Pro-life photo of the week: Benham Bros out senators who oppose 20-wk abortion ban
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Backdrop, via, August 27:
About 60 abortion protesters rallied outside Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s Charlotte office Wednesday, hoping to influence not only North Carolina’sSenate election but control of the entire Senate.
The rally, on a South Boulevard sidewalk, was organized by a coalition of anti-abortion groups including the Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee and Family Research Council Action.
It’s part of what organizers call their “Summer of Life Campaign,” which features rallies in the home states of five vulnerable Democratic senators, including Hagan.
Organizers are rallying support for a bill known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. It would ban abortions after 20 weeks.
“By turning a blind eye to this bill, Sen. Hagan proves that she is not only pro-abortion, she proves that she is anti-life,” said David Benham.
He and his twin brother, Jason, made national headlines when HGTV canceled their house-flipping show before it aired because of David Benham’s past comments on gay marriage and abortion.
A lone abortion-rights supporter stood nearby with her own sign.
[Photo via]
David Benham was recorded talking about “homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation.” And, “demonic ideologies” in schools and colleges.
Dude, it’s high time to give that kind of baloney up. HGTV knows it. The Republican Party knows it….
The Husband/Wife has been the definition of marriage as far back as I know in history. Changing the definition so that it can mean something other than that does attack the family as God intended it to be and also attacks the fabric of our nation. It is not baloney. Doug, where do you stand on the 20 week fetal pain law?
truth –
Then you don’t know your Bible very well. What came before husband/wife?
Truthseeker: Changing the definition so that it can mean something other than that does attack the family as God intended it to be and also attacks the fabric of our nation. It is not baloney. Doug, where do you stand on the 20 week fetal pain law?
TS, you’re not addressing all that Benham said. I submit that indeed, it is baloney, and that the Republican party, for instance, knows it and is being pretty darn careful these days to steer clear of it.
I grant that you have your beliefs, but with all due respect, you have no proof. Meanwhile, there definitely are some prejudices that have come down “through the ages,” so to speak.
On “20 weeks” for fetal pain, last time I looked, most states already have restrictions at 24 weeks or so. I think it’s mostly incorrect science combined with certain legislators wanting to ‘grandstand’ a little that has given us the “20 week” deal.
Ugh, the old testament displays a wide variety of marital combinations. There were many men who had multiple wives, concubines, women they kidnapped as captives of war, women they raped who were previously virgins, people married to half sisters, people marrying their dead brothers wife to sire children on behalf of the dead brother and that is off the top of my head. Truthseeker, you need to go back and read large parts of the old testament if you really believe it has always been one man and one woman getting married.
You know what else? There was no Surgeon General back then – in “Old Testament” times – and I bet those people partied hardy.