NOW supports Dem study on Internet/text “hate speech” against abortion
We hope that the study will address continuing hate speech that vilifies women seeking reproductive health care as well as websites that encourage violence against healthcare providers at women’s clinics which we believe have led to the injuries and death of clinic personnel and volunteers.
~ National Organization for Women statement on a Democrat proposal to “require the government to study hate speech on the Internet, mobile phones and television and radio,” according to The Hill, January 16
[HT: LauraLoo; map (click to enlarge) via The Hill]
Reproductive healthcare, yousay. So, what does that mean? Fertility treatments? Prenatal care? Help me out here, it’s not a very specific term.
Thought police on your cell phone. And some people want this? I don’t have enough words for how wrong that is. Study some recent history, you morons!
I am astounded at how zealous the liberals are becoming in the area of restricting and policing free speech. And everything that is opposed to their agenda is “hate speech.”
Are they unable to see that a right-wing totalitarian police state would just as quickly view their agenda as “hate speech”? They want to restrict religions and kill children! — That’s downright hateful, on its face.
Ladies of NOW: Abortion is not a natural right, just as owning a slave is not a right. No court or constitution can make it so. These can only be forced upon free people by a totalitarian state.
But speaking one’s own mind is a natural right, and no court or constitution can take it a away. It can only taken from free people by a totalitarian state.
Liberals: Don’t be the totalitarian state. It makes you look bad.
Obviously, in my 9:52 comment, “you” and “say” should have a space in between them. D’oh!
Coming from Connecticut, with some of the most liberal abortion laws in the nation, I am happy to see that Hartford has a fairly dark spot in terms of number of pro-life tweets as does Boston.
We may not be in power, but us New England pro-lifers are feisty!
Grow up. Stop whining like children. We have something called free speech in this country. Grown up boys and girls understand this means we don’t always like or agree with what people say. So put on your big girl panties and stop acting like children in the schoolyard who have to run and tell teacher.
Would love to see them try to silence the thousands and thousands of us who are Silent No More.
You can’t tell your abortion story because it’s hateful!! LOL
Mary I agree!
They sound more and more like big crybabies.
as well as websites that encourage violence against healthcare providers at women’s clinics
Links please.
which we believe have led to the injuries and death of clinic personnel and volunteers.
Links please.
Which we believe have led to the injuries and deaths of clinic personnel and volunteers.
Please name for us those individuals who are injured or dead or do you just believe they were inured or died as well?
Never having uttered an unkind word I’ve heard plenty of hateful things including threats from drivers passing by my peaceful prayer vigil outside of Planned Parenthood and all I doing is exercising my constitutional rights to the free exercise of religion, peaceful assembly, and speech. Let’s see NOW or the Democrats put that on a map.
I HATE the democrats!!! Kind of obvious from all my posts :)
Keep Your Eyes On The Prize
that’s the new thing with them, that’s how they got SB 23 passed, they called it a ‘Study’ and in a highper controlled group they edited the results as they went in order to create a “situation,” in which their “findings” could be presented as ‘FACT” and therefore become, in the same gesture: LAW. NO-this cannot be, they are trying to put us in PRISONS for looking out for our sisters at risk of contracting P.A.S. and in dire situations of need care and most of all : CHOICES. “CHOICE” does none of this, that is why they are panicking, they got caught in a lie!
Wait so murdering a baby is ok, but calling it baby murder is a crime?
It’s interesting living in the USH.
How come nobody is talking about the hate speech on the abortion apologist/establishment feminist side? Pro-lifers (including Jill herself) have received death threats, been told they “should have been aborted,” and so on. There was just the story out of Argentina about pro-abortion protestors sexually assaulting men and defacing places of worship. Also, I can say from direct personal experience that some of the most venomous and hateful racism in the world comes from Western establishment feminists. See almost any establishment feminists’ comments on the (manufactured and sensationalized, but that’s a topic for another day) “Indian rape crisis” for some examples of this.
You are so right Padma. Pro-life has to be courteous but in no way does it mean that we have to take everything sitting down and just “turn the other cheek.” We can continue exposing pro-aborts at every turn and we can continue nation-wide demonstrations and activity to that end. If we stop, democratic machine that feeds pro-aborts wins. That cannot happen!!!
Please name for us those individuals who are injured or dead or do you just believe they were inured or died as well?
