Sarah Michelle Gellar very concerned about her kids’ future
I always said the two main goals are keep them alive and keep them off the pole.
~ Sarah Michelle Gellar, on her primary responsibilities as a parent to 4-year-old daughter Charlotte and 1-year-old son Rocky, on the Late Show with David Letterman, as featured on People, October 4

How very different her goals are from mine.
That my children know they were created by God and how much He loves them.
That my children know how very much they are loved by their parents.
And of course, the ultimate goal for people of faith is to give each child an understanding of Scripture and a lifelong passion for Jesus Christ.
If our children wholeheartedly love the Lord and experience His love in their lives, and know we love them unconditionally, they’ll be well equipped to ride out the many storms of life.
-James Dobson
Its Gods job to keep them alive.
That’s pretty funny.
She was just being concise, okay. It is the parents’ job to keep their children safe (alive) and on course to being productive members of society (off the pole). Go Sarah!!!
Thomas R. says:
October 7, 2013 at 11:59 am
She was just being concise, okay. It is the parents’ job to keep their children safe (alive) and on course to being productive members of society (off the pole). Go Sarah!!!
<chuckles> Perhaps you are thinking of “off the dole” — a reference to unemployment and welfare.
As you said, SMG is “being concise.” She is smart and funny, and by “off the pole” she means to raise her children such that her cute little daughter doesn’t end up dancing as a stripper.
I knew about the pole dancing thing Del. I just wanted to safe Sarah’s behind a little with my translation. Gellar is a good role model (has not done anything stupid). She is miles away from Miley. I also know that she was just being funny for the cameras but (I think) that in real life she is a decent and caring parent.
Why would you need to save her behind?
So she is trying to be funny? How sad.
Hey now don’t be bashing Buffy, people.
Thems fighting words?
Carla, Gellar is PRO-LIFE:
She is also a defender of children:
Lol Carla. Y’all are just jealous that she has slayed more vampires and demons than any of you ever will!
I love Sarah Michelle Gellar no one insult her plz.
Stand in line Jack…
Spike should have gotten the spin off, not that whiney Angel.
Speaking of “the pole,” did anybody ever notice that NFL cheerleaders dress like strippers? I like the game, but I really don’t care to see that.
So she is joking? Why?
Prolife or not my main goal in life is to spend eternity in heaven with those I love.
PS I am a defender of children which is why I don’t vaccinate. :)
Yep. Strippers.
She’s joking because she’s funny and smart and beautiful and perfect!
Whatever you say Jack.
Lol I’ve had a crush on her since I was like ten. Her and Jessica Simpson are the two people I’ll defend to my dying breath! And Carrie Fisher just because she was Princess Leia.
Okay everyone, play nice.
I’ve always liked Sarah. She has the range to play villain and heroine, comedy and serious, etc. I know she’s being funny, but as a mom I think she’s saying (in very abbreviated terms) that she wants to keep her kids healthy and raise them with morals.
Vampires aren’t real.
I slay demons everyday.
I honestly don’t know who she is but she has an adorable family!!
She’s pL??? Okay I like her now. I’ve met Robin Willams…have a pic of the 2 of us embracing …they have a new show together. Although he’s a lib he’s still a nice guy.
Lol Carla, she played Buffy the Vampire Slayer for years, it was a hilarious and great show.
One thing SMG did years ago is kind of bash the idea of having children in your twenties because “you’re still trying to figure out who you are.”* (not an exact quote maybe, but that is definetly what she meant I remember) If one personally chooses to have children later, that’s fine, but it sounded like she was passing judgement on other peoples’ choices, most of whom did not have the same kind of life she did. Also, it sometimes seems to me in general that a woman who is say, 26, and has a baby is looked at by many people in the sameway that teen moms are! Again, it is a choice, just as delaying motherhood is, and is often not a negative choice at all for many women that age.
*I would think self-discovery and growth also does not stop when you become a mother, it might even help in this area in some ways.
P.S. I have nothing against teen moms who try to do their best for their children (hopefully including getting as much education and/or job training as possible) but I imagine it is probably the most difficult age to be a parent overall.
Actually, more than nothing against. I respect teen moms who are doing their best very much. (sorry, my editing time ran out)
Well that explains it Jack.
No vampires for me. :)
LOL Carla – the jury is still out on the vaccination thing I see. That which does not hurt may actually help but what do I know.
Usually in those conversations I am called an ANTI VAXXER!!! With a ton of exclamation points!!! To make sure I understand that I am now labeled an ANTI VAXXER!!!!!!!!!!!
Naw, that’s Jenny McCarthy!!!
I’m kind of tired of her “crusade” BTW.
