Sunday Word: “The rider’s name was Death. Hell followed him.”
I looked, and there was a pale horse, and its rider’s name was Death. Hell followed him.
~ Revelation 6:8, God’s Word translation
There is no such thing as soul annihilation. We are going one place or the other, and we will be wide awake.
~ Beth Moore, speaking about this passage in “Here and Now… There and then: A Lecture Series on Revelation”
[“Death on a Pale Horse” watercolor (click to enlarge) by William Blake, c 1800; via The Fitzwilliam Museum]
Scares me. No thought is wose than spending eternity in hell. I meet more and more people today who dont believe in God. Then what on earth do you believe in? Thats just so depressing. And a lot of people who do believe are misguided. They support gay marriage and abortion.
I find most of Revelations pretty scary except towards the end, where it “behold, I come to make all things new again.” That always fills me with such hope.
phillymiss, Interestingly, Revelation is the only book that promises a blessing to those who read it, Rev 1:3: “Blessed is the one who reads, as well as those who hear the words of this prophecy and pay attention to what is written in it because the time is near.”
The Beth Moore series is great. You can view the 11 dvds at home. There are a lot of promises and reassurances in Revelation for believers.
Today is the day of salvation.
Just this morning I witnessed to a new male friend that I’m getting to know. When he said “I believe in God and the Virgin Mary” when I asked him why God should let him into His Heaven does NOT equate with authentic salvation. Even Satan believes God, is very orthodox, and shudders! He is appointed as spoken in Revelation 20 to an eternity in hell.
A person is either saved or lost. There is no in between, no grading on the curve. We need Christ’s “A” for our “F”. Christ’s “A” – His shed blood at the cross – will eternally cleanse the vilest of sinners.
If there is anyone who desires to know how to be saved, I (along with Jill, I’m sure) would be SO privileged to share with you how to be saved according to God’s Word.
LauraLoo <3
I am going to hit my knees soon and pray for abortionists. Carhart Ruddock Haskell Gompers…All of the male abortionists are in their 70s. Time is ticking. Jesus may you continue to place a calling on their hearts. May they repent before its too late. May you convert them as you did for other abortionists. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. May you open their eyes and forgive their sins. May they repent of their wicked ways so that they may spend eternity in paradise. Anybody with me? Amen!
Just prayed on my knees. We hate abortionists actions but many feel they are helping women…may they put down their killing tools in the name of Jesus. I prayed a very long prayer. Also add Warren Hern. Jesus we are trying. We cant but you have and you CAN!
Laura Loo: “A person is either saved or lost. There is no in between, no grading on the curve. We need Christ’s “A” for our “F”. Christ’s “A” – His shed blood at the cross – will eternally cleanse the vilest of sinners.”
So does purgatory have a place in your understanding of the verse or is it that soul purification is not considered?
Hi Thomas,
The Bible does not even hint at purgatory for soul purification. Mankind simply cannot pay the price that is required to enter into the presence of a Holy God and live with Him forever.
I have read the Bible multiple times over the past 24 years and can testify to that.
When a person draws their last breath, their eternal fate is sealed. God’s free gift of salvation cost Him everything but there are some things the sinner is required to do in order to inherit eternal life with God. I will be able to show you answers to many of your questions simply by opening up the Bible and (hopefully) reviewing them with you if you desire.
If interested, or if you have any other questions, you can either type them here in this thread or send me a personal email. Please find me under the “TEAM” heading on the right side.
Laura <3
“nothing unclean will enter the presence of God in heaven” (Rev. 21:27)
My view aligns with that of the Catholic teachings Laura. I understand that the concept of purgatory is rejected by some Christian denominations based on the dismissal of the notion that final purification even if the person dies in God’s grace, is not required. I differ with that either/or and nothing in between interpretation. Soul remebrance during masses is a wonderful doctrine to follow.
I gave myself a “like” for my March 17 comment since I responded to Laura’s invitation to an open discussion with her regarding a Bible verse/doctrine, but someone obviously thinks my points regarding the doctrines I’ve been taught are substandard.
This should be an equal-footing discussion…..