please don't judge me (1)by Kelli

Ronan tells more about the patients and their reactions to the abortions.

Some cry and shake. One cheekily chatted up the abortion staff and offered them discounts at her jewelry store. Ronan finds the distressed ones much easier to work with, though she stresses that she is not judging the matter-of-fact ones. She says that “Pain breaks down barriers” and makes it easier to do her hand-holding and hair-stroking.

She doesn’t touch on any incongruity between the banality of abortion as a routine medical procedure and the tiny arm in the bucket.

To do so, after all, would be to judge, which seems to be the only sin recognized in an abortion practice.

They’ve been taught, after all, to see no sin in a grown man impregnating an 11-year-old girl….

She accepts the mangled little bodies as the price that is paid for “a woman’s life, allowed to proceed as she wants it to.” As if that 11-year-old girl is a woman whose life, after she leaves the facility, will proceed as she wants it to.

For her, for all but the most flippant women, it’s not over. It’s never over.

~ Christina Dunigan, reacting to a NY Mag piece written by “abortion doula” Alex Ronan, Real Choice, September 18

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