Stanek weekend Q: Thoughts on love letter aborting mother wrote to her “Little Thing”?
Cosmopolitan published a love letter an aborting mother wrote to the baby she was planning to abort October 17, who she called “Little Thing.” So this baby has likely now been suctioned and chopped to little pieces.
The mother made her ghastly intent sound poetic, which Cosmo said proved aborting mothers aren’t “emotionless robots who have not given any thought to the decision they are making.”
Rather, I wanted to vomit. Aside from melodic rubbish, the mother wrote a lot that didn’t make sense, such as “I promise I will see you again, and next time, you can call me Mom.”
Where, in heaven? She thinks God will reward her for killing her baby by letting them cosmically float together again in the afterlife, where the Mom can live in blissful eternity with the child she murdered?
Or perhaps she believes in reincarnation, imagining her aborted baby would want to return to her savage uterus for a do-over. Does she think she deserves this reward?
I don’t know. In my mind this letter was a psychotic, dissociated, very disturbing mess wrapped in a pretty bow. What do you see?
Little Thing:
I can feel you in there. I’ve got twice the appetite and half the energy. It breaks my heart that I don’t feel the enchantment that I’m supposed to feel. I am both sorry and not sorry.
I am sorry that this is goodbye. I’m sad that I’ll never get to meet you. You could have your father’s eyes and my nose and we could make our own traditions, be a family. But, Little Thing, we will meet again. I promise that the next time I see that little blue plus, the next time you are in the same reality as me, I will be ready for you.
Little Thing, I want you to be happy. More than I want good things for myself, I want the best things for the future. That’s why I can’t be your mother right now. I am still growing myself. It wouldn’t be fair to bring a new life into a world where I am still haunted by ghosts of the life I’ve lived. I want you to have all the things I didn’t have when I was a child. I want you to be better than I ever was and more magnificent than I ever could be. I can’t do to you what was done to me: Plant a seed made of love and spontaneity into a garden, and hope that it will grow on only dreams. Love and spontaneity are beautiful, but they have little merit. And while I have plenty of dreams to go around, dreams are not an effective enough tool for you to build a better tomorrow. I can’t bring you here. Not like this.
I love you, Little Thing, and I wish the circumstances were different. I promise I will see you again, and next time, you can call me Mom.

[…] Stanek weekend Q: Thoughts on love letter aborting mother wrote to her “Little Thing”? […]
What a crock of s__t. This woman is clearly psychotic. “I cant give you what you need” are you kidding me? How about life? Why isn’t life one of the baby’s options? This is beyond sick. That poor baby. He/she was brutally murdered. Let’s call a spade a spade. This article is sugar coated self serving bs.
Sounds like a great argument for adoption, not murdering and destroying “Little Thing”.
What a bizarre way of rationalizing the murder of her own child.
“In my mind this letter was a psychotic, dissociated, very disturbing mess wrapped in a pretty bow. What do you see?”
This young woman is a victim of cafeteria religion. She’s borrowing the buddhist idea that children choose their parents and when to be born, and that abortion simple empowers a child to return to the ether and choose to be born another time. It’s a disturbing take on reincarnation and a pretty common belief among young adults. We need to know how to help them think this through and show them God’s truth in love. It’s tragic that her maternal instinct has been so exploited.
Former mod Carla Stream and I will be discussing this mindset on Cradle My Heart Radio tomorrow night. Would love your voice there too!
“Where, in heaven? She thinks God will reward her for killing her baby by letting them cosmically float together again in the afterlife, where the Mom can live in blissful eternity with the child she murdered?”
That’s kind of harsh, Jill. There’s always the opportunity for forgiveness and redemption through Jesus. Presuming that she has gone through with the abortion, I pray that one day she -is- reunited with that child in Heaven.
Depraved and demented. Now alongside that article are probably some tips on “Keeping Your Man Happyin Bed and Out!”
Dear Mama,
I received your letter. By the time you read this, maybe I will be gone from your life. I hope not. In case I am still here, I am writing these words to beg you to change your mind.
In the first line of your letter you told me you could feel me. I can feel you, too. Not only can I feel you, but I can hear you and smell you and taste you……
That’s as far as I got. I couldn’t read the rest. I don’t need to. That letter is soul-deep, written in my heart. I’ve prayed this letter, many times, at abortmills. Tears and prayers to heaven. God help us all.
“I’m sad that I’ll never get to meet you”
and two sentences later
“we will meet again”
Well, she’s put her cognitive dissonance on public display. I’ll be praying for her and her child. Her letter is pathetic, not poetic.
No one knows what she has experienced or where she is coming from. I am not saying what she wrote is right or that there is ever a reason to abort, but obviously she is not right. Pray for her.
It reminds me of an abortion clinic that was in PA..don’t know if it still exists…it was called the November Gang and the moms would write notes to their babies before they aborted them and they would be hanging on the walls….
I’m not really convinced this letter to “Little Thing” is even authentic. It’s too slick for me. I have to admit that addressing the letter to “Little Thing” is pure genius. It’s probably written by a Planned Barrenhood marketer. They have plenty of Tax Dollars to spend on marketing.
Abortion is a business. A business with a PR problem. Mid-terms are coming up and the marshmallow middle-grounders need something soft and sweet to bite down on right about now. Something to talk down their consciences. The timing is perfect and this letter is going viral. Too slick by half, in my estimation.
The original letter was posted on Reddit (an online forum), so I’m pretty sure it’s authentic. I’ve seen similar there before.
I see this as her way of trying to distance herself and justify her decision. I don’t think she is depraved, really. I think she’s in a lot of pain and trying desperately to hide it.
I never wrote so much as a haiku to my wisdom teeth.
So, abortion fans seem to be liking this letter, but it does contradict their ‘without apology’ banners.
This makes me think of Paul Simon’s “Mother and Child Reunion”……………
I liked the letter. Although she obviously made a very poor decision, she showed that she *does* realize her baby is a baby. This was a nice break from the unapologetic I-murdered-my-baby-and-I’m-not-sorry stories we usually hear from the anti-life side. Hopefully she will see the error of her ways, and I hope she does get to meet her baby, either in Heaven or in the form of another child (if reincarnation is real).
How awful. Change just a few words, and the letter to “little thing” becomes a lovely farewell to a child placed for adoption, with a very real chance of meeting again one day.
Why do so many people think the only options are raising an unplanned child in poverty, hunger, and filth…or killing him before he can breathe?
It’s probably written by a Planned Barrenhood marketer. They have plenty of Tax Dollars to spend on marketing. Abortion is a business. A business with a PR problem. Mid-terms are coming up and the marshmallow middle-grounders need something soft and sweet to bite down on right about now. Something to talk down their consciences.
I think this is a distinct possibility. I agree with your rationale.
I also think it is possible that it was written by a woman (or women collaborating together) in an attempt to invoke sympathy for killing little babies. I just hope that rational minds prevail, aren’t swayed by it.
I also agree with the poster who remarked on the syncretism of different faiths. Good point.
Mike, I loved Paul Simon’s song “Mother and Child Reunion”. And his song “Loves Me Like a Rock”.
But the pic did not bring either of those songs to my mind. What it immediately reminded me of is the Beatles album that featured a grotesque display of dismembered dolls.
I don’t know if you ever saw that (seems the album was quickly yanked off shelves and given another cover), but the pic with this article immediately reminded me of it.,,49992,00.html