Stanek Sunday funnies 3-9-14
I couldn’t help but pick eight favorite cartoons this week. There was a lot going on. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of this post!
by Glenn Foden at…
by Robert Ariail at…
a twofer by Gary Varvel at…
by Bob Gorrell at…
by Michael Ramirez at…
by Chip Bok at…
by Glenn McCoy at…
Good days to lean left – the congressional generic ballot is back to a slight blue lean, and the CPAC conference was a right wing blood bath again – I think the GOP took the last election, and decided to move to a place where they are more unelectable. It is crazy. Rand Paul wins the straw poll? Hillary should start her acceptance speech…
Do you mean the congressional generic ballot of last Thursday that says Democrats 40 and Republicans 38? Tell me you’re not serious.
Yes Mary – the GOP has pushed out to a couple of points lead. Even after all the press on the Obamacare problems last year, the Dems are pretty well even, which is a good sign early in the game. When everything was at its worst for the Dems, it only pushed the GOP up by a couple (which has gone away).
Its a statistical dead heat with 22% undecided and has been in this range for quite some time, give or take. You might want to hold off on the backflips since the numbers might change slightly by tomorrow, or even today.
“Good days to lean left”
Except for the unborn. Bad days for them and those that care about the human right to life when the pro-aborts are in control. But, yeah, for those that take sick pleasure in the political battles that are ripping this country apart, good days.
Lrning…did you notice that this is a thread of a bunch of political cartoons, taking sick pleasure in ripping this country apart?
Or are you specifically talking abortion – if so, yes, the GOP is working hard in a handful of states to target 1 or 2% of those aborted.
American exceptionalism is a myth
well says:
March 9, 2014 at 1:08 pm
American exceptionalism is a myth
No. It is a memory.
Looks like sunday funnies, the tea party edition.
I found myself laughing at the cartoons for themselves not for what they were attempting to portray.
‘exceptionalism’ can mean so many things, not always positive.
Ex-RINO and Reality,
You are talking up “at this pint what does it really matter who killed Hillary as our next best Commander in Chief of the US military? for her lack of vision or action in BenGhazi. We had recently just bombed Libya into submission and never had any military boots ever on the ground. And the town where our consulate building was placed had AlQueda flags flying in the open n top of multiple buildings. When the call came in for help the president flew out of town on a Vegas fundraiser. What was Hillary doing. in those initial hours to assist those under attack?.. Do you have any idea how Hillary spent her time immediately after the attack in BenGhazi? In stead of being in the situation room demanding a military response she was producing apology ads to run on Pakistan TV. We NEVER EVEN sent a combat response team to try and get there or to help in any way.
Ex-GOP says:
March 9, 2014 at 1:03 pm
Or are you specifically talking abortion – if so, yes, the GOP is working hard in a handful of states to target 1 or 2% of those aborted.
You do amaze me, quite often. I am glad that you make me think. Although sometimes, I wonder if we are living on the same planet.
The GOP are not working hard in any state. But there are several states where the people have decided that enough barbarism is enough, and they don’t want to continue the practice of late-term abortions. A handful of pro-life Republicans have led the way in those legislatures, and some pro-life Democrats have joined them to make majorities. Those are the hard-working and courageous ones.
And even though it is “only” a small percentage of abortions, it still have pro-aborts scared. They know that this is the camel’s nose under the tent. People know that abortion is gruesome. When the great mass of good people see it clearly and learn that it can be undone, they will want to stop more of it.
Meanwhile, we pro-lifers are not concerned about how much effort it takes to pass legislation to protect 1%-2% (as you say) of children from abortion. We would invest this much into the hope of saving just one child.
Ex-GOP says:
March 9, 2014 at 1:03 pm
Lrning…did you notice that this is a thread of a bunch of political cartoons, taking sick pleasure in ripping this country apart?
This one mystifies me to, but I will ask you to explain what you mean.
I don’t see “ripping the country apart” in any of these. I don’t seen any cartoonist “taking pleasure,” either. They all seem to be lamenting the obvious. The theme seems be regret. Obama has accomplished what we feared that he would do: He has weakened American, internally and abroad, and we are not as capable nor as great as we used to be.