A physician who performed late-term abortions, George Tiller, was killed in his church several years ago. There were a number of websites that condemned Tiller’s practice and facilitated harassment and stalking of him.
I’m somewhat surprised you haven’t heard of this before.
I’ve heard of Tiller.
Any proof these websites were ever visited by his killer or motivated him in any way?
What websites were visited by the Columbine killers?
Ya think people can have their own perverse motives to kill?
Any proof these websites were ever visited by his killer or motivated him in any way?
Scott Roeder posted on the website for Operation Rescue, one of the sites that listed the address of Tiller’s home and church (where he was killed). In one posting he wrote “Tiller is the concentration camp ‘Mengele’ of our day and needs to be stopped before he and those who protect him bring judgment upon our nation;” in another, he wrote a message thanking people who had participated in an OR protest at Tiller’s clinic, and asking if a protest at his church could be arranged. (These were postings on the open comment blog, not official postings).
So there is your evidence of a connection. That’s not the same thing as saying that OR’s website was a causal factor, but it does indicate that burying your head in the sand about any connection is silly.
And I know there is no greater waste of time than trying to bring accuracy to a pro-life website, but the law actually says nothing about “hate speech against abortion.” NOW was expressing a hope that the law be interpreted to encompass tracking of such speech.
Not really. Did OR advocate for killing Tiller? Also, Tiller could have easily been found with no help from OR. Tiller had a website. A few days worth of stalking would have given Roeder all the info he needed on where and when to best shoot Tiller. Remember the man also belonged to a militia and was likely well trained in stalking techniques as well as the use of weapons. Does NOW plan to “track” the militia’s speech as well?
He called Tiller “Mengele”. So what? He thanked OR people for their protest. Again, so what? You have failed to show any advocacy for violence or murder. Roeder at that time was expressing opinions. Maybe ones the crybabies at NOW wouldn’t like, but opinions he had every right to express.
Saying someone “needs to be stopped” isn’t a threat to kill someone. When you say someone “needs to be stopped” from abusing his wife and children, are you advocating murder?
Roeder was also diagnosed schizophrenic.
Maybe NOW should do something really productive like advocate for better mental health care.
Speaking of accuracy, any ideas as to what “such speech” consists of and who will make that determination?
Mary, I think it’s very unlikely that Dr. Tiller posted his church’s address on his website. But there’s nothing to be gained by rehashing the events of the Tiller murder.
Maybe NOW should do something really productive like advocate for better mental health care
Leaving aside your implicit effort to stigmatize mental illness (FYI, mentally ill people are much more likely to be the victims of crime than perpetrators), most advocacy organizations only advocate within a narrow set of issues. That’s the most charitable explanation for why pro-life organizations so rarely evince an interest in domestic violence.
Speaking of accuracy, any ideas as to what “such speech” consists of and who will make that determination?
You’d have to ask NOW that question. My point is really that all the squawking on this thread about suppression of “abortion stories” is arrant nonsense, because the post’s headline is demonstrably false. The bill says nothing about speech regarding abortion.
Not that I expect y’all to let facts get in the way of your persecution complex.
I doubt Tiller did as well. You recall I mentioned that Roeder could very well have stalked and observed his activity prior to killing him. That may well be how he found out his church address. People are stalked and/or killed all the time. Lots of very deranged people out there.
I’m hardly stigmatizing mentally ill people LisaC. I’m stating a fact. The man may well not have been getting the help he needed and as a result was delusional and violent. I think the care and treatment of the mentally ill in this country is abysmal. PL organizations may limit themselves to life issues, however that does not prevent PL people from involving themselves in other charities and social service programs, like prevention of domestic violence. I’m one of those PL people.
I’m not discussing this thread’s conclusions. I’m asking you who will make the determination as to what “such speech” consists of and who will track it. You see LisaC this can get very complicated. What you consider “such speech” might just be a lot of hot air to me. The fact I spew “such speech” may be nothing more than hot air. The notion that otherwise stable people are driven to murder by what they read on the website is a stretch. Any concern about what they see on TV, videos, or the movies?
Will speech be tracked on every website? If not why not?
I’m asking you who will make the determination as to what “such speech” consists of and who will track it.
As I said above, you would have to ask NOW how they define “such speech.” I’m merely pointing out this blog’s untruth about the bill’s content. However, if you were to read the bill, you would see that it calls for the study to be done by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.