Embattled pro-life prosecutor still speaks out against abortion
The law flies out the window when abortion comes in the door. Without truth, there is no law, and that truth must resonate in the hearts of the people…
If you put your convictions on the line in America, you can expect to be persecuted. The word ‘suffering’ in the ancient Hebrew means to lift up to a higher purpose. If you reflect on life and on history – you will see that all that has eternal value has required suffering. We must rely on the promises of God.
We often can’t see how God is using us in our pro-life ministry. Yet we have faith in the author of truth.
~ Former Kansas Attorney General and pro-life prosecutor Phill Kline, who continues to speak out against abortion despite numerous attempts to silence him, Live Action, June 21
[HT: Susie]
May God bless Phil Kline and those children he is speaking for.
Here’s a question for those who wonder if God will move and if so how:
When Jesus read Isaiah in the synagogue – where did he stop and why?
Phill Kline is a pro-life warrior and hero. I remember him sometimes, when I feel like I can’t drag myself back to the sidewalk for another hour of prayer. Sometimes I go, just to honor his perseverance.
Kansas and her people have seen a great turn toward the Culture of Life. I give a lot of the credit to Phill Kline, and his work to expose the felonious practices of Planned Parenthood.
Phill lost his office and his license. He suffered years of political oppression. No one from Planned Parenthood was ever prosecuted.
But Phill Kline won that fight. Planned Parenthood got defunded because of him.
God bless Phil Kline!
Thank you Phil Kline.
Phill Kline had Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri, George Tiller, and other Kansas abortionists dead to rights. Unfortunately, political corruption and the persecution of Phil scared off other prosecutors and attorney generals around the country from conducting their own criminal investigations.
Persevere Phill.