Well… maybe the one about the Donkey’s tongue frozen to Obamacare. That cartoonist is hoping that Democrats will suffer during the midterm elections, like last time.
truth -
How much money has congress spent trying to make a scandal out of Benghazi? I’m not saying that there weren’t problems there, but it seems like a lot of people don’t care what the issues might have been – they want to cast blame on somebody that does political damange. Truth is, it isn’t sticking.
I haven’t read the Benghazi report (I’m guessing you didn’t either) – but word is that her name shows up just cone in the report.
Which pint is that truthseeker, your 7th or 8th? ;-)
Still clinging to the ODS-inspired version of the Hillary/Benghazi scenario I see. Bombed Libya into submission? Really? Who is ‘we’?
Although sometimes, I wonder if we are living on the same planet. – I sometimes wonder what century you are living in! :-)
People know that abortion is gruesome – just like heart surgery or a hip replacement. They’ll still undertake the procedure because they know the outcome is beneficial. The great mass do see it clearly. Most don’t want it undone. And of those that do, only until they need it.
Come on TS,
Didn’t Hillary apologize for an “anti-muslim” video no one even knew existed and had probably not even seen herself?
And didn’t our gov’t act swiftly and decisively by having that poor schlub that made the video no one knew existed hauled out of his home by deputies? You would have thought the guy lived in some tinhorn dictatorship, but we know better, don’t we?
Del –
On your first post – my point is, people seem to paint the Dems as a party that goes out of their way to slaughter babies, and the GOP as a party that goes out of their way to save every baby out there.
That simply isn’t the case. For the large part, the majority of the country and politicians seem okay with abortion under 20 weeks. I don’t agree with them, but that simply seems to be the case.
Legislation will push the number a percent or two. Real change – supporting young mothers, fiscal policy that supports life – those things, in my opinion, will have a bigger impact.
Del –
Seriously? What news channels do you watch?
When we last left a GOPer in office, the entire economic foundation of this country was collapsing. Do you want me to post the numbers? Remember how some people were asking if we were launching into a second great depression?
And now we have one of the longest stock market runs since Clinton was in office – we’ve largely drawn out of wars that got us hated throughout the world. Seriously – what do you have to back up that we are a weaker country than when Obama took office? Seems like the strongest argument that you would have is that the GOP practically crashed the country, and Obama and the Dems didn’t pull us out of the mess as fast as we would have all liked.
My goodness.
Now you’ve got me on a roll. Go back and look at how many jobs the country lost a month from around September of 2008 through early summer of 2009. Once Obama’s stimulus came in, look at the numbers. Economically, we are a ton better than where we were. Globally, there have been issues – but there’s always been issues – how could somebody argue we are weaker?
Most of the time you seem to be one of the most thoughtful right wingers – I don’t get your point on that post. Massively short memory. Did you live through last decade, or were you maybe in a coma? I only ask that half kidding.
I am not a right-winger. I don’t watch any news channels.
I don’t blame Bush for the economic cycles, nor do I give any credit to Obama. I don’t blame Carter for the economy that he inherited.
However, I do give Reagan credit for restoring confidence to Americans, and the economy recovered in spite of his economic policies. Clinton — now there was a real economic politician! He got us a balanced budget by working with the Republicans and earning their cooperation.
I am a culture warrior. I measure the strength of America by the strength of our culture. Our families are less stable, and the broken families are more dependent on government. Strong families are endangered by Obama’s assault on our religious freedom and the autonomy of local education. He is getting away with increasing oppression of free speech. These are some indicators that measure the “strength” of our culture going into the next generation.
Internationally…. GW Bush was far more effective than Obama. Nobody fears Obama. Nobody respects him. Nobody even bothers to hate him. They all know that he’s got no spine to take action, so the world is behaving like America nothing to be concerned about.
I don’t that Putin’s agents organized the Bush-era war protests (the ones that disappeared after Election Day 2008) and the Occupy camps, and I don’t think he tricked Obama/Hillary into thinking Benghazi was caused by some You-Tube video – although it would all make a lot more sense if he were pulling those strings. I think Putin saw deeply enough to realize that America really loves to follow a leader who has no vision — he has been waiting for an American president who has no clue how to be an actor on the international stage, so Putin could be the star.
