Obama’s only act of “leadership” was voting to allow infanticide
While president, Obama has not yet stood apart from his party or advisors. To find an example of daring leadership on the part of Obama, you have to go back to his days in the Illinois State Senate….
Illinois Senate Bill 1095 was named the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA)….
The goal of BAIPA was to fill the gap so that the surviving child of an abortion would receive the immediate care and legal protections all other newborns receive…. (i.e., no infanticide)
This is where Illinois Senator Obama’s fearless three-year stand on principle began…. Senator Obama, sitting on the Judiciary Committee, voted “No,” and the bill later failed to pass the Democrat-controlled House. “We at Planned Parenthood view those as leadership votes,” said the abortion company’s Illinois president and CEO, Pam Sutherland.
The bill… was reintroduced by the Republican-controlled Senate…. It received two “No” votes by Senator Obama – his committee vote in March and his vote on the Senate floor in April…. Obama explained his “No” votes this way: “What we are doing here is to create one more burden on women, and I can’t support that.”
Later that year the Federal BAIPA was signed into law by President George W. Bush.
The third Illinois BAIPA bill… was introduced in February 2003 in a Democrat-controlled Senate. This time Senator Obama was the chairman of the committee where he voted “Yes” in favor of adopting the federal BAIPA language, making the Illinois bill an exact copy of the federal law. Later that same day Senator Obama voted “No” on the bill, and it failed again in the Democrat House.
Senator Obama explained, “…physicians are already required to use life-saving measures when fetuses are born alive during abortions.” He further elaborated in a 2006 USA Today op-ed: “I can’t impose my religious views on another.”…
The Illinois BAIPA bill was signed into law one year after Obama left the Illinois Senate….
Not a single Democrat in the US Senate voted against the federal (anti-infanticide) BAIPA bill.
~ Karl Ushanka, American Thinker, March 31
[Image via breitbart.com]

Yes, yes…. Abortion is the only principle that Obama is willing to fight for. His legacy will be his HHS Mandate and his opposition to BAIPA, desperately clinging to contraception and abortion-causing drugs as the primary reason for providing any healthcare to anyone.
So this is basically just a recap of what regular visitors to this blog already know. Still, might be useful for newcomers, I suppose.
Always good to have the proabortion crowd remember their leader’s path to power.
That path strewn with the bodies and blood of dead babies and women.
The sad part is that the University of Chicago may take O back as a full-lecturer after the presidency ends. :(
Michelle will most likely divorce him a day after the presidency ends in part due to no more trips to China….
I am glad this was reposted may we never forget the Holocaust and the infanticide promoted by BHO even from his days in the Illinois legislature. THE MOST PRO-ABORTION, PRO-DEATH, EVEN PRO-INFANTICIDE PRESIDENT TO EVER POSSESS THE OVAL OFFICE. THE WHITE HOUSE IS THE DEATH HOUSE.
Sanger would be proud.
It might also be useful in Google searches for the public who aren’t regular visitors to ANY pro-life blog.
As much as Obama tries to bury all of his records, there’s at least one record, shown here, which speaks for itself.
Do people get prosecuted under BAIPA? I’m reading that nobody has ever been prosecuted under this legislation…seriously?
Still should be the law of the land. It is a human rights issue. Even if your mother wanted you dead before you were born, no one should kill you if you survive a botched abortion. It is not “too much of a burden” (IL. State Sen. BHO’s words) to try to preserve whatever life is left, you are not allowed to slit the newborn’s spinal cord, twist his/her head off, leave him/her in a dirty utility room to die, or suffocate him/her to death, even if you are a “scum of the medical world” abortionist.
I’m just thinking Obama could have saved himself a lot of headaches if he just voted in favor of it – it obviously just a symbolic law if nobody ever prosecutes anybody anyway.
How is it that he call peope massively pro-life or pro-choice based on laws that do nothing? The Mexico City Policy? BAIPA? We call thse massive measuring sticks, and do they actually effect any lives? Seems like some people have some pretty low standards to what qualifies somebody as being good or bad on the issue…
It’s not really ‘leadership’ if nobody follows.
What he really meant by not wanting to place another “burden” on women was that men should be the burden that women bear. He doesn’t want men to have any competition for women’s attention.