Judging: The “only sin recognized in an abortion practice”
Ronan tells more about the patients and their reactions to the abortions.
Some cry and shake. One cheekily chatted up the abortion staff and offered them discounts at her jewelry store. Ronan finds the distressed ones much easier to work with, though she stresses that she is not judging the matter-of-fact ones. She says that “Pain breaks down barriers” and makes it easier to do her hand-holding and hair-stroking.
She doesn’t touch on any incongruity between the banality of abortion as a routine medical procedure and the tiny arm in the bucket.
To do so, after all, would be to judge, which seems to be the only sin recognized in an abortion practice.
They’ve been taught, after all, to see no sin in a grown man impregnating an 11-year-old girl….
She accepts the mangled little bodies as the price that is paid for “a woman’s life, allowed to proceed as she wants it to.” As if that 11-year-old girl is a woman whose life, after she leaves the facility, will proceed as she wants it to.
For her, for all but the most flippant women, it’s not over. It’s never over.
~ Christina Dunigan, reacting to a NY Mag piece written by “abortion doula” Alex Ronan, Real Choice, September 18
[Graphic via mommyiscoocoo.com]
Well judging others will never stop. Would anyone call serial killers like Wayne Willams Jeffery Dahmer or Casey Anthony or Susan Smith good human beings? I wouldnt. Can they repent ( well Dahmer is dead ) of course. There are consequences to sin. Abortion is legalized murder. They want to bring up a pregnant 11 year old. Are they gonna turn her rapist in? They will abort the baby and let her get on with her life with the perp. She will be back pregnant again and PP or another clinic will make more $. An 11 year old is a victim. Sorry but grown women are accountable.
I knew a woman who had six abortions and one living child. She was an abusive drunk. Her abortions did drive her to self abuse. My ex got her pregnant and she demanded yet another abortion. It would be her last right to choose. He let her decide. She was really big into that My body My Choice and Dont You Dare Judge Me! Well after abortion 6 a PC hospital couldnt stop her constant vaginal bleeding. The doctor told her that all of the abortions caused the damage and a hysterectomy was performed. She was using abortion as BC. She became deeply depressed after her hysterectomy and my ex found her lsying on a urine soaked couch drunk. He called 911 when he couldnt arouse her. She stayed in ICU for a while and then the psych floor.
Deep down you have got to know that killing your child is wrong. I would bet things like this happen often but nobody blames it on abortion. Shed use cocaine also….imo to numb up. My ex broke up with her and last Id heard she was in AA staying sober. This was back in the 90s. Sad to say a mutual aquantance saw her in a grocery store looped! That was in 2000. Havent heard a word since.
Great reflections by Dunigan. Ronan admits at the end that she sits in bars on summer nights with her friends. Yep, I’d be drinking too if I thought being judgmental was a worse sin than sending vulnerable girls back into danger (after you earn your money for helping them kill their children).
Did you know Dahmer admitted that HE often drank to give himself more nerve to commit his crimes? Hmm.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Simple logic tells you that everyone’s life begins at the beginning, and ends at the end. Abortion is the interruption of the journey of life of the little one so your life may continue unencumbered with the responsibility of caring for that young one.
Abortion enthusiasts know all this. They call the fetus an unwanted passenger inside them, which they may throw overboard and continue their journey, so they know what they’re doing. They depend on the Powers That Be to protect them from any legal responsibility resulting from the abortion.
Society can ignore the abortion, but the effects of abortion on the woman and the man involved, their family and their culture continues on as we all journey through life together. What other choice do we have?
By not judging that abortion kills one and wounds us all, we are judging ourselves, together, as unworthy companions on the journey of life. Only when we accept our brokenness, together, can the journey to the ends of our lives result in healing the original wound.
I appreciate these stories and insights from inside the abortion industry — even though they are grim reading.