The jury isn’t out on vaccines, they prevent disease and have very few adverse side effects for a very small amount of people. Where this no vaccination thing has taken hold we’re getting pockets of disease that hasn’t been seen in the developed countries for years, like measles and mumps and pertussis. Children are dying from these diseases in far greater numbers than have been harmed by vaccinating. Vaccination actually led to the elimination of smallpox, which was the number one killer of children for a lot of human history. I don’t think it’s fair to imply that those who vaccinate their children aren’t protecting them. If people choose not to vaccinate I guess that is their business, but the science is really clear.
I don’t think it’s fair to imply that those who do not vaccinate their children aren’t protecting them.
Fair Schmair. We aren’t talking about fairness.
Shall we talk vaccinations? Sure. Why not? :)
I have done a ton of my own research. thankyouverymuch
My question is always this……….IF your children are vaccinated why are you worried about disease? IF so many children are vaccinated against disease why should you be bothered by those that aren’t vaccinated??? Why does that bother those that vaccinate so much? YOUR children are protected aren’t they?
AND there are quite a few cases Jack where mumps and measles are spread by those that have been vaccinated for mumps and measles.
And the side effects of those that have adverse reactions to vaccinations??
HORRENDOUS!! I know a few who live with the consequences.
And to those families? “A very small amount of people” means nothing to them.
This conversation will end with
I guess we better agree to disagree. :)
I think its more a question of timing than anything else my good people. If you vaccinate too late, no effect but if on time – there may be benefit. Immunity is always assisted by vaccination. It does help…
Waiting for my friend Jack. :)
One little infant friend received 8 vaccinations at once!! 8!!! How well developed is her immune system to deal with that??
Then all of those of who vaccinate on time should be good right? I mean their immunity is sound so all is well.
One of the main reasons infant mortality rates have decreased substantially over several decades now is because of immunizations. Jack is correct. Do some infants respond adversely to immunization (allergic reactions?). Yes, but the life-sustaining benefits outweigh the risks in this game.
I think people have trouble with the concept of herd immunity. Most vaccinations work on most kids, but some children either cannot take the vaccines or the vaccine does not take effect like it should. The point of herd immunity is that if you vaccinate most of the population it puts “breaks in the chain” of transmission, so people with weak immune systems and unvaccinated people are not infected, or a lot less of them are if a virus gets going in a population. That’s why people worry about unvaccinated kids, because they weaken the herd immunity of a population. And plus, young children haven’t had all their vaccinations yet, and some vaccinations don’t take effect until a while, so my kid could be at risk from a unvaccinated kid in that way. That’s why I got vaccinated as an adult, because I wasn’t vaccinated as a kid and any disease that I got I could pass to the babies, and it’s much more serious for babies to get measles or whatever.
I don’t like arguing about vaccines, I just don’t like it when people imply that those who vaccinate are doing something wrong. And it’s simply true that not vaccinating is bringing back almost dead diseases. Measles, mumps, pertussis. I’m worried that stuff like polio will end up coming back, it’s already prevalent in the developing countries.
I feel bad for anyone who had their child damaged by vaccines, but if you look at how many children end up dead or damaged from diseases they can be vaccinated against, versus the tiny amount who have adverse reactions, it’s not even a contest in my opinion. Every medication or treatment has side effects, every single one.
And vaccines don’t mean “it’s impossible for you to get this disease”. They mean that your body makes antibodies in advance to fight those specific infections. In most people, that is strong enough to keep them from getting it all all, in others it’s a mild case rather than a severe case. Some people who are immunocompromised may get no benefit. That’s why herd immunity is important, if most of the population have immune systems that can effectively fight off the virus, it’s much less likely to infect the unvaccinated or people with weak immune systems.
I agree to disagree.
It is implied about me ALL THE TIME that I am doing something wrong by not vaccinating. Oh well.
And what it really comes down to I think? Those who vaccinate get pissed because we don’t “get with the program.” Cause you know. Herd immunity.
The Amish folk don’t immunize. And I applaud them for it.
You vaccinate. And that is fine with me.
Every conversation I have ever had ends with someone telling me how stupid I am.
And if I valued that person’s opinion I would be offended but I’m not.
NO flu shots happening here either. Why you ask? Because I prefer to boost my children’s immune systems with vitamins, supplements and healthy eating and
No antibiotics.
Oh and no Gardasil either. thanks.
I don’t call people who don’t vaccinate stupid! The evidence is just clear in my mind and I researched it a lot.
Vitamins are water-soluble which means you have to have horse’s dose for any effect. Most of it is expelled you know how…
Some vitamins are fat-soluble, any that the body doesn’t use immediately is stored in fat.
Ok. Whatever. Top of the line vitamins are what we buy.
My kids RARELY get sick. THAT is all the proof I need.
And with that I am done with this.
God bless us every one.
Have a great day Carla. Thanks for being here.