Putin has been waiting for something like Ukraine, ever since we let him handle the Syrian crisis. He probably has agents destabilizing governments in other former Soviet states, confident that we can’t do anything to stop him.
“I haven’t read the Benghazi report (I’m guessing you didn’t either) – but word is that her name shows up just cone in the report.”
And how is that good. Where exactly was she? What exactly did she do when the president ordered her to everything possible to help those people. Or are you saying “at this point what does it matter what she was doing” while Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Ambassador Stevens were fighting for their lives?
“Seriously – what do you have to back up that we are a weaker country than when Obama took office?”
Before Obama took office Christians were not getting slaughtered and run out of their homes Iraq. They also weren’t getting burned alive and blown up in their churches in Egypt. And Christian persecution is at a devastating level in Syria. All theses unjust persecutions but they don’t matter cause these are Christians.
Truth – is your contention that Christians weren’t being persecuted in these countries prior to Obama coming into office?
Liking your own comments again? Ha.
If you don’t think this is a significant accomplishment, either you are not rational or not pro-life.
Well truthseeker, if Bush hadn’t waged an illegal and unjustified war against Iraq none of that would have happened.
Care to explain exactly how obama is in any way the cause of the persecutions?
“Benghazi? I’m not saying that there weren’t problems there, but it seems like a lot of people don’t care what the issues might have been – they want to cast blame on somebody that does political damange. Truth is, it isn’t sticking.”
Well it had better start sticking soon cause we are in a foreign policy disaster of continued and increasing American/Christian persecution.
“Truth – is your contention that Christians weren’t being persecuted in these countries prior to Obama coming into office?”
My contention is that prior to Obama it was not government sanctioned persecution of Americans and Christians.
Where is the evidence that it is government sanctioned?
That’s a much better answer than what I tried to say, truth seeker! The tragedy of the Chaldean Christians, an ancient faith-culture established during the lifetime of the Apostles.
“Seriously – what do you have to back up that we are a weaker country than when Obama took office?”
I measure America’s Strength two ways: 1) By the ability of American families to take care of ourselves and 2) by America’s ability to influence international situations. The international losses under Obama need no more discussion.
At home, greater government intrusion is loss of strength in American culture. If Obamacare succeeds in directing our healthcare insurance, our culture loses vitality. Does this make sense?
Recent intrusions that weaken our vitality:
– IRS abuses of people exercising free speech
– Common Core education mandates
– the HHS Mandate against religious freedom, forcing us to violate our consciences just to pay for other people’s contraception
– more legal attacks against non-government charities, such as Pregnancy Centers
– government support for cases defying natural marriage and the culture’s defense of natural marriage. Can’t even bake wedding cakes safely anymore.
It is a mistake to measure America’s strength in terms of profits and stock market indexes. These things do not tell us about the culture our children and grandchildren will inherit from us. America was much stronger during the Great Depression than we are now. We are much closer to collapse than our great-grandparents were.
“Care to explain exactly how obama is in any way the cause of the persecutions?”
Duh!! By pulling out completely without an armed forces agreement he left it open season on American’s over there.
“Where is the evidence that it is government sanctioned?”
Do you see our government doing anything about it? Obama screwed over Egypt and left American;s there F’d.
America’s ability to influence international situations. – by what right?
The international losses under Obama need no more discussion. – wanna bet. Which other bits of the world belong to the US?
If Obamacare succeeds in directing our healthcare insurance, our culture loses vitality. Does this make sense? – none whatsoever. The culture will be greatly benefitted.
– IRS abuses of people exercising free speech – yawn.
– Common Core education mandates – that’s to ensure education rather than indoctrination
– the HHS Mandate against religious freedom, forcing us to violate our consciences just to pay for other people’s contraception – starting to achieve some balance
– more legal attacks against non-government charities, such as Pregnancy Centers – such as?
– government support for cases defying natural marriage and the culture’s defense of natural marriage. – you mean defying your version of what marriage should be. The culture’s moved on, you’re now in the minority.