They all work so hard to disconnect from reality. They do not respect the women getting abortions, even as they tell themselves that they “must not judge.” They pretend to ignore their own pain, as something dies inside with every child killed. They numb themselves with all sorts of distractions and diversions and self-destructive behaviors.
It is no surprise that they all have that soulless expressions and empty eyes.
The funny thing about this not judging business is that telling others not to judge is itself judgmental.
I just skimmed the original article by the “abortion doula.” The writer is only 23 — same age as the new Miss America.
We want to think that young adults are capable of making mature decisions. It is clear that they have all of the information.
But our culture and our education system do not teach young people how to make moral decisions. There are some very bad principles out there — like “you must not judge” (that is, you must not discern good from evil) and “any free choice is a good choice” (as if there were no bad choices).
We would like to think that every young pro-bort is an intentionally vicious soul like Amanda Marcotte, but many are good-hearted and terribly misguided youths. The pro-life movement is not a political movement (although political action is one of our strategies). We are a battle for the soul of our culture. Every public act of the pro-life movement must be educational in some way, teaching a culture of life. (And every private act must be prayerful in some way, because this culture war is a holy war.)
JDC says:
The funny thing about this not judging business is that telling others not to judge is itself judgmental.
Pope Benedict called it the “Dictatorship of Relativism.”
“Don’t Judge” is just propaganda thrown out there for non-Christians to have a simple response to nay values-based issue from a Christian.
One day I stumbled across this youtube clip _ I don’t know ho this guy is – apparently a comedian who was a liberal and went conservative after his liberal friends repeated the idea that the U.S. genuinely deserved the WTC attacks.
This woke him up that there is genuinely some brain-washing going on. One of his concepts is that to liberals since “discrimination” is a bad thing, the philosophy is that it is not OK to discriminate between frank good and frank bad. – I came up with my realization that liberals have a cult-thinking going on, based on having been a democrat all my life, and talking with many liberal friends and family as the Marxist thought has crept in, deliberately but largely undetected, across the recent decades.
I was surprised, and happy, to see this guy to use the term “cult” and explain the liberal thought process.
When trying to have discussion with a progressive, you are likely talking to someone who cannot sustain critical thought because they are following a cult thinking pattern. Thank God I jumped off that crazy train – I voted for Nadar (?!) rather than vote for Gore in 2000. In the recent 15 years, the cult-thinking has really advanced.
This video is about 48 minutes. It may help you realize the cult-thinking you are up against. These cult members are trained to throw out the “judgmental” diversion as one of their tactics when you are winning the arguments.
Im sure he did 9ek. J Dahmer was from a small town here in Ohio called Bath. It was believed his murder spree began here
In fact Jeffs dad stood by his son..( he called him Jeff throughout the interview ) Booth admitted JD was an alcoholic.
Pure and utter depravity. This country is losing its soul.
Marilyn Monroe had 12 abortions before she was thirty and was never able to carry a baby to term, even though she wanted children. I wonder if this contributed to her depression and suicide?
phillymiss, it wouldn’t surprise me. :( That poor woman was used, abused, and exploited all while being told how “empowered” she was. Norma Jean’s story is heartbreaking.
Why was your ex gossiping to you about another relationship? What did that have to do with you? Why are you now passing second hand gossip along about a third party who has nothing to do with this article? Her life is and was none of your business. Keep reading that Bible. You’ll get to the parts that condemn gossip one of these days.
Again, how does anybody know how many abortions Marilyn Monroe had? Did she write this somewhere? Is this something that has been passed down second or third hand? Was anybody there when she had all of these abortions? Please give me a source for this as the woman is dead and can’t say she did or not. And no, Heather said so because her third cousin was also the lover of Marilyn and he said she told him this was so. Please, give me tbe source of this information.
Its in plenty of books about MM and her abortions. It was also written that shed had one about 15 days before her death. Tenn asks Why did my ex tell me? Idk ask him. Also SHE told me. We knew each other. Not gossip…FACT!:)
Tenn this is a blog about abortion so that is whats discussed here. Im not worried. I assume youre pro abortion. What does the bible say about murder. Or feel free to quote some scripture.
