Kelly Clarkson wants five kids
We have two kids. And they’re so great. And I never wanted kids before, but now I want, like, five….
I honestly never ever used to want to want kids because I’m kind of selfish with my career, but going to soccer games with Seth and doing homework with Savannah – I just really love it y’all…
It’s so cool. It sounds so cheesy but it’s such a bigger point to life. I really lucked out with the whole kid situation.
They’re amazing.
~ Singer Kelly Clarkson, on the impression her new stepchildren, ages 11 and 7, have had on own her outlook bearing her own, as quoted by US Magazine, November 12.
Clarkson married Brandon Blackstock on October 20, and the two have already been “hard at work trying to get pregnant as soon as possible,” according to US.

Work at getting pregnant?
I don’t know if that particular activity qualifies as work…
Having lots of it may (LOL)…Take breaks Kelly….
I like Kelly Clarkson. She is very talented and doesn’t feel the need to be a sex kitten to get recognition. I pray God will bless her very soon with a baby!
And btw, I love her wedding dress. It was beautiful. So ready for sleeves to come back in. And the corset look to go out.
No, Thomas R, not even having lots of it. lol that’s called vacation….. ;)
I love Kelly Clarkson. She seems normal compared to so many of her peers and I’m happy she’s speaking positively about kids. There is so much negativity surrounding having a family. Everyone talks about losing their freedoms.
It’s also nice to see someone famous who’s a totally normal size for a woman.
TTC actually can be hard work, what with tracking the cycle, identifying fertile days and so on. I wish the best to them, lovely couple!
LibertyBelle – I just don’t want Kelly to become another Chelsea , if you know what I mean…
And btw, I love her wedding dress. It was beautiful. So ready for sleeves to come back in. And the corset look to go out.
It seems that strapless gowns are still popular. My daughter was married in one, but I’m still not a fan. If you’re over a B cup you tend to spill over.
It’s also nice to see someone famous who’s a totally normal size for a woman.
She’s been called “fat” by the press, meaning she’s over a size six. But she doesn’t seem to care — good for her!
It’s like how they call Kate Winslet “fat”. Um no, she’s normal (and perfectly attractive).
I just don’t want Kelly to become another Chelsea – too late, she’s already talented and happy. And now she’s married too.
Who is Chelsea?
I’m guessing he’s referring to the clinton kiddie :-)
You had the audacity to write your darling Chelsea’s maiden name with a lower case C “reality”!!! Is that how little you think of her…
And yes, I did forget Chelsea has all that interfaith talent. Mea culpa…
What did poor Chelsea ever do to anyone? Am I missing something?
I often use lower case with names “thomas r.” because I don’t find it all that significant let alone audacious. I also usually write obama with a lower case ‘o’ as well. Don’t know that I’d refer to either of them as my ‘darling’ though.
Maybe she’s playing join the dots ;-)
How did our culture become so insane as to forget that parenting children is the greatest source of happiness, especially for mothers?
Here is reality: Toil and labor are necessary evils of human existence. It is truly a blessing when one can enjoy one’s work. It is even more of a blessing when one’s work it worthwhile and helpful to others. But we were never meant to “find our fulfillment” in our “careers.” That is an insanity, like trying to find fulfillment in alcohol or drugs.
We are made for love. And no career can love you back.
Thanks for steering (me at least ) on track from this derailment Del. :)
You are, as always, one hundred percent correct!!!
I love Kelly too.
I can’t say that about Kelly Heather. My wife would not like it…