- Can’t even bake wedding cakes safely anymore. – the government has not withdrawn any workplace safety regulations in the baking industry that I’ve heard of.
So, no cause of obama’s then truthseeker. And no evidence of it being government sanctioned either.
Reality, Your decision to chase a delusional state of utopia in such a dangerous world is ignorant at best. I have a question to try and guage how far you are gone. I know a person who says they can understand the mindset of the bombers and look how many people American’s have killed abroad. And these are otherwise intelligent people who are just infatuated with living as if the world were their little utopia the way things should be so they can actually justify in their minds that somehow the people in Boston had it coming to them when the explosives were placed at the marathon. Have your delusions progressed that far?
So, still nothing to justify your claim that obama is the cause or any evidence that the persecutions were government sanctioned then truthseeker.
It is the absolute height of ignorance to blame persecutions of Christians by Muslim dominated cultures on any US president, ever. That crap has been going on for centuries and will go on as long as both groups believe that you’re God-ordained and that the other group is heathen. My goodness. It is really fascinating what people can come up with to blame on Obama. And I don’t even like the guy!
Do y’all realize you make your valid Obama criticisms look idiotic when you lump them in with idiocy like blaming millennium-old religious wars on a dude that’s been a world leader for all of five years?
You seem to have swallowed the false meme that says “religion causes wars.” Did Dawkins start that one?
Christians and Muslims lived together in relative peace for centuries. The Chaldeans have been there for 2000 years, and now they are being exterminated. This genocide is not “centuries old” — It is a new atrocity against human rights that has risen up within the last decade, and the international community is grossly negligent by ignoring it.
Remember that when Hitler’s Nazis started their extermination of the Jews, many Americans said the same thing: “Jews have been oppressed for centuries. This is nothing new. We should not get involved.” We should have gotten involved.
The people who start with genocide and ethnic cleansing of the own lands are the ones who start world wars. When will we learn that early intervention is the way to keep peace? Will we ever learn?
Deluded Lib,
You show an ignorance of foreign policy. Actions have consequences and Obama rallying behind the Muslim Brotherhood has inspired a lot of the hatred and persecution of the Christians in Eqypt who rallied against the Muslim Brotherhood. An inept President does effect the conditions for Americans abroad.
“You seem to have swallowed the false meme that says “religion causes wars.” Did Dawkins start that one?”
Where did I say “religion starts wars”? All I said is it helps fuel them, which is indisputable and you’re being biased if you refuse to admit it. The higher ups start wars for various reasons, and they keep the masses into it by fueling religious hatred towards those they wish to persecute. And of course Dawkins didn’t start it. You guys are showing an amazing ability to blame age old problems on people you personally don’t like in current years.
“Christians and Muslims lived together in relative peace for centuries.”
Absolutely incorrect. They’ve been fighting since Islam came to be (Mohammed was a military leader, for pete’s sake, and half the Koran is about fighting). Half the reason we have so many Muslims in Africa and the Middle East is because of forceful conversions after invasions! Same in some places for Christianity (look at African nations and forced colonization). Multiple wars, conflicts, ethnic cleansings, persecution, etc, throughout the centuries were influenced or due to religious clashing (among other reasons, of course, land, money, and territory were big factors as well). I’m seriously headdesking here.
“This genocide is not “centuries old” — It is a new atrocity against human rights that has risen up within the last decade, and the international community is grossly negligent by ignoring it. ”
This particular genocide might not be old, but the problem is and it’s ridiculous to blame it on Obama. And LOLOLOL because I seem to remember some US president wanting to get involved in Syria (where people are being murdered by the thousands) and apparently conservatives didn’t like that at all (I didn’t either, but for different reasons than “Obama sucks”). So you want Obama to get involved in other nations only if it’s Christians being exterminated? Wow.
“Remember that when Hitler’s Nazis started their extermination of the Jews, many Americans said the same thing: “Jews have been oppressed for centuries. This is nothing new. We should not get involved.” We should have gotten involved.”
That’s not the reason the US didn’t get involved in WWII for a while.