Dont worry, Tenn2 is just trolling.
I beg to differ when people say MM was used and a victim. She was a pretty woman with a great deal of sex appeal who was a middling actress. People have a free will. No one forced her to sleep with RFK or help herself to other women’s husbands. At the end of the day she could have said no.
Same with Bridgette Bardot, who hates men for “using” her. She wasnt complaining when she was a big star. She was an adult woman who made some bad choices.
I was reading about Monica Lewinsky who still insists she was “used” by Bill. He is a creep but she was not a babe in the woods, either. How sad that her greatest claim to fame is being the president’s “side piece.”. The feminist movement talks about how strong women are yet we are at the same time so weak and gullible that we can be swayed and even destroyed so quickly by the dreaded patriarchy. You can’t have it both ways.
What books? And how did they know how many abortions she had. As for your ex’s girlfriend, did she give you permission to repeat it all over the internet. Abortion is not murder. Jesus never said a word about it. In the Old Testament, causing a miscarriage resulted in a fine paid to the husband, in a sense, a payment for lost property. If the woman was killed, the death penalty was imposed. Clearly, in the Old Testament a fetus or embryo was considered different from a living g, breathing woman. I dont believe Christians are under OTHER law but it is one of the few references to the death of a fetus on purpose.
Phillymiss I agree Tenn2 wrong Abortion is murder. Show me some scripture on murder. As far as talking about my ex and his ex gf dont worry…her true identity wont be revealed. Even if it were shed say yep i had 6 abortions.
Phillymiss Monica Lewinski had an abortion but that was before Clinton. I read her book. Ive gotta turn up the heat a bit so Tenn goes crazy!!!
Don’t feed the troll.
If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. (Exodus 21:22–25)
The key phrase is “yet no harm follows.” A pregnant woman may accidentally be injured when two men are fighting, causing her to deliver prematurely, which may have one of two outcomes: death of the fetus or live birth. If death, then the death sentence would be imposed. If live birth, then a fine would be imposed.
Last sentence should have read:
“….If live birth *with harm* [to mother or child], then a fine would be imposed.”
@Phillymiss…sorry Id lost my focus but yes its true and its in Lewinskys book. She did have an abortion prior to her romp with Clinton …..but it wasnt Clintons baby. Gennifer Flowers aborted Clintons child.
Tenn2 enough said. You are pro death so you must deflect. These books are called autobiographies and they are true life stories written about a person. Example former soap star Hunter Tylo wrote a book about her life and her abortion. She said her abortion left her so depressed she would never have another. She has kept her word. Lewinsky said her legal abortion was painful and terrible. Doesnt sound like empowerment to me.
So heather, are you saying you would be totally OK if I posted gossip like*****this is not intended to in anyway indicate I believe any of this, but to be an example of gossip************
My ex told me tbat heather was his ex and she said she had 29 abortions. I can’t prove it now but can when I get home. Ob wait, I can’t. It was in a book or on a website I can’t and refuse to name. Anyvody who asked me to back up my statements is a pro-abort. Also, heatber told me in a confidential conversation she was tbe girlfriend who aborted Robin Williams baby in 79 and that is why he killed himself.
Sound familiar? At least I am being upfront it was satire. Found that part of the Bible that condemns abortion but not gossip and hypocrisy? It isn’t trolling to expect people to live up to the same standards tbey preach.
Tenn2 there are little green men on the moon and the moon is made of green cheese. Ive just called for a spaceship to take me home…not a cab! Happy now?
Tenn 2 post your scripture about murder. The word stands. Come on we are all waiting;) How did you know Id had 29 abortions? Oh goodness me. Land sakes.
Read the part around the asterisk where it says it is purely satire and in no way intended to be true. It was was to make fun of the way you post, as was clearly stated. Reread my post.
