Pro-life vid: Pro-choice writer says pro-lifers winning the war
by Kelli
With the failure of two Personhood amendments this election cycle in North Dakota and Colorado, pro-choice groups breathed a collective sigh of relief. But in this Vox video, pro-choice journalist Sarah Kliff (who infamously claimed she didn’t write about Kermit Gosnell because it was a “local crime”) reflects on how the pro-life movement is winning the larger war:
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When Kliff talks about the young law student who came up with the personhood idea, Kliff says the student was “driven by her belief that life begins at conception.”
No, the law student was driven by her KNOWLEDGE that life begins at conception, not her BELIEF.
Why can’t Kliff differentiate between scientific facts and beliefs?
This is why we need abolitionists and incrementalism.
Personhood lost in Colorado. And since then, personhood has appeared and reappeared several more state ballots. More people know. More people are talking about it. Personhood will come up, every time we talk about sanitary conditions, building codes, and admitting privileges.
Personhood has been defeated in elections. Just like gay-marriage was defeated and kept reappearing.
The pro-borts like S.Kliff know that personhood will be back. And they have reason to be afraid. Americans are turning pro-life.
“Why can’t Kliff differentiate between scientific facts and beliefs?”
It is an affliction peculiar to all bigots, no matter their gender, race, nationality, ethnicity or religion.
Suggest anyone who does not ‘get it’ to view the movie ‘django unchained’.
samuel jacksosn does an excellent job of portraying a black slave democRAT who is so unwilling to jeopardize his privileged position in the big house that he gleefully betrays his fellow slaves to their white master in the hope that it will garner him continued favor. [Think of jesse jackson, al sharpton, maxine waters, etc., and of course, the boRAT.]
samuel jackson is exceedingly envious of django because he believes him to be a free black man who is slave trader who he sees in an inappropriately higher position than himself in the black slave culture. [Remember Jesse Jackson wanted to castrate the boRAT for talking down to the [‘n’ word].
just more evidence that humans are stupid and democRATs labor ceaselessly to keep themselves and their deluded followers as dumb as rocks.
one warning: the ‘n’ word is tossed around promiscuously. I haven not heard it used that much in a hour an half since I spent three days the King County jail with a bunch of black males. That was 20 years ago, but I assure you the culture on the democRAT plantation has not changed.
Um, what is an “unborn fetus?”
While democRAT spokesweasels and feminista liars whine about the ‘republican war on women’ the jew hating jihadists have amped up their efforts to fund their military campaign by peddling human flesh:
Translating the ISIS document, the news site revealed, “The market to sell women and spoils of war has been experiencing a significant decrease, which has adversely affected ISIS revenue and financing of the Mujahideen.”
In response, the group determined specific prices for [non-muslim] women and children, while “vowing to execute whoever violates those controls.” This is the worth of a human life, according to ISIS:
•A woman, 40 to 50-years-old: 50,000 dinars. ($42.90)
•A woman, 30 to 40-years-old: 75,000 dinars. ($64.35)
•A woman, 20 to 30-years-old: 100,000 dinars. ($85.80)
•A girl, 10 to 20-years-old: 150,000 dinars. ($128.70)
•A child, 1 to 9-years-old: 200,000 dinars. ($171.60)
New York Post, Daily Mail, RT, International Business Times, Opposing Views and Christianity Today are among the few outlets to report on the story.
[We are told there are over one billion muslims on the planet and the vast majority are moderate, god fearing, peace loving people and these jew hating jihadists only represent a minuscule fraction. Well one billion people ought to be able to make a pretty loud noise if they were raising their combined voices in opposition to the bums who have hijacked their religion.]
“Translating the ISIS document, the news site revealed, “The market to sell women and spoils of war has been experiencing a significant decrease, which has adversely affected ISIS revenue and financing of the Mujahideen.””
[No comment yet from the boRAT or any of her designated deomcRAT deceivers.]
[If Bo Bergdahl was worth 5 jihadists, then how many non-muslim females can be ransomed for the rest of the jihadists we have incarcerated at Guantanamo? Hell, the boRAT is welcoming unaccompanied minors from Central America. Surely she can save some these non-muslim girls who are pows in the jihadist war on non-muslim women.]
“Um, what is an “unborn fetus?”
A highly redundant way of saying fetus, given that fetuses by definition have not been born.
I commented on the video as follows:
“unborn fetuses”…? Really?
Not *all* “unborn fetuses”, lady. Someone doesn’t know basic science. “Fetus” is not a species or type of organism. It’s just a stage of life of certain animals, one of those animals happens to be a human being. All “unborn fetuses” don’t have to be protected under Personhood Amendments. Just “unborn fetuses” which belong to the species homo sapiens sapiens, which happens to make them human beings (otherwise known as “persons”, by definition).
“…driven by *her belief* that life begins at conception…”
Far from just a belief. Once again, basic reproductive science in the case of placental mammals. Once two gametes of opposite sex combine, the gametes cease to exist and at least one new, very young living (human) organism is created (otherwise known as a “child”, according to the dictionary)-barring certain genetic abnormalities or diseases, of course.
“It failed.”
If most of the voters are as scientifically illiterate as yourself, it’s no surprise, especially when millions of dollars of abortion industry money is thrown at advertising outright lies to keep the blood money flowing. Especially when you’re lying right here by saying things like Personhood Amendments would “…ban things like in vitro fertilization…”-it would not. It might limit the amount of embryos one can create at a time, and in doing so make certain that all are given their chance at life rather than killed/discarded, but it wouldn’t absolutely and outright ban IVF treatments. Liar.
Incrementalism is great, but what we, the Pro-Life Movement as a whole, needs is more resources to fight the 24/7 disinformation surrounding Personhood Amendments, and aggressive, highly-educated, and world-tested (read that as “woman of child-bearing years from a mixed ethnic and economic background”) individuals to relay the information in an effective way.
From a link over at
But (PP’s rep) said abortion opponents claiming credit for the election victories is “business as usual.”
“For them, everything is about this issue,” she said. “Everything is claiming victory.”
Everything is about life-ending abortion now, just as everything was about freedom-depriving slavery before the Civil War. Try to legislate a budget or amend a healthcare plan without talking about abortion, if you can.
And everything is victory. We win even when we lose. Every time we talk about life and abortion there are some in the culture who are moved closer to supporting life.
The only thing that can defeat us is silence.
I agree with everything said above, but I was actually impressed by the fact that she accurately described the opposition’s beliefs (granted her science is off, but is has to be to be pro-choice) rather than trying to claim they were motivated by misogyny or what have you.
I noticed the percentage of votes against the Personhood Amendments dropped a few percentage points in each of the subsequent elections.
They’ve found out the issues to spread disinformation about after the Mississippi battle:
1.) Miscarriages
2.) Birth Control
3.) IVF
-As long as they keep the people in fear that those three things will be infringed upon by this law (THEY WON’T BE), Personhood will lose.
•A woman, 40 to 50-years-old: 50,000 dinars. ($42.90) – See more at:
I guess women over fifty like myself are just shot!