(Not so) pro-life vid of day: Planned P’hood promotes S&M to teens
by LauraLoo
Warning: Adult content.
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England has produced and posted a video featuring Laci Green, teen sex educator, promoting BDSM 101 (bondage and sadomasochism) and the “rules of respect” that should accompany such practices.
PPNNE’s President Meagan Gallagher is proud that the video, A Naked Notion, has been viewed more than a million times.
Email dailyvid@jillstanek.com with your video suggestions.
[HT: Jill]
Oh, sure, sure. BDSM is totally just like a runner’s high after a marathon.
I don’t know what’s more disturbing – that this video was made at all or that it is being presented by a teenager.
I guess I’m just an out of it “anti-choice” oldhead — I never even read “50 Shades of Grey” and don’t intend to see the movie — but why is this necessary?
Teen Sex Educator?
Teens shouldn’t be having sex.
Her parents must be so proud.
“I guess I’m just an out of it “anti-choice” oldhead — I never even read “50 Shades of Grey” and don’t intend to see the movie — but why is this necessary? ”
There’s a problem with abuse and people not understanding what “safe words” mean in the BDSM community, according to people I’ve known who’ve been involved with that. If people want to make videos teaching how to be safe while doing it, I don’t really care, but how about we direct it at people who can actually legally have sex? How old is this girl anyway? Creepy.
According to her website, Laci Green is 24. Not sure whether that makes it more or less creepy.
Yes, kids, this will really raise your GPA and help you land a good job…cuz getting through that bucket list of sexual experiences is like the biggest priority evah!
This is really sick and perverted especially directed at teens. Do you understand the downward spiral of this type of degrading behavior? Do you think teens would actually know the “boundaries” of when to stop these sick behaviors? How many would end up causing severe damage to another teen or at the least severely traumatizing another kid? Do you know that some teens and college age kids don’t even know when to stop when it comes to hazing incidents before causing damage or killing someone let alone practicing BDSM. Sick stuff here.
I just remembered the marching band kid who was killed accidentally at (I think it was) Florida A&M about 2 years ago, he was pleading with them to stop and they kept beating him until he died. His parents had to come identify their son’s body and take him home in a hearse to bury him. It was heartbreaking. Who in h_ll would make a video of this sick stuff for teens whose frontal lobes are not even developed enough to make rational, logical decisions about many life-altering or even life-threatening behaviors. Guess who? Planned Parenthood or should I say Planned Barrenhood. Now they don’t just kill women in the abortion mill like they did Tonya Reeves (letting her hemorrhage to death for 5 1/2 hours before calling an ambulance) but they want to promote dangerous, painful, sexual fetishes to teens. Parents PLEASE do NOT let PP anywhere near your children, not in your schools, nor your youth organizations. “Teen Sex Educator” my eye!! These people are sick. Carol Everett said “they break down teens inhibitions, promote sex, get them hooked on sex, sell their wares (contraception, condoms, shots, etc) and when they fail they say come back we can “fix your little problem” by selling you abortions and STD treatments.
There is a book titled “Hooked” by Dr. Freda Bush and Dr. Joe McElhaney that describes how early sexual activity and porn changes the brain and the brain chemistry of teens and can destroy their ability to have healthy, normal, bonding relationships, it can even disrupt their ability to have a healthy stable marriage.
Feeling kinky? Got your “safe words” all ready? Found willing partners?
You are adults? I could care less!!!
That this is targeting ALL teens, MY teens and YOUR teens??!! Despicable!!
Gives new meaning to the words “sex education, war on women, and Care. No Matter What.” Seriously, why would anyone let this organization near a school? Is this how they spend our tax dollars?