Well Tenn 2 DUH! Of course it was. As long as you do not believe aborton is murder we cant move ahead. Please feel free to show scripture about murder gossip and abortion!
Please back your posts up with scripture now! Im waiting ….im betting you cant.
If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. (Exodus 21:22–25)
Great post Doc
@truthseeker: Thanks. I notice “Tenn2” hasn’t responded to my post yet.
“Nothing to see here….move along” tactic of inveterate trolls.
Next tactic: “It was satire.” As if this were a game.
Why is it trolling to call somebody out for being a hypocrite? If you want to use the Bible as your reason for being against homosexuality and abortion (which is never mentioned in the Bible, abortion that is) then you ought to at least pretend to follow what the Bible says. You think I’m mad or upset Heather, but mostly I just find it amusing that you rant and rave when somebody dares asks you for a source or disagrees with you. I don’t expect to change your mind, nor do I expect you to see that you are being just like the Pharisees that Jesus criticized. Also, there is that “do unto others” thing. I doubt you would like you private business spread all over the internet by a second or third party. You know my “29 abortions” was satire, I said it and highlighted. As far as abortion being murder or not, I can’t cite that because it isn’t in there. Don’t worry, I’m done playing with you. I’ve got stuff I actually have to do :)
Exodus 21:22-25 clearly states that anybody who harms an unborn child should then reciprocally have their life terminated by the father of the dead child.
No, it says that the father is to be paid a e determined by a judge. Premature infants did not surviving born earlier than 4-6 weeks. The fine was paid to the father because the child was the property of the father. The fetus was not consideredn a full person while the woman was considered a full person, even if still the property of her husband. Aside from that, Christians are no longer the law. Otherwise, women would segregate themselves during their period, Christians wouldn’t eat shell fish and we wouldn’t wear clothing made of 2 different fibers. Many Bible scholars translate this to mean miscarriage and not premature live birth. Why would the father be paid if the child was born live but fine? There was no loss of property to be compensated for. But, as I said, this was the law of Moses done away with by Christ. In addition, this verse has nothing to do with abortion. It has to do with assault on a pregnant woman that causes a miscarriage she did not consent to.
Premature infants did not surviving born earlier than 4-6 weeks.
Who’s to say the infant was born earlier than 4-6 weeks?
Why would the father be paid if the child was born live but fine? There was no loss of property to be compensated for.
That’s a good question. It isn’t like hitting a pregnant woman (at full-term) so hard that her baby is born could cause any harm or stress to the mother or the child…
Ancient Israel was given the law to prove that more than the law is needed to be righteous, but the law wasn’t done away with.
Christ taught that anyone who even thought about adultery was guilty of adultery. Anyone who even thinks about abortion as legal is guilty of murder. Abortion will never become illegal until everyone thinks of abortion as unthinkable.
Non-believers have trouble believing that the law of God is still in effect. Why should they believe the law of God is still in effect when they don’t even believe in the existence of God?
Jesus taught us that to keep the law, we need grace. To have grace, we need to have contrition for our sins and confess our sins. We must have a plan to amend our lives. We can’t amend our lives just because there’s a law of God. We need grace from God to keep the law of God and amend our lives. If we don’t confess, we don’t receive grace. We receive grace according to the contrition in our hearts. Only God can read our hearts.
We Christians of all people know, or should know, that you can’t keep God’s law without grace. That’s where good judgment comes in. Judgment has to do with justice. How can a person judge rightly without understanding how grace works? They can’t. Therefore, like Jesus on the Cross, we Christians are to be forgiving of those who don’t yet believe: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
All that being said, when someone is obstinate in denying the existence of God, after having quoted scripture against keeping the law of God, then that person is condemned by the same scripture they use to condemn others. Whether they condemn others in ignorance of what God is teaching through his servants the prophets isn’t up to Christians to judge, because we can’t read hearts. Only God can read hearts. But the more obstinate one is in using scripture to condemn scripture, the more likely it is that that person will eventually run into someone who will explain to them how Law AND Grace works.
