Stanek Sunday funnies 7-27-14
Good morning! Here were my top five six favorite political cartoons this week. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of the post!
We begin with a twofer by Nate Beeler at…
followed by a twofer by Chip Bok at…
by Steve Breen at…
by Michael Ramirez at…
I’m voting for #4 this week.
Digging the Obamacare ruling – sort of hoping it gets to the Supremes quickly and they kill that part of the law and all the states with federal subsidies get thrown into turmoil. It would be a bizarre ruling by the supremes, but they’ve been oddball activists as of late.
Anyway – the cartoons aren’t complete these days without Boehner’s lawsuit – so here’s a link to some good cartoons on that matter.
There’s no six-sided coin to flip, so I went with #6 – Ramirez.
Poor Ex-GOP. The Republicans won’t get burned again going for impeachment. They learned in the ’90’s that the Dems would support the Devil himself as long as he has a “D” after his name.
The lawsuit probably won’t go anywhere either. But isn’t it a little embarrassing that the Constitutinal professor in the White House has to be slapped back 13 times by the Supreme Court for overstepping the separation of powers?
Hans –
I don’t understand the “poor ex-gop” – are you saying I support impeachment, so then in your next sentence when you say it won’t happen, I’d be disappointed? Or what are you saying?
On your second paragraph – how is what Obama has done – how is it fundamentally different than Christie saying he wouldn’t pay attention to any of the laws that are affecting Tesla sales in New Jersey – or Bush when he said certain laws that the administration wouldn’t pay attention to. If there are laws, and a President/Governor acts differently than the laws – isn’t there an issue in all three cases
I was saying you’re going to need a distraction like impeachment to give Clinton or Warren a boost.
All chief executives try to throw their weight around. But for Christie’s Tesla issue you have a dozen Solyndras and GMs. No one interferes in commerce like Obama.
Bush’s oversteps at least had some method to their madness. I’m not afraid of the Patriot Act, but I am of the IRS and unleashing the NSA.
Speaking of Tesla AND following the law, compare Christie with Obama’s imperial attitude on the law. His Barackness the constitutional law professor is schooled once again.
So the bottom line is we have three individuals that worked out of congressional approval when they saw that it was needed.
That’s all I needed. Thanks.
You’re quitr welcome. I’m more worried about a brush fire than one in the fireplace.
Does anybody think things will settle down in the middle east? Those people have been raising hell for thousands of years….
I guess I will go with #3 about Nancy Pelosi. Excellent interview on Huckabee with Dr. Ben Carson tonight on how we can correct the problems with healthcare, get the federal government out of dictating people’s healthcare, let people make their own decisions regarding their healthcare, save money and totally avoid trampling people’s religious liberties and conscience all at the same time.
#4 cartoon on the “war on women” was a close second.
Elrond although I don’t think we are going to see an end to the Israel-Hamas mess soon, I continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It is a total mess.
Was Carson talking about his $2000 a person plan?
Ex-GOP says:
July 27, 2014 at 10:48 am
Digging the Obamacare ruling – sort of hoping it gets to the Supremes quickly and they kill that part of the law and all the states with federal subsidies get thrown into turmoil. It would be a bizarre ruling by the supremes, but they’ve been oddball activists as of late.
Serious question: How have the Supreme Court justices ruled as “activists” in recent decades?
I thought that “activist” judges invented new rights made new laws from the bench, like Roe v. Wade and the forced de-segregation of schools.
#1 is fairly decent, but what about all the illegal immigrant kids streaming across our border with Mexico?
People have many different takes on it, but it reminds me of when Haiti had the big earthquake in 2010. We saw all these enormous families with many kids, kids that were nothing but starved and suffering horribly even before the earthquake hit.
Who in their right mind would not wonder, “Don’t these people have any birth control?”
“Who in their right mind would not wonder, “Don’t these people have any birth control?”
Del –
I would say that a decent number of decisions have been ‘activist’ decisions.
The definition I read, that I like, is an activist decision is one that flips existing laws (essentially overriding the power of the other branches). So with that being said, I’ll be clear that not all rulings that are activist rulings are bad.
But yeah, there’s been some rulings in the past few years – Citizen’s United was a huge one. The DOMA case was a big one.
I wouldn’t mind the case that is rising up right now to rule against Obamacare – I think it would put Republicans in a massively difficult position, and I think we’d finally be able to get past this squabbling to a certain extent.