“The people who start with genocide and ethnic cleansing of the own lands are the ones who start world wars. When will we learn that early intervention is the way to keep peace? Will we ever learn? ”
How many countries are we going to babysit and police? We’ve had an ethnic cleansing in the US and in South American countries started and continued by the US multiple times, the international community did nothing against us. We have thousands dying in Mexico and other countries because of drug cartels and we’re not lifting a finger. We can’t even fix the Western Hemisphere, why in the world do you think we can police the world?
And anyway, we still have troops in Iraq (which I believe a lot of the Chaldeans are being killed) and it doesn’t seem to be helping. We occupied that country on a fighting basis for what, eight years? We seem to have done them little good. And that can’t be blamed on Obama, considering he didn’t start the invasion and he was the president to pull the troops out (except for those who stay in an “advisory role”). Like it or not, taking down Saddam had consequences other than ‘Murican freedom and democracy being spread. We destabilized the entire region and put a power vacuum in place and then we wonder why different sects are killing each other?
“You show an ignorance of foreign policy. Actions have consequences and Obama rallying behind the Muslim Brotherhood has inspired a lot of the hatred and persecution of the Christians in Eqypt who rallied against the Muslim Brotherhood. An inept President does effect the conditions for Americans abroad. ”
I fail to see you put up evidence (please not from WND or the Blaze or any other right wing gossip rag) that the Obama administration supports the Muslim Brotherhood over any other group in Egypt. Actually, as far as I can tell, the US has not fallen on either side in that particular conflict. No money has gone to the Brotherhood and there have been public statements that they are leaving it up to Egypt to decide who leads them. I’m not the one ignorant here.
Tell you the truth about Obama only give it to you from the MSM. lol
Well I wish I had more Eqyptian news outlets that we could transpose for your benefit but my friends from that area of the world are my source. Here is a TIME article that talks briefly about ‘perceptions in Eqypt and why:
Uh, truthseeker, that article states that there isn’t any real evidence that the Obama administration supports the Muslim Brotherhood. Did you even read the link? Perception doesn’t equal reality. A random Egyptian may fervently believe that the US loves the Brotherhood but there seems to be no actual evidence of funding and certainly no public support.
So while the Interim government in Eqypt was arresting members of the Muslim Brotherhood and labeling them a terrorist group Obama was expressing concern of the Muslim Brotherhood not being made a part of Eqypt;s internal political process going forward.
Personally I think that both the interim government and the Brotherhood are terrorizing that country.
And apparently the bombing that caused the Brotherhood to be labelled a terrorist group was actually committed by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, a group that’s already been labelled a terrorist organization by both the US and Egypt. They even took credit for the bombing!
Anyway, Morsy was democratically elected. It would be pretty uncomfortable to state that Egyptians aren’t allowed to democratically elect their own leaders and political group, which is what Psaki seemed to be concerned about. She didn’t seem to voice support for the Brotherhood over the interim government, her statement seemed to be encouraging groups to democratically work together.
DeLib, my friend: I am not sure what course of action you are advocating.
Obama, with his Nobel Prize gleaming around his neck, has done nothing to react to the religious genocide. Nothing military, nothing diplomatic, nothing from his bully-pulpit. We are protesting against the nothing.
Putin was something in Obama’s nothing. Putin saw opportunity. Now we have the extinction of Christians and the invasion of Ukraine.
As much as everyone loves to hate on GW Bush (and rightly so) for entering Iraq when there were no chemical weapons — we can see now that our military presence kept the Chaldeans safe, Putin would have resisted the temptation to invade, and Bush would have done something to intervene in Ukraine.
Bush grew up knowing that America owes the world. Meanwhile Obama grew up learning what America owes to Obama. That is the difference.
No Deluded Lib, it is most definitely the Muslim Brotherhood terrorizing Christians for their support of the coup.
Deluded Lib, Let me ask you the same question I asked ‘Reality” yesterday:
” I know a person who says they can understand the mindset of the bombers and look how many people American’s have killed abroad. And these are otherwise intelligent people who are just infatuated with living as if the world were their little utopia the way things should be so they can actually justify in their minds that somehow the people in Boston had it coming to them when the explosives were placed at the marathon. Have your delusions progressed that far?”
I have a question to try and guage how far you are gone. I know a person who says they can understand the mindset of the bombers and look how many people American’s have killed abroad. And these are otherwise intelligent people who are just infatuated with living as if the world were their little utopia the way things should be so they can actually justify in their minds that somehow the people in Boston had it coming to them when the explosives were placed at the marathon. Have your delusions progressed that far? – See more at:
I am concerned about the Chaldeans, don’t get me wrong. I think ethnic or religious “cleansing” in general is sick and disgusting. What I’m wondering is why y’all are more concerned about people dying across the world while we ignore the multiple human rights abuses and killings happening in our own back yard?
I don’t think our intervention is going to fix what’s going on in Iraq right now military-wise, diplomatic intervention might help a bit. But I do believe that countries need to stabilize themselves internally (that’s what western countries have done, and why we’re as successful as we are today, when we used to be quite unstable). We simply cannot bomb the entire Middle East or go kill a bunch of Muslims to fix what they are doing to their own people. Where has that worked? I actually can’t figure out what you guys want. Obama wants to support the rebels in Syria, he’s evil. Obama doesn’t want to get involved in some internal conflicts and government coups in Egypt and Iraq and such, he’s a monster. Don’t get you guys at all.
I do think we need to stop ignoring what’s happening in our own backyard, for a start. For all the whining conservatives do about illegal immigrants they sure don’t want to fix the problems in the West that is causing it. And it directly affects the US, considering the crime and poverty that we’ve help cause in South and Central America made it’s way up here in the form of the “drug wars”.
“As much as everyone loves to hate on GW Bush (and rightly so) for entering Iraq when there were no chemical weapons — we can see now that our military presence kept the Chaldeans safe, Putin would have resisted the temptation to invade, and Bush would have done something to intervene in Ukraine.”
How do you know this? Speculation? Bush might have been a warmonger but I doubt he’d want to go head to head with Russia. I don’t know the solution to the issue in the Ukraine but I don’t actually get what you guys think we can do about it. Do you want a war with Russia (when China might get involved which would be an absolute disaster for the entire world)?
In your mind should the US support AlQuaeda as a legitimate government if they were to be be elected to lead a country like Libya?
“No Deluded Lib, it is most definitely the Muslim Brotherhood terrorizing Christians for their support of the coup.”
I’ve said multiple times that Christians are persecuted in Muslim dominated countries, so I don’t know what you think you’re proving. The interim government is persecuting other people though. It’s similar to Syria, where both the rebels and the government were committing horrid human rights abuses. What side do you want to take, and which people do you want to support being killed?
“I know a person who says they can understand the mindset of the bombers and look how many people American’s have killed abroad. And these are otherwise intelligent people who are just infatuated with living as if the world were their little utopia the way things should be so they can actually justify in their minds that somehow the people in Boston had it coming to them when the explosives were placed at the marathon. Have your delusions progressed that far? ”
What in the world are you talking about? Where have I said I like any terrorists or bombings or whatever? I simply don’t get why you guys think we can military intervene in every single country that has human rights abuses or terrorism (except, you know, the countries right next to us, we ignore or support that stuff)
I have to get back to work, if I don’t reply for a while I’m not ignoring the questions lol. Maybe you guys can spell out for me exactly which humans you think deserve to be protected with military intervention (apparently not Syrians or Mexicans or South Americans), and which you think the US should ignore. And explain how bombing people and overthrowing their governments fixes deep ethnic and religious issues in unstable regions.
Memo to Obama: NEVER mess around with a guy who worked for the KGB AND who is an expert in martial arts!
I don’t think he could out-arm wrestle Urkel. Despite all those golf swings.
Mmmmm, the ODS kung fu is strong for some here ;-)
Del -
You certainly have the right to your opinion, but you’ve essentially boiled down your reasoning that the homefront is weaker to some drudge report headlines.
I don’t think gay people being able to get married makes our families any less strong. Or a few more politically active “charities” getting tax scrutiny – I don’t see that as an issue.
Again, your opinions are your opinions – I’ll continue to say that in almost every area, we are better off now than when Obama took over in 2009.
Hans, but could Obama beat Urkel in a game of horse?
’I haven’t read the Benghazi report (I’m guessing you didn’t either) – but word is that her name shows up just cone in the report.”
And EX-RINO, how is that good that there is no evidence of any involvement by Hillary?. Where exactly was she? What exactly did she do when the president ordered her to everything possible to help those people. Or are you saying “at this point what does it matter what she was doing” while Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Ambassador Stevens were fighting for their lives?
I ask you this as a person who claims to be a Christian and a believer in God. Do you believe God’s plan for a the family is for a man and woman to unite and raise children together? Cause that is what marriage has always represented in this Judeo-Christian country.
Let me rephrase that so you don’t get misdirected: I ask you this as a person who claims to be a Christian and a believer in God. Do you believe God’s plan for the family is for a man and woman to unite and raise children together? Cause that is what marriage has always represented in this country based upon Judeo-Christian traditions.
No one is stopping those who still believe that from doing so truthseeker, so there’s no problem.
Well, Paul says it can be better for people to stay single – but I would say that it’s fair to say that is a fair representation of God’s plan.
Is there any possibility we can give the gay thing a rest this week truthseeker? Any at all?
I’m actually intersted to see where truth is going with this one.
He just wants to tell you that you’re not a true follower of Christ unless you join the Family Research Council and opposes gay marriage even if people vote for it. Natch.
I don’t know how that can be Biblically justified. I mean, God’s plan for people is to become saved through belief in Jesus – but I’m not asked to register my belief with the state in which I live in.
Okay that was mean of me, I rescind my comment. I just wish people would give the issue a rest for a while. I’m pretty sure every single regular poster on this blog has made their feelings crystal clear on the subject.
Funny how much time believers spend telling each other they’re doing it wrong.
Reality –
The denomination I grew up in essentially has an ‘agree to disagree’ on all matters not central to core matters of Christianty. So issues like gay marriage, baptism – and all sorts of other issues – since they aren’t matters of salvation (to the denomination), they don’t come out with long declarations of official statements.
Personally – I don’t see how after high divorce rates and drive through weddings, that NOW the homosexual community is ruining marriage. They might clean it up…
Can I plleeeaassseee go to your church, Ex? I think it might improve my views on Christianity lol. What denomination is that?
I hope you’re girding your loins Ex-GOP ‘cos I’m sure someone will be only too happy to tell you that your denomination was ‘misguided’ or ‘lacking true understanding’ or something.
Indeed, same-sex marriages might well bring a freshening up of marriage as an institution. A revitalising even.
One day an intersex president with both a husband and a wife?
There was literally nothing about gay marriage in these funnies! Why do we have to talk about this every other thread! *face-palming*
Evangelical Covenant Church
Reality – I’m sure truth will come on, tell me why I’m wrong – and then after getting back into a corner, will all of the sudden disappear. He’s very good at vanishing when the questions get tough.
truth –
All I’m saying on Hillary, is the GOP has done everything within their power to link Hillary to Benghazi…and if Hillary ran against any GOPer tomorrow, she’d win by double digits.
Deluded Lib,
You asked me to communicate with you about this direct email instead of blogging and I will of course respect your wishes.
Ex-RINO, you said:
“Well, Paul says it can be better for people to stay single – but I would say that it’s fair to say that is a fair representation of God’s plan.”
Glad to hear that we agree. So does that mean like abortion; you are personally against it but pretty much just agree to disagree about what is right or wrong and communion with other Christians who are openly against God’s plan for man? Would you welcome the likes of Albert Hodari or Kermit Gosnell or Cecile Richards as members of your church?
I just find it extremely difficult to ignore these discussions (YOU try ignoring it when it directly affects your welfare), so I’m being selfish and begging people to stop bringing it up every five seconds on threads where it has nothing to do with the topic!
Ex-RINO, the topic I was actually looking for your perspective on is Christian communion with those who openly defy God like Cecile Richards or some of the more infamous arbortionists like Hodari from Florida or Gosnell etc.
Ariail and Varvel #1 for me.
truth -
Let’s stick to issue number one – when have I ever advocated against allowing a man and woman to get married in the eyes of God? You seem to be making up a position that I’ve never advocated for.