There are many references to ‘judging’ in the Bible. Read them in context as in all of Wisdom, Chapter 12 to understand verse 22. Judging for us is not damning someone to hell, but is suppose to be about correction to stop them from going there. The Culture of Death has, at a minimum, confused people about sex and the development of babies. The Culture of Life, through the Holy Spirit, is giving them Counsel to use Knowledge and Understanding to see what they are and/or about to do and how to remove themselves from evil. Those are Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Would that we were always surrounded by people with love in their hearts that would point us to God and Heaven and away from Hell on earth and in the hereafter.
Wisdom 12:22 “Therefore to give us a lesson you punish our enemies with measured deliberation so that we may think earnestly of your goodness when we judge, and, when being judged, we may look for mercy.”
Ty DocK. And TS…I hope Tenn and Tenn2 stays gone. I will continue to tell abortion stories and its a no brainer when a woman writes a book and says her abortion was awful. Why would they allow something untrue like that to be published? Ive told the books about many famous people ive read about. Cher Madonna Hunter Tylo M Monroe….also all of the women in the book “The Choices We Made” lil Kim Anne Archer Vanessa Willams Anne Archer Heather Tom Whoopie Goldberg Kathy Najimy. UNLESS THESE LADIES ARE ALL LIARS….THEN THEIR ABORTION STORIES ARE FACT…where on earth do you get gossip? They all have said keep it legal…we have no regrets!!!
Also Nicole Brown Simpson had multiple abortions…Only one from OJ. The rest from casual sex.
Face facts all…ABORTION is birth control for the elite too!
Abortion isnt just for the poor and I personally like to expose the elite just to prove that it isnt a matter of not being able to afford a condom. Our nation sends the message that if it feels good DO IT. Rich women kill their children also. They just use it as the back up plan for an unexpected pregnancy.
Excuses Madonna made in her book for aborting. Going on tour. Shooting a video. Marital problems with Sean Penn. She had at least 3 or 4 from Penn but he didnt care. Hes pc too. Then a man had a fling and impregnated Madonna. She aborted but he was crushed. She wrote the song Beautiful Stranger for him.
And a few abortions from first love Jellybean Benitez. They all add up to 11 but then she begged Dennis Rodman to give her a child. They tried but it never happened. Madonna has always admitted she was a selfish woman and has always maintained “It is all about ME.” Yet you cant deny her popularity.
Also every yr there is the “MARCH FOR WOMENS LIVES” which many popular celebs attend to keep abortion legal! Susan Sarandon showed up pregnant. She post abortive and explained “I was pregnant from a real a**h***” “No way could I have that baby.” Cybil Sheppard goes. Also post abortive. Kathy Najimy is post abortive and wants abortion available for her daughter. Whoopi Goldberg admits to 8 abortions…one performed with a coat hanger on herself at 14 in Central Park. Hmmm somehow I dont buy that. If its so easy Whoopi then why do we need a clinic? Seems at 14 yours went off without a hitch! Suzanne Sommers and Linda Ellerbe both attend and both women had breast cancer. Bonnie Franklin was a regular but she passed away. She was not post abortive but whats the difference? Also Billy Jean King is post abortive and attends. They chant ” We wont go back.”
March For Womens Lives? I guess they have never visited the Cemetery of Choice. The site where tons of women have died from safe legal abortion. Lakisha Wilson has just made that list as of April 2014. The 22 year old came from Columbus where Preterm told her they would abort her baby despite a Columbus and Akron clinic telling her she was too far along. She died on the abortion table at preterm from cardiac arrest. Had she not been given the green light by an inept abortion staff she would still be alive today. But nooooo the elite have an agenda to promote so to heck with that girl.
I thought the March for Women’s Lives was a one-time thing, to protest the partial-birth abortion ban and George W. Bush.