names off. Politicians are worse than NFL players…
Oh well, some might like to take lessons Ex.
My observation is that some politicians’ ‘ball skills’ far outweigh those of your average NFL player.
I heard a rumor somewhere that Rand Paul has a penchant for life sized teddy bears. Despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to find any evidence to dispute it.
Wrong again, ex. There is no witch hunt, just an effort to find out the truth amidst all of Obama’s and Clinton’s lies and the coordinated spin. The same with the IRS—another “phony” scandal that is now traced back to an Obama appointee. Again, the biggest phony of all is and always has been the pretender in the White House.
See Jerry – you can’t even pretend that it is about the truth – that it is about those lives – all you care about is trying to catch people in lies. It isn’t about anything more than the political gain with you – pretty sad to see.
“Obama this, Clinton that”
People died Jerry – and if you want an investigation, they should do an investigation. You just want a witch hunt. Pretty sad.
I once knew someone with the last name Busse (pronounced bus-e).
He was a bus driver. Do names shape our lives or are there just weird coincidences? Anthony Weiner could have been a hotdog salesman (or just a decent politician … cough cough), but no, he had to go the other route.
Since Obama ordered US forces to bomb Libya the AlQueada flag fies in BenGhazi with impunity. Then Obama left for LasVegas and his fundraising while AlQueada burned down the US consulate in BenGhazi. Then the Obama State Department went on an apology tour for having provoked AlQueda to kill Ambassador Stevens. Like Hillary said…what difference does it make now anyway. Phony scandal huh? The scandal IS Obama. I have to admit to you though…we are getting what we deserve as a nation cause we elected Obama. We will see what is left of our nation after three more years of phony scandals.
My favorite was #2
Better outcomes than what George Warcriminal Bush delivered then truthseeker.
You mean George / All the Democrat Leaders / All Our Allies / Warcriminals All / Bush.
It’s easy to be right if you sit back while someone else flips the coin.
It’s certainly easier to be right about these things than it is to be of the right about them ;-)
Suffering a loss of faith Hans?
Oh, I think Uncle Albert would agree that Faith is the evidence of things not seen.
“Faith is the evidence of things not seen” – what joke is that the punchline to? Or did Uncle Albert not have much lernin’?
First, Uncle Albert was Einstein, author of that quote.
Second, you may have heard this before:
Third, I have faith in gravity, don’t you?
Oh, I forgot:
Yes, good old Uncle Albert was indeed the author of the reality quote, hence his name being on it.
But he sure as heck wouldn’t agree that faith is evidence of anything, no matter what you might think.
You cite a quote from a book of faith saying faith is evidence for itself? Really?
“Third, I have faith in gravity, don’t you?” – no, I have confidence, provided by evidence.
Your latest link isn’t just about me now is it ;-)
“You cite a quote from a book of faith saying faith is evidence for itself? Really?”
No, Reality, we do not have faith IN faith. That’s just new age ecumenical types. It’s the object of our faith that matters.
When Bill ‘I did not have sex with that woman…ms Lewinski’ Clinton’s ‘tom catting around’ became public knowledge, Hillary was not a Senator or Secretary of State. She had done nothing to distinguish herself from any other law school graduate. Absent her marriage to Bill, I doubt we would even know Hillary exists.
Hillary was unfortunately, at least for Chelsea, married to a sexual predator who was re-elected AFTER he went on national television and shook his ‘stinky finger’ in our face and lied about playing ‘hide the weenie’ with the White House ‘help’.
Bill and Hillary, both subsequently acknowledged that he had lied to her as well as their teenage daughter.
Hillary made a calculated decision to subordinate’s Chelsea’s emotional well being, and the country’s best interests, to her own political ambitions.
Bill would be bangin’ Huma right now if he had the opportunity and Huma, judging from her deafening silence, would probably be a willing participant if she believed it would further both her and Anthony’s political ambitions.
The Clinton’s have set the bar so low, concerning moral character, that only a ‘limbo maestro’ or a wiener could wiggle under it.
Hillary ‘doth protest too much’ because she knows the dis- stink-shuns are without a difference and she goes to extraordinary lengths to miss the point.
I love how certain people have sooo much respect for marriage… until someone of a different party doesn’t get divorced when you think they should. All the hand-wringing about the divorce rate and “til death do us part” and “for better or for worse”… unless you see an opportunity to judge someone else’s marriage and why they didn’t leave because you don’t like their political party.
Oh, and imply Huma’s a cheater and promiscuous because she hasn’t publicly stated anything about her husband, pure class, Ken.
Pure and utter disgusting hypocrisy.
But anyway, that’s a good example of the sexism I see directed towards the wives of all the politicians caught up in sex scandals. The “defenders of traditional marriage” sure do like judging and implying nasty things about women married to these men.
You don’t know many “defenders of traditional marriage,” do you Jack? 99% I know feel sorry for women married to these men (and perhaps hope they escape from unhealthy relationships – the sexism!).
I know plenty, that comment was a dig at Ken though. Having sympathy for these women are fine, calling them names and making rude assumptions about them based on their actions or lack of, regarding infidelity of their husbands (especially when Ken has literally no idea what marriage counseling or whatever is going on in their lives or why they chose to stay), is just wrong. And I do believe it’s sexist, usually when you see a woman cheating it’s a judgment on her, I rarely hear people bash the husband.
Jack ~ I completely agree with you on how unacceptable that is. I just happen to strenuously disagree with you on your generalization about what most people think about it.
Yeah, sorry, I should have specifically directed that comment towards Ken, to make it clear I wasn’t talking about everyone who is pro the whole marriage is sacred thing.
I would like to share another from July 2012. My favorite.
Jack, I know you are upset with what ken said and I think that it crossed the line as well. I do not agree with his comments and I am a strong supporter of traditional marriage. I believe the majority of us pro-family supporters
1.want every child to have a strong, healthy, stable family
2. feel Mr. Weiner is a sin-sick sex-addicted man that needs major help and
3. feel he should not be in charge of anything especially the largest city in the entire nation.
I am sorry for the baby of the Weiner’s who will one day probably find out the sick things his father did. I think this little one will have great problems to overcome, no matter how much material stuff he will have. I will pray for this little one, his mother and that God will help his father who I don’t think is really sorry for what he has done only sorry that he got caught and doesn’t really have a clue. Excellent research on the importance of fathers in every area of a child’s life at from the pre-natal period to adulthood. I believe every child wants to live with his/her mother and father in a stable, healthy home even when it is not possible to have this. 93% of teens surveyed feel that a having a healthy stable family life is very important to them. Kids want this even is they don’t think it is possible or even if they haven’t seen it. My husband had that dream and he has been an awesome husband and father with God’s help although he had a deadbeat dad. God helped to heal his broken childhood so I know it is possible.
The one man porno show is running against the woman beater (Spitzer) for NY mayor. According to the cathouse madam, who is also running for mayor last I heard, Spitzer was feared by the prostitutes because of his brutality, he apparently gets his thrills from pummeling women. The madam described her surprise at seeing the then state AG show up at her, um, house of ill repute, seeking her services. Not like anyone would recognize him or anything. Just like John Edwards showing up at that LA hotel to meet up with his mistress. Do these guys think they’re invisible?
Hi Jack, 12:39PM
I think all sides went out of their way to be as offensive as possible.
I find No.2 offensive. Walking through a crime ridden community and texting offensive racial slurs are not crimes. We will never know TM’s side of the story concerning “beating a stranger’s head against the pavement”.
However we do see the Dear Leader’s flaming narcissism on display. Its all about me.
” I think all sides went out of their way to be as offensive as possible.
I find No.2 offensive. Walking through a crime ridden community and texting offensive racial slurs are not crimes. We will never know TM’s side of the story concerning “beating a stranger’s head against the pavement”.”
Yes, I agree with this Mary. I made the comment about conservatives because a lot of conservatives I’ve talked to see absolutely nothing wrong with the rhetoric surrounding this case on their part, when a lot of it was purely disgusting. It’s perfectly possible to believe Zimmerman’s story 100% without making awful, racist, and cruel comments about a dead teenager (I know all Zimmerman defenders don’t do this, maybe not even the majority do, but I’ve seen some just awful stuff on conservatives sites that gets a ton of upvotes/agreement and it makes me ill). And a lot of people seem to have taken this story as an opportunity to let their racist colors show, I’ve seen multiple people talking about how all black males are thugs and should be treated that way until proven otherwise, seen the n-word be used freely, it’s just awful. This case has brought some people’s latent racism out for full display.
But, it’s not like the liberal side didn’t have their issues too. I don’t like how Zimmerman was painted as some racist evil person with no evidence, how he’s getting death threats and had to go into hiding, and I don’t like the race-baiting when it appears that race wasn’t the issue here. I’ve also seen a lot of white bashing (lol Zimmerman’s not really “white” anyway) and people talking about race war and stuff like that. It’s not okay and pretty disgusting. It seems a lot of people forgot what reasonable doubt and presumption of innocence means. It reminds me of that Duke Lacrosse case, where everyone was so sure those boys were guilty and said absolutely horrible things about them, threatened them… aaanddd then it turns out they were not guilty. And, just like this case, there were people still defending the way those guys were treated.
Everything about the Zimmerman case made me pretty sick to the stomach.
Hi Jack,
Excellent post. I wish I could disagree with you about those offensive sites but I’ve seen them myself and they are exactly as you say.