Sunday Word: “When you’ve finished destroying, you will be destroyed”
How horrible it will be for you, you destroyer,
although you haven’t been destroyed.
How horrible it will be for you, you traitor,
although you haven’t been betrayed.
When you’ve finished destroying,
you will be destroyed.
When you’ve finished being a traitor,
you will be betrayed.
~ Isaiah 33:1, God’s Word translation
oh boy do I love THAT saying. I just don’t get it….Especially a MOTHER having a late term abortion. You can feel that baby exit your body. Sometimes it is so very hard not to hate them. 50% to the abortionist and 50% to the mother.
That is what has happened to your baby so that you may enjoy your child free life. He or She is in the garbage.
Barbaric, demonic, unspeakably cruel, evil, horrific.
Evidence of the depravity of man.
The fact that so many ignore this pervasive injustice and cruelty is further evidence of the depravity of man.
(I include myself, #needtodomore)
How can anyone not be moved by looking at that picture? The inhumanity makes me want to weep. All a child wants is to love and be loved by you.
God will bring justice.
How do Barack and Michelle Obama sleep at night knowing they fight to try and keep partial birth abortion legal? And how does a DemocRAT sleep at night knowing they support these kind of people as their leaders?