UPDATE 3/21, 5p: Although Pro-Choice Resources claims it met its goal, doing so was done with eight fewer sponsors than it started with. 

UPDATE 3/13, 6:20p: Awesome! Another supposed backer of this abortion bowl-a-thon has responded that he had no knowledge and wants out. I wonder how many ever really knew?


3/13, 5:16p: The 21 annual Pro-Choice Resources Bowl-A-Thon is undergoing scrutiny as never before, and the findings are revealing – particularly to sponsors who never signed up to support this abortion group’s fundraiser.

Brian Gibson, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action Ministries in St. Paul, Minnesota, sent emails to all the businesses listed on the Bowl-A-Thon’s sponsors’ page that weren’t aligned with abortion (like NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota and Medical Students for Choice) and heard back from five six (one more removed this afternoon) that they never gave Pro-Choice Resources permission to list them as sponsors.

“One went so far as to tell me the application filled out by PCR did not even include the name of the organization,” reported Gibson in an email alert. Shadiness, what a surprise.

Gibson reported to me that the names of all five have since been removed from PCR’s sponsors’ list. Here was one sample response:


Gibson told the businesses he would not publicize their names if they backed away from supporting PCR.

Phil Weber, owner of Park Tavern Bowling & Entertainment Center in St. Louis Park, Minnesota  a first time host of the bowl-a-thon – took the nefarious “It’s only business; wink, wink, I’m really with you” approach. Read his email and Gibson’s excellent response here.

Neverthless, at least Park Tavern’s name has been removed from PCR’s list of sponsors…


These six five (one removed after story posted) businesses refused Brian’s request to rescind sponsorship of PCR’s bowl-a-thon:

  • Brave New Workshop Comedy Theatre (2 show tickets)
  • Izzy’s Ice Cream (four ice cream cones)
  • Peace Coffee (coffee beans, brewed cups)
  • PedalPub (half-off tour)
  • Time Out Fitness, whose owner, Jeanne Marie Schmit, got a bit snarky in her correspondences with Gibson

666One of Pro-Choice Resources’ activities is to “provide[] no-interest loans, grants, and resources to teens and women who choose abortion but are unable to afford one.”

So sponsors and the bowling alley enabler are helping pay for abortions, some of them minors.

Gibson also notified Pabst Brewing Company that PCR is associating the Pabst brand with itself, and the company has responded that it is having its legal department investigate.

[HT: lead moderator Carla and reader